Shut down of my Studio - ( bcuz of corona)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 0on3, Apr 15, 2020.

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  1. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    The studio that recorded the Dixie Chicks had cooties for months after their sessions...
  2. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Our studio is virtually closed by law. When multi-track recordings are made, certain conditions have to be met, which are not always feasible.

    Nobody in our company is seriously concerned about the virus. Firstly, the virus spreads by droplets and cannot survive on surfaces. Secondly, this virus is no longer present in the population. The percentage of those who test positive is somewhere around 0.0005%.

    At the moment it looks like the studio will not survive the shutdown financially :(
  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Of course I can understand your fear that by authorities taking measures to protect against Corona, a smaller company is fighting for economic survival.
    My daughter is a biologist and therefore - whether I like it or not - I am relatively well informed about the current state of research.

    Even if you might prefer older and outdated findings, evidence has now been found that the virus (like almost all other germs) can very well survive for a longer period of time on surfaces (*). In addition, the information that transmission takes place only by droplets is now outdated. Rather, it is becoming increasingly clear that the infection is caused by aerosols that persist in enclosed spaces for longer periods of time. This is true especially if the ventilation of a room is poor.

    However, I agree with you that many measures are either inappropriately extreme or simply technically wrong. Here, the authorities sometimes exaggerate it excessively. As court rulings then also prove. It just doesn't do me any good if I've gone bankrupt in the meantime. I would therefore recommend, if inappropriate measures are taken, to instantly sue the relevant authority. The success can be seen in Gütersloh, Germany, for example, where the measures of administration had to be revoked due to the decision of the administrative court.

    * Thieme, "Medizinische Virologie" 2. Edition, page 176. Infectivity of viruses on dry surfaces (worst scenario for a virus)
    - SARS CoV 72-96 hours (SARS outbreak 2002)
    - SARS CoV 2 ongoing research:
    ......Study of Ruhr University Bochum 2020, s.: Deutsche Ärzteblatt 06/2020.
    ......Seasonal temperature 30 °C: 17,9h, 4°C 12,9h (Half-life period, in wich half of the count of viruses survive)
    - other Corona Viruses 3 hours
    - HIV > 7 days
    - Hepatitis A up to 60 days
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
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  4. WizzDome71

    WizzDome71 Producer

    Apr 23, 2020
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    i am a gas mask singer i guess i could record in your studio @Oon3 ^^
    btw are you the Oon3 we all know from sister site?

    also have to consider that the virus can travel in the air (up to 4 meters according to the WHO)
    the only real solution is MASSIVE TESTING, DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT but who knows why:facepalm: (we all know why actually), some people don't want us to be able to test ourselves.

    we have to ask ourselves Who benefits from the crime?

    Fuck the US, Chinese and Russian governments, If you really think none of these 3 is involved, go buy you a brain.
    Fuck the WHO who covers the operation (overpopulated planet).
    And God bless the third world citizens who are gonna be the real victims at the end of the process
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
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  5. babyvee

    babyvee Newbie

    Jul 5, 2020
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    ride out the storm, health is important than music.
  6. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    It is not a question of which studies I prefer, but rather how a study was carried out and whether the results are meaningful enough in relation to the object under investigation to draw reliable conclusions.

    I cannot take a study seriously that examines the aerosol produced when smoking an e-cigarette and its flow distribution and then draws conclusions about the aerosol flow distribution when speaking. We do not exhale compressed vapours. Accordingly, the results of the study are not very meaningful with regard to the distribution of viruses by aerosol. Compressed vapour has a different composition of molecules and different flow properties than the consumed air that your lungs normally emit.

    Especially since the decisive factor in an infectious transmission is the viral load. And this is rather low in rooms of medium to large size. The fact that poorly ventilated rooms (regardless of size) have a higher proportion of CO2 and a higher pathogen load is nothing new. Most of what we are trying to find out is nothing new. Pulmonary embolism and nerve damage have been known to occur with influenza and corona viruses since the 1960s. Overall, the results of the studies are quite interesting, but it is worth taking a closer look at the study design before drawing any wrong conclusions.

    For most countries on this planet, this was one of the weakest seasons for respiratory diseases. But the worst season for cancer patients, mentally ill people, people in retirement homes, artists, for owners and employees of small and large medium-sized companies and so on.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    All off topic, political, conspiracy comments closed.
    This thread is about security in the studio. Please keep it in topic.
  8. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    After all, it is not a question of what you can take seriously, but what authorities take seriously.
    It is just not enough to doubt anything without a provable basis.

