OSX Disk Utility SUCKS

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by mileslong, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. mileslong

    mileslong Newbie

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I run an Intel Mac 2.66Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, with OSX 10.6.8, Logic Pro 9. This is a stable system, so I am ok with that but...out came Logic Pro X.

    One of the comments suggested using an external USB drive to load OSX 10.8.4, and install the new Logic on that. Ok so far.

    I bought a 64Gb USB stick, tried to format it in Disc Utility (Mac OSX Extended Journalled), but kept getting a message that it could not allocate memory for this task, checked on forums, yes, there is a bug in OSX 10.6.8 with Disk Utility....
    So I got out my spare Seagate 2Tb FW drive, and tried to do the same thing...it took a lot of faffing about, but eventually the drive was ready. When I tried to do a fresh install of Mountain Lion, I got a message "this disc is locked".
    Does anyone know a fix for this? I am fed up with this but maybe the fault lies with me? (probably:(
  3. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    I recommend you update to at least OSX Lion, its stable in my opinion, and I've read somewhere that its compatible with Logic X. :mates:
  4. Se7en310

    Se7en310 Newbie

    Aug 5, 2013
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    if you have parallels you can also install another osx on there. http://mac.tutsplus.com/ try this site... I have Snow Leopard also and I formatted my external with disk utilities also. I even added Lion on my external and is running Logic X on it 10.7.4 so if you need help feel free to hit me up and I'll try my best to help.
  5. chopchop

    chopchop Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Some usb sticks don't like being bootable I've had this trouble before I'd update if I was you ML runs sweet with logic and its much better than Lion and you can just install it over your current os and nothing will change
  6. chopchop

    chopchop Member

    Feb 14, 2013
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    also running an os from a usb is basically real time streaming if your recording to it and running logic because the rate usb runs is not a constant like firewire this can burn them out much faster as I learned myself

    Firewire is much safer

    Just my 2 cent on that one
  7. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Open Terminal. Run the following two commands:

    chflags nouchg /Volumes/Macintosh /Volumes/"USB External"

    chmod 775 /Volumes/Macintosh /Volumes/"USB External"

    Then it must be o.k.
    In case you are afraid of using command lines: try BatChmod.


    Open it. Check every mark, apart from "apply to contents",
    because then you may get access, but you can't use the installed system.
    Set both owner and group to: -----------.
    Drag and drop your external onto BatChmod and start the app. That's it.

    If it's said, that the disc is locked, then it has something to do with permissions.
    Some time ago OSX didn't even let me take a look into the content of one of my external drives.
    I got no more access at all (even not to it's clone) and freaked out totally......

    I suppose, your trouble might have something to do with the different systems permission rights
    of 10.6.8 and 10.8.4. Once i used disk utility of one OSX version for the permissions repair of another OSX,
    which was installed on the second partition. Afterwards it wasn't useable anymore....

    However, BatChmod can help, where disk utility fails. Good luck. :wink:
  8. mileslong

    mileslong Newbie

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Many thanks for all the replies. The reason I am still using OSX 10.6.8 is that all my plug-ins are working well, and I have found that tinkering too much can cause a lot of time wasted trying to rectify problems. "If it 'aint broken don't fix it". That may be a mistake on my part, as I am reasonably clued up tech wise, but there are some members of this forum who clearly know a great deal more than me, sadly. the real issue is time. If I had the time, I could broaden my knowledge of tech problems and systems. However, my real desire is to spend as much time as possible making music, rather than creating up a whole new set-up.
    I will try all the suggestions and let you know how I get on, thanks again, this is a great forum *yes*
  9. mileslong

    mileslong Newbie

    Nov 17, 2011
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  10. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    O.K., i thought Lion was installed already on the external and afterwards the access was not possible.
    Sometimes i understand things wrong, when reading in english language.
    Sorry, if i ask you now a dumb question, but i am not at your place.....

    You want to install ML on a hopefully correctly formatted external drive - Mac Journaled, GUID partiton table.
    Which Disc is now locked? Usually "Disc" means your CD-ROM, while "Disk" means a hard drive, but well....
    The error message refers to what? From where do you install ML? From an installation disc or an image?
    Do you get no access to the disc/image itself or does the installation process fail after the disc has started?

    If you use disk utility, shit happens.... First is your formatting.
    -When you formatted the external drive, did you check "GUID Partition table" in the option settings?
    If not, then your external is not bootable and therefore locked for system installations.
    - Have you tried reformatting the external? If not, try if that is possible.
    -Permissions of that drive should be corrected after chmod (change mode) with Bat. :sad:
    Open Bat once more. Drag and drop your external again onto the window and look,
    if your drive has taken over the access rights or not.
    If not, try the given terminal commands.

    However, in general i suggest you to make an installation like that with "Pacifist" for Mac.
    It causes less problems with permission rights and failed installations.

    ..and if you have enough space on your internal - for making music it's much better to format a second partition there
    instead off using shitty lame USB. That's what i have done. Is a better solution than using VM or outsource to another drive.
    It depends on your purposes, but with USB connection you come quickly to the limits anyway.
  11. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Forget Lion, it's probably the worst os ever made by Apple.

    Go to Montain Lion.
  12. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Not just probably...... But mileslong wants to install ML anyway.

    mileslong, i just stumbled on a once-saved link that offers another (Terminal) option.
    Look at the second comment:


    If you don't get it unlocked with one of the given ways, then it's really up to the formatting....or another wild thing i have not thought of yet.
  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yes, i would recommend skipping Lion altogether and going right to Mountain Lion, far less problems...