MIDI controller

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Haliax, Jun 27, 2020.


Which one should I get

  1. Machine Mk 3

    1 vote(s)
  2. Able to push

    2 vote(s)
  3. Other

    1 vote(s)
  1. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I'm stuck and need some advice on a hardware purchase.

    I've recently fell in love with Ableton, after spending years using Studio one. I have had some success in writing some minimal techno using keyboard and mouse, and a couple of MIDI keyboards. I want to speed up my work flow (and an excuse to buy more hardware).

    I've looked at Mashing, and it does a lot of good things. I've also looked at Push which is great for ableton.

    My use case is to speed up my creativity, cut samples and have fun. I'm not sure what to buy. I'm not sold on the NI ecosystem, but I could learn to adjust.

    What would you get and why?
  3. GammaStar

    GammaStar Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2012
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    I recently got Nektar Panorama T6 which i adapted to a control script for ableton (Already posted here in a thread somewhere) gives me full DAW control.. then there's Nektarine a 32 out multi layer + fx chain plugin wrapper for all third party plugs with full customization.. pick fav presets for synths it all loads instantly.. i love it :) :beg::beg:
  4. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    My vote goes to Maschine..

    I got myself one recently and must say - above expectations. You can go complex on it as much as you like. I was considering Push 2 too, but went for mk3 because I wanted something MPC-style, the price of Push was always 100+ higher and I got a really good offer on Maschine (lately the price went up, don't know why..).

    Some considerations: you can certainly perform, let alone produce a techno track on mk3 alone! But it's really powerful at chopping loops and transforming them into something new. So, very suitable for tech-house/house (and then beatmaking ofc).

    If your thing is limited to minimal techno, I can imagine Push being better at running step seq + triggering (samples) at the same time (as it has 4x16 pads). Also the integration w/ Ableton should be better. In fact, I hope it doesn't become a big expensive dongle for the priciest daw..

    IMO the best setup for techno would be a HQ mixer and then a couple of sources (from toys to maybe something analogue) going in.

    As said, I think with mk3 NI "nailed it". It's probably their "best seller". You will have a year to learn, play and discover new things. Again, for techno I'd add a separate step sequencer. And later it can still become part of a larger setup.
    Good luck :wink:!
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  5. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I already have 3 keyboards on a desk, if I buy another one my children will think I am crazy. They already think I'm tapped because of my guitar collection
  6. hayabusa

    hayabusa Producer

    Aug 10, 2014
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    deviating about the vote but talking about accelerating your workflow, I would really consider having a look at those devices seriously...

    2/SHUTTLE PRO: https://www.contourdesign.com/product/shuttle/
    Awesome....using them for a while with Push2 and APC 40 MK2...
  7. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I haven't reaches the stage where I'm playing "live" and triggering samples or loops yet. I dont even use loops, everything I've learnt is layering sounds and then breaking them apart to build up parts.

    How do you find Maschine's integration with controlling a DAW? How much mouse, keyboard, and screen time is used compared to just looking at Maschine? In my head I would be looking at the controller when designing rather than going back to the keyboard and screen.
  8. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Interesting idea, there is a shuttle at work we used for a software project gathering dust in my hardware drawer.
  9. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    I nearly sold this. I found a parallel to USB 3 converter and Win 10 64bit driver S/W.
    Near-zero latency. Not possible to have zero but playing a keyboard into the port it feels like it. It also uses the MIDI 5pin DIN wiring. The days of having eight keyboards on a MIDI chain in or out are long gone but the makers of this got it right first time. Opcode 8 Port SE.
    They do not make them anymore and it is more useful for orchestrators and arrangers that score out their music not trap, EDM or mashup electronica, so probably useless for some people.
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  10. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    I know that NI is trying to sell Maschine also as a DAW controller, esp for Ableton (thus being a direct Push's competitor). I'd say that this is not the strongest selling point, though. I mostly think of it as an (mpc-type) instrument that is also a self-contained, quite powerful production tool. When you switch it on, it in fact ask you if you want it to be a midi controller or "the" Maschine.

    Looking at the layout, I don't see it as an ultimate DAW controller (..but I might be wrong). I never used it in midi mode. It is too much fun laying down ideas veery quickly and I bought it exactly for this purpose. No keyboard, mouse, screen etc needed.

    I play piano and I usually put down ideas on an "always ON" real one if possible.. or with a small piano library (sometimes I'd use a synth sound or some strings for the base). I am no Maschine wizard as I own it for couple of months, but it has the same "immediate" approach.
  11. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Thanks @Matt777, this makes me want to get both but finances only allow me one toy this time of year
  12. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    So far, I think Push is going to be my next purchase
  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Hi @Haliax.
    I'm almost 100% sure you already know what I'm about to say, because I seem to remember you are old-school like me.
    But MIDI being what it is, any controller that can assign cc# to its knobs and faders can work with any daw. And even if they were hard coded to only have one cc#, it can be changed on the receiving end at the daw.
    So, having used MIDI since it began, I find it strange that people say things like:
    ...when anything can do it really. The fact that nowadys daws come with premade templates for external gear seems to be what people focus on, but it's irrelevant (yet very convenient!).
    So from reading about how you make your music, and the fact that you don't actually work 'live' with loops to create tracks yet, I'm thinking you may be able to save some money by not going down a certain rabbit-hole.
  14. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I have three MIDI devices on my desk, an old Korg K49 with a couple of pots, an M-Audio with quite a lot more and a digital piano with nothing. I've been using the pots, sliders and buttons to control my DAW (and plugins) for some time now. It has been fun, I really love being able to concentrate on the design rather than going back to the keyboard and mouse. In short, it speeds up my process.

    There are thousands of loops available, and most of them sound great but they don't fit into my workflow. I start with an idea (usually the beat) and build up from there, I can never find an existing loop tht fits in with my idea. So I've ignored loops.

    So I went back to the manual (or Ableton Live 10 Power) last night, to see why loops are so popular. It then occurred to me, that I've been using loops all along (my own loops). I'll create small sections, and then duplicate them throughout the track. I should start thinking about the session view as an instrument rather than a bunch of faders and some useless screen real estate.

    So with that in mind, perhaps going down that rabbit hole will be fun afterall.