    If you're sure you're right, I don't understand why you hesitate to take the right action. Every day you lose the money you will need to sue the authorities.
    Go to court and prove that it's true what you think it is, and you'll win. It's as simple as that.
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Some important factor that have not been mentioned here is the virus concentration.
    For people to be infected there must be a certain concentration of the virus in the air, so if you can do sessions with few people, and change the rooms air very often, the risk is very low. Obviously zero risk situation does not exist though.
  10. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    It has been mentioned :bleh:
  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Yes, this is one of perhaps thousands of factors that have emerged and will emerge in the course of further research.
    However, it is a fact that at such an early stage no one can really say what is or is not dangerous for one group or another in the population.
    It will still take several years for definitive findings.
    The biggest problem at the moment is the number of self-declared experts who get up every morning and trumpet out their "findings". But nobody knows whether these findings are based on hard facts. Some of those experts actually studied the field but never worked for a longer period of time in it.
    Plus, in Germany, for example, there are now around 60 million experts, who never studied anything. They only have feelings or beliefs.
    But everyone who can read and type on a keyboard adds their "expert knwoledge" and takes the liberty of criticizing the few people who really have studied AND worked in the field for decades.:facepalm:

    By the way, only the latter are self-critical and say that they still know far too little.

    As said before: In the end, when evidence is found that authorities have overreacted and businesses have been illegally closed down, going to court is the right way forward. And not just moan until it's too late.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
  12. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I don't question anything without secured data. This study is a failure. The conclusions drawn in this study are without any solid foundation. Apples are compared with cucumbers and conclusions are drawn about the vitamin content of chocolate without having measured it. You don't need to have a master's degree in physics, fluid mechanics or microbiology to see that this study was probably only carried out because money is flowing in streams.

    You talk all the time about suing the state. But it doesn't work that way. At least not in my country. And it has nothing to do with this issue.

    The issue is, is there an increased risk for clients and studio staff at the moment compared to other waves of influenza and rhinitis? Answer: No!
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  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I only search for information about covid at official known research institutes. Like CNRS and alike. Even so, I take what I read with caution.
    I don't read any opinion from persons who have not demonstrated any knowledge and experience in this domain.
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  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Of course this doesn't work the same all over the world, and it's the last possibility when all others have failed. But you sounded like the breakdowm of your business is near, so I won't hesitate to do it.

    In my case, the opening of my business would also have been prohibited. Moreover, my employees did not accept short-time work.
    So I asked the local administration in advance what I could do to keep my business running. After some back and forth, a solution was found (organizational, personnel and spatial) that I, my employees and also the administration could live with.
    Others in my situation closed down their business for two months and took advantage of the government's help. In retrospect this turned out to be a big mistake.

    All in all, it rarely helps to insist on one point of view over a (maybe stubborn) stronger one, no matter how good the logic is.

    I am also convinced that the courts in many countries will be busy for years to come because many administrations and other authorities have reacted wrongly or excessively, and in many cases civil liberties (including those of professionals) have been curtailed without sufficient (scientific and legal) basis.

    I don't think we are that far apart @Sinus Well , only the path we take is different. Maybe a cultural or a question of experiences we made.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
  15. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    You can always send your mics infected with corona virus to my address,
    I'll take care of them till the end of time, Free of charge.:mates::wink:
  16. muffball

    muffball Kapellmeister

    Dec 25, 2017
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    There's a bucketload of solid research on how long this little bug can survive in various conditions. Its r naught seems to vary with UV and heat slightly but is as reasonably understood as can be expected (although reports of mutation with a higher rate is concerning).

    Some people are always going to believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts slamming them in their face and I don't care if you're just endangering yourself but consider, just for a second, that you're completely wrong on everything you think. You're putting others in danger. And that's not a choice you should have the right to make. Err on the side of caution and respect the concerns of others. Don't try to convince someone that something is safe based on... whatever it is you're sticking to.

    Sticking to the consensus safety advice is the ethical and moral thing to do. Obviously some of the trolly stuff like this virus can survive for months like in the OP is absurd and the fashionable idiot conspiracy theory now that wearing surgical masks is bad for you.. well that leaves me speechless that so many people buy in. People just make shit up for kicks and suckers gobble it up.

