How do you feel about your music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Yeah, maybe a strange question...

    I just want to know how you guys feel about your music, what the music means to you.

    Why do you even make music? Is it still the same reason who made you start producing music?

    Where do you wanna go with your music? Can you even think of stopping???

    Im curious, tell me *yes*
  3. olson

    olson Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Hamburg, Germany
    started by being impressed by really hard "schranz" / hardtechno sounds like DJ Rush, Chris Liebing (detroit sound),viper xxl, arkus p , robert natus and so on -

    now it all changed

    i only make music to impress chicks :hug:

    4-5 years ago i did a lot of drugs and making musik was really a language i could translate my feelings ,

    stopping that made making music a little bit difficult for me
    being patient
    being concentrated
    being totally into it
    its over - im working on that - the time will come
  4. SpectricsMusic

    SpectricsMusic Newbie

    Apr 1, 2013
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    yeah m8 to get all the hunneys u know?
  5. bigdssf

    bigdssf Newbie

    Nov 19, 2011
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    I went to a friends house and he had a keyboard with the usual gm instruments. I was intrigued and got one for a bday or something. I started making it because I always loved the emotion music gave me. Throughout the years I wanted to be on the radio and all that.. Did it.. Not nationally but whatever. Worked with some artists i listened to growing up.. anyway I still do it because I love trying to out do my last instrumental. Don't care for the money or fame part. Wouldn't mind money from it but music is its own gift. One goal I do have is to do a record with nas. Interested to see why everyone else does it, well besides for the beeeeeeyotches
  6. olson

    olson Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Hamburg, Germany
    i play guitar since im 8 y and drums since im 12 y old - playing theese instruments is total different feeling to me than playing the keyboard (started 3 years ago) or my mpc -

    falling in trance i just possible when i play the guitar or drums

    but its all about the eletromusic - maybe ill get that feeling someday too making music at my computer

    i wonder if any body reached this status ?! :)
  7. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    i laughed so loud! what movie is that? :rofl:

    Someone, thanks for the topic! :mates:
  8. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    its a TV Series, called "Community"... I actually started watching it again because of this picture :rofl: Its funny as hell *yes*

  9. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I know what you mean. Did that, too, mostly in school :rofl:
    I could get completly lost in my fantasy. I guess somebody could start a fire right in front of me, I wouldnt recognize it...

    Thats why I decided to make Hip Hop. I can adopt any genre, but still make a hip hop beat. I also like to explore new stuff all the time. I cant understand how you can hold on to one genre a life long... :dunno:

    Sometimes I get the feeling Im the only one dont doing drugs...

    Same for me, well somehow... Started with hands up, sensell party techno. Today I can only listen to that stuff when Im drunk :dunno:
    But now it all changed...

    Do you have success with it? I never tell girls Im a music producer, dont think that would impress them... Or am I wrong?

    Well I dont play any instrument, not even a keyboard or MPC, so I dont know what feeling you're talking about. But i can get lost while making music, then I just sit infront of my PC and let the music take over, listen to the same loops for hours...


    By the way: Always wonder how other producers listen to music. I dont mean stuff like analyzing everything. I can listen to the exact same song for hours, just fall in love with it. I barely know anybody who can listen to the same song more than three times in a row...
  10. olson

    olson Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Hamburg, Germany
    i have one and the same girlfriend over 5 years
    playing an instrument seems to be more effective - but yes, i met some girls they found me interesting because they heard music from me ;)

    but all in all: i was kidding a bit
  11. olson

    olson Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Hamburg, Germany

    season three, episode 22
  12. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Hi "somebody", I think it's not a strange question but a question that every serious musician should always think & think again regularly.

    Q: What the music means to you?
    A: Before 2013, music=life. After 2012, music=nothing...

    Q: Why do you even make music?
    A: I dont wanna waste of my inborn talent

    Q: Is it still the same reason who made you start producing music?
    A: Nope, now I start by releasing emotion only

    Q: Where do you wanna go with your music?
    A: ???

    Q: Can you even think of stopping???
    A: Yes, anytime.
  13. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    My adventure with music starts long time ago *yes* As a psytrance dj. I personally got infected from artists such as Astrix, Indra, Eskimo, System Nipel, Vibe Tribe I can count them endlessly :grooves: But the greatest influence on me have classical music.

    How do I feel about my music ?

    Mostly I am happy, sometimes sad, other day pissed off :D Combining these three things together = FEELS GOOD MAN !

    Where do you wanna go with your music?

    On world stage !

    Can you even think of stopping?

    Nope, I enjoy even if nothing comes out
  14. BoomBEZEL

    BoomBEZEL Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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    I've been in love with music since a youngin' man even had the fisher price xylophone growing up, I guess my passion got serious around age 10 or 12 when dancing was more popular in the hip-hop culture that's mainly what started it, me listening to Freaky Nasty and other popular 90's music aahhhh.. miss those days man. So fast foward to today's quest I just plan to make Club Hit Music and keep it well alive no matter what genre it is. :break: 
  15. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Someone,

    I feel like 'James Brown' :dancing: , so... "I FEEEL GOOOOOOOOD !!!" *yes* :wink: :blues:

    Music is for me the only 'woman' which I can use to 'cuckold' my wife without undergoing irrecoverable damages !!! *yes* :rofl:

    Definitely... YES ! *yes*

    Straight on a wall ! :rofl:

    The wall will undoubtedly stop me !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  16. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I see a lot of people who watch television and listen to the music on the radio without asking themselves if they like what they see or hear. It's like they are numb. It's like you have to like certain music because it's on the billboard. You have to like a certain movie because it's labelled as a blockbuster.

    I don't want to be numb, I force myself to think about music, by creating it myself. Creating music is a hobby but it's also a necessity. I'm a lot happier since I started creating music.

    I don't say my music is better than others, I'm afraid it's not that good at all, but at least I tried, instead of being a cough potato and turn off my brain.

    Being creative is a way of changing the world. I wihs more people would try it...
  17. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    That post is so true, thanks manducator :wink:

    Its true, most people just live without trying to think about anything... They just accept what others serve them. Even very smart people do that. Even creative people do that...

  18. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    I feel like I'm finally hearing the results that I want with the music I choose to produce. It means a lot to me because music makes the world go round and since I'm part of it, naturally I want to contribute to the momentum.

    I make music because its the ultimate as far as the performance arts are concerned. That's obviously subjective, but if you were to take music out of all the other performance arts, you would lose something irreplaceable. Imagine dance, film, plays, and even art without music, that shite would be dull as hell! Theres a reason why its the oldest of them all and why every culture embraces music.

    I started producing music because I felt that I had what it took to be that character.

    I'm willing to go as far as it can take me. No point in stopping if theres a constant progression.

  19. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Haven't touched my instruments, or made music in 2 years. I just listen to music made by others, and download music software (makes me feel like it's Xmas or my birthday every day). The prescription drugs I'm taking keep me on an even keel, but kill creativity. It's just a price I'm willing to pay at this time in my life, but who knows, things may change. I'm beginning to get the urge to start up again, which may be a good sign. :unsure:
  20. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    As for myself, most of the time i don't make music, but remix it.

    There's a certain type of remix that the studios don't do right much of the time, and it's relatively easy for me to be better than them.

    Also, for learning purposes.

    I learn what's possible, how to do things, how to use things, how plugins work, what's missing in the scene, etc.
  21. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    I'm 4 years deep and I'd say I'm still years (or more) away from achieving greatness. For me, music has been a journey of self discipline. I've had to change a lot about my life in order to develop the skill I have now. As I grow, mature and learn I take a few more steps toward mastery. I like to keep the music simple and convey emotion and feelings that cannot be verbalized, yet understood perfectly. It doesn't always have to "make sense" but it has to have some kind of emotion behind it, I want the listener to feel the music. I will spend as many years as I need to in order to sculpt the piece as intended. More than anything I want to create something beautiful that has never been heard before, I can't copy another artist but I can and do get great ideas from many artists. I'll admit I wanted to be the guy in the lime light when I started but as I progress and grow with the craft the more I realize that I don't want to be that guy anymore. The sonic dimension is a beautiful place, I don't think I could ever give up or quit knowing the impact that it has had on our culture and on me. I love music more than club gigs and "bitches" but everything is ok in moderation, right? :dunno: