Online pornography to be blocked in UK by default, PM announces

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by fritoz, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    welcome to audiosex and what a first posting, excellent :mates:

    As I stated earlier its just the conservatives trying to gain extra brownie points for votes, doesn't cost them a penny and the emphasis is on the ISP's (again). Most kids are far smarter at understanding the internet anyway than their parents. This has nothing to do with child pornography, it has everything to do with children looking at pornography, and using that as an excuse for social decay, which in my opinion is a load of rubbish, just look at the privately educated morons who run the banking institutions and look at what they have done to society, not to mention they probably also engage in depraved sexual encounters with prostitutes etc whilst pretending to enjoy a loving home life with a wife and 2 kids. That is far more damaging to society than a child curious about sex (which is a natural part of growing up)
  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i think thats just a lame way to monitor all action the ISP users are doing and child pornography is just a legit motive to do so.
    i dont think people will search via google for child pron.
    on the other hand the access to pron is really easy thru file hosters/torrents and every child could leech them today.
    im sure people will