    If you're right then you get to say "I told you so" later on and make everyone look like idiots. So store that up your sleeve maybe and just stay in the safe lane until things clear up a little. We can survive shutdowns, distancing etc. Economies will eventually recover. A couple of years, maybe a few, isn't a big deal. I close my eyes and zone out for a second and I lose 3 years these days. Time flies for us life-experienced people. I have no idea how old anyone else is here and I'm not going to attempt to make calls on it. Patience, however, is something an old fart can pass on as wisdom to the younger crowd. It's about the only thing we can pass on with certainty. Passing on covid19 isn't even guaranteed.
  17. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    oon3, or others, do a little reading here
    just their position statement alone should help to give us some peace of mind for equipment and studios. also they have been a longstanding researcher in both air and germs, so all of their past research is available for where it applies to this topic. good luck
  18. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    First of all, I'm not trying to convince anybody. I don't really care what you or anyone else wants to believe. I put myself in a conversation with my opinions. Get over it! And don't play the "I told you so" game with me. I've been winning this game for four and a half months now. It doesn't mean I'm infallible or I would understand everything in its entirety, but it makes me think. It's great that people put themselves out there and do research like that. No matter what they believe or don't believe. But in my opinion, most people lose sight of the obvious.

    To stick to the consensus unquestioningly is neither ethical nor moral. It's a mental weakness! Born out of fear of embarrassing you publicly. Apart from the fact that there is no real consensus on this issue so far, I don't give a damn what the "consensus" would be. The consensus does not have to correspond to reality and is currently changing direction every day. It is a flag in the wind. And nothing you describe as consensus is peer-reviewed.

    The reality is that every year about 5-20% (source: RKI, WHO) in the northern hemisphere are infected with influenza. You are welcome to compare this with the positively reported figures for corona infection. But since the infection figures are absolutely irrelevant if you are not working in the field of epidemiology, let us look at the figures that relate to daily life: Feel free to compare the number of deaths with the cumulative figures for the last few years. Fortunately, there are statistics that allow you to classify the figures in terms of causes of death and compare them with previous years. We could now conclude that there could be some correlation between corona, lockdown and the increase in certain causes of death. But you know what, that is speculation! I rely on what I see. In many countries, the number of people infected cannot even be expressed in terms of per mille. And in the country where I live, it is now statistically more likely to win a six in the lottery than to get a positive test. And a positive test doesn't even indicate that the person is actually infected under the current testing conditions. And an infection doesn't even mean that the person actually got sick. So what?

    Incidentally, your statement about the harmlessness of permanently wearing a mask contradicts all studies of ISO-standardized surgical mask types. And you cannot really say anything about everyday cotton masks because they are not standardized. The only thing that can be said with certainty so far is that they lead to increased rebreathing CO₂, which can be quite dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases, asthma, COPD or panic disorders. I have by the way already twice experienced, how humans collapsed thereby. In both cases it concerned humans in the high age. Myself, I have no major problems with it. But I'm very happy when I can breathe again after taking off the mask. It always gives me a headache. So where exactly is the conspiracy theory here?

    Besides, I did not incite anyone to break any rules, so why do you talk such nonsense?
    My company is in full compliance with all regulations. But I personally think that these rules are completely exaggerated nonsense, which will break the backs of medium-sized companies like ours in the long run, although there is no increased risk of anything.
    I am sure there is nothing wrong with regularly cleaning equipment and studio surfaces. Your equipment will thank you for it! But honestly? Before Corona we had a continuously high throughput of clients. Nine rooms in continuous operation. We didn't care if someone was sick, unless the performance suffered greatly. Or she or he was harming themselves. But we don't force anybody to go home. For example, if we suspected that a singer had an obviously contagious disease, but still wanted to perform, we cleaned the microphone etc. afterwards. And that was all.
    Now since corona, 6 of the rooms are storage space, which helps us a bit financially, because the fixed costs continue and the majors hold back the money. We keep our head above water with the remaining tv and advertising jobs. 3 years of closing your eyes and waiting... that might work for you. This company will not survive unscathed under these conditions. And that is the bitter reality for most of us here.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  19. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    It's not quite that drastic. But we have to get pretty creative right now to keep this thing going.
    Fair enough
    I think so too
  20. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Then I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys to hold out.
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