Cracked Komplete Libraries in KK/Maschine

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by d.rac, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. d.rac

    d.rac Newbie

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but I've spent the past 6 hours trying to solve this and no success.

    I have Komplete Ultimate 12 (cracked), and everything works fine in Kontakt. KK works fine for non-Kontakt instruments, but (using AR50 as an example) Kontakt Instruments result in the ""Could not Load Plug-in" pop up. Maschine also refuses to load there as well.

    Kontakt works fine as a plug in and standalone just fine. KK works fine providing you stick to non-library based instruments (Absynth, Massive etc work). Maschine works similarly.

    I've tried batch resaving the affected libraries, I've tried exporting as a new nki, I'm honestly at a loss as to what else to try, and just forgetting that KK exists for the time being, and bothering with Maschine when I get to that. Nothing works at all, same exact error messages.

    Komplete 6.2.2
    KK 2.3.0
    Maschine 2.10.0

    All R2R
  3. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    I had something similar where I could load instruments in Kontakt but they either wouldn't load or wouldn't even show in KK.

    I believe the fix was to load KK standalone and have it rescan everything (you mentioned loading Kontakt standalone but not Komplete).
    If you've never ran Komplete standalone it should start scanning on its own but if it doesn't go to Preferences>Library>Rescan.
    Also remember every time you add a library to kontakt you also have to rescan with kk in order for it to play nice in kk.

    Exact same process with Maschine... for whatever reason they all have to scan each library themselves, they don't just take kontakt's word for it. :dunno:
  4. d.rac

    d.rac Newbie

    Jul 16, 2020
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    They're showing up in KK, just refusing to load, bafflingly.
  5. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I'm sure you already checked ..but just in case..

    I don't use KK but it should be the same for Maschine. If I if I recall correctly all NKS db files are stored in their own place (usually Users - Public - Public Documents.. but this can differ) and everything will show in e.g. Maschine HW/SW (probably same for KK).

    The "could not load" error comes up, when the location of the plugin is not scanned. So, just in case double check that your Kontakt .dll path is added in Preferences - Plugins and rescanned.

    (I have everything NI legit, but don't think that matters..;)
  6. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    I had same problem with legit KK and legit libraries. Solved by updating my Win7 to latest version. Update your OS to see if it solves the issue.
  7. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    all is working but update your oldies...

    komplete kontrol 2.3.0 don't need fix, it is a free application. (R2R is 2.1.6)
    kontakt is 6.3.1 (the last R2R is 5)
    maschine 2.10.1 (R2R is 2.6.5)

    say all R2R is absolutely wrong.
    stop talking of cracked library, only players are unlocked. all the sound contents are genuine.

    download again Abbey Road 50 to repair your broken files.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    @bobdule non of what you said is helpful. Even tho Komplete Kontrol is "free", if you're using k'd kontakt you still need to use k'd komplete kontrol. ...And Maschine for that matter. If any one of these 3 is k'd (typically starts with kontakt to load non legit libraries or maschine to load non legit expansions) then they all need to be k'd or they won't load each others stuff. I actually own legit komplete ultimate and a mk3 and it took me a while to come to this conclusion.

    Also he should be able to fix this issue whether he's on the most recent version or not...

    Also correcting him on legit vs non legit kontakt libraries is just petty at this point and does nothing towards solving his problem.

    @d.rac From your reply it sounds like you didn't even try what I suggested. Just humor me and run the scan, I know it sucks if you have a large library as it takes some time but I'm almost certain it will fix your problem.
  9. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    technically only kontakt and maschine have to be fixed.
    your conclusion is a joke.

    the trouble here is a content location broken, destroyed by the user itself, saying all R2R and cracked libraries when it is not.
    the solution is to re install/re assemble the library to return to the original working status.

    nothing to see with a scan order or something to believe.
  10. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    SMH ...Look this is simple.

    Komplete Kontrol will not load Kontakt Libraries until it has scanned them (even if they are working in kontakt).
    Maschine will not load Kontakt Libraries until it has scanned them (even if they are working in kontakt).
    Komplete Kontrol will not load maschine expansions until it has scanned them (even if they are working in maschine).

    He can re-install a million times but if he never lets each program scan them, they will not work.

    If he gets this all working but installs another kontakt library tomorrow, it will not load in komplete kontrol until komplete kontrol scans it.
    If he gets this all working but installs another kontakt library tomorrow, it will not load in maschine until maschine scans it.

    This scan point applies even if EVERYTHING involved is legit.

    I should also make it clear that these scans need to be run in standalone not as a plugin in a daw.

    If you have non legit kontakt libraries then you need k'd kontakt to load them.
    If you have K'd kontakt then komplete also needs to be k'd to load the kontakt libraries.
    If you have K'd kontakt then maschine also needs to be k'd to load the kontakt libraires.

    Its not that far fetched to think a developer would be smart enough to make one of their products check if another of their products is legit or not :facepalm:... Thus even if its free, it needs to have that check removed, THUS its been modified/k'd at that point.
  11. d.rac

    d.rac Newbie

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Thanks for responding. Apologies, my previous reply was fairly useless. I've rescanned both in KK and in Kontakt (I know you didn't suggest the latter, but just to be thorough and get everything reloaded) and still the same problem.

    I've got K'd kontakt, and everything works in there. They are appearing as instruments, I just click the little button when I hover over them (or try and load an instrument) and it refuses to load them. I can run the instruments fine in Kontakt, and I can run non-Kontakt instruments in KK fine as well.

    I really do appreciate your time and expertise. I also fully intend on getting it all legit when finances permit, if nothing else than to make my life easier.
  12. d.rac

    d.rac Newbie

    Jul 16, 2020
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    A few additional observations:

    *Absynth, Battery, and FM8 are all openable from the drop down, but don't appear in the All Instruments panel, nor are any presets available when they're selected from the drop down.

    The hypothesis I'm currently running on is due to there being some legit items in there (the free ones) that's thrown everything else off. Will try to reinstall the offending programs and go from there.

    Will report back.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020
  13. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    there is a problem with kontakt on mac, loosing the library content.
    ni forum
    what is your os?
  14. d.rac

    d.rac Newbie

    Jul 16, 2020
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    It now works, and I have no idea why. I uninstalled kontakt and KK, reinstalled both them and all the instruments, and it seems to work now. It take about 10 minutes or so to load KK every time I boot it standalone (not investigated it as a plugin yet), but that's a separate issue.

    To anyone else who is having the same issues, reinstall everything, rescan in every program you can and some part of it should work.

    Thanks for all the help, much appreciated!