I cant speak for a whole group... just for myself. I saw gup/gouda dying over the course of almost three years... he was still able to chat on irc but already too ill to *work* on computers for the last 1.5 years he had on this planet. Working alone on the *big stuff* wasn't half the fun we had as we did it together... However, seeing a good friend dying that young totaly changed my world view. There are more important things in life than defeating a software protection or a dongle implementation. So the decission to retire from the cracking world and to upgrade from girlfriend 7.0 to wife 1.0 instead was easily taken... As a cracker the *costs of cracking* or money at all is nothing you normaly care about. You're doing it for fun, for the challenge, for the knowledge... maybe for the fame... but never for the money. From time to time you may find some very interesting *bugs* in some of the protections... for instance it was possible for many years to clone the licenses from one elicenser dongle to another without paying for it. Having that knowledge its just human to think about making some money out of it... but at the end thats not what the slogan *try before you buy* is all about. Cheers AD
audiosex has the best humor section i love seeing my friends names in the google search window and PiRATE.... PLEEEEEASE bring back the avatars!
Yeah, that is how we made calls to extraterrestrials back then. I talked to ET twice. It was all about 2600 disconnect
no man...these makes board fckt up...its all near bout that ... pirate has also lockdown syndrome but also from trolls,leechers,dumbster complainers syndrome rage and this rd1ldn is indescribable yeah and always and ever in every thread pupito plain humor troll between serious stuff and get always likes from entourage Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
I did wonder why my ears were burning. If you're looking for someone without skills... I'm your guy! Wait no,, that's wrong. ----------------- On a side note, I always wanted to be part of the police but the judge told me I wouldn't have much luck, at least until I gave him back his wig anyway!
Yes, it means.. Please post your bank account details and sort code together with your signature to release funds to all who would like to help themselves to it. I think it also says ' thank you at the end. ------------------------------------------ All this talk about 'crack' teams I've thought about starting up my own one and calling it :- 'butt cracks' And the slogan to go with it.. "other teams may have openings now and again, but you wouldn't wanna be near us when we have ours!" I can add you to team butt-cracks. We supply you with daily content! I'll see what I can do to balance it up :D Last edited: Jul 9, 2020