Eurobass 2 - suspiciously huge download

Discussion in 'Software' started by slab52, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. slab52

    slab52 Newbie

    Mar 19, 2020
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    So the size of this library, once installed on disk, is just shy of 7 gigs. But when the instrument is loaded into Kontakt it eats up only about 500mb of RAM.

    Unlike a drums library where there's all kinds of alternate kicks, snares cymbals etc. which have to be loaded from HD while you wait, Eurobass really seems to load the entire instrument. Switching from DI to amp tones doesn't cause the sample status bar to turn yellow while it loads different ones from disk, so it must just be post-processing the samples already in RAM. What on earth is taking up the other 6gb on my hard drive?!

  3. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    what youve never used kontact liberies before some orchestral packs i have are around 30 gig shreddage another guitar type plugin for Kontact thats around 10 so thats actually pretty good.
  4. HorusAnd

    HorusAnd Member

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Yeah, looks normal to me and the disk usage is pretty low in comparison to other libraries. You can run a batch sample compression which will probably reduce the overall size of the library but, once again, seems normal to me :wink:
  5. ELpH

    ELpH Kapellmeister

    May 9, 2012
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    Best Answer
    A huge factor in how much RAM an instrument uses is how many articulations and velocity layers there are vs how long the trails are.

    Kontakt is designed to save RAM by loading only the beginning of each sound into RAM (using "DFD"), so that the trails are then loaded "on the fly" as you trigger each sound. A drum library for example uses a lot of RAM because there are so many different articulations and layers.

    For example, take a look at how many files need to be loaded for just one Snare (1 of 96 groups), in the Modern Drummer instrument:


    I haven't checked out the bass yet, but it probably has long trails for the sustain of each note.

    You can check this by taking a look at the group editor and the mapping editor as shown above.
  6. slab52

    slab52 Newbie

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Wow, right you are. That explains why Kontakt shows disk activity even after the instrument's been loaded. I was under the assumption that the entire instrument was being loaded into RAM because if samples had to play straight from HD the seek time would ensure you'd never hear the note in time. But only loading the initial attacks solves that problem.

    In a way it reminds me of the old Roland D-50 - sample memory was too expensive to make it a ROMpler so they sampled the attacks and the synthesis engine filled in the rest! Thanks for your answer!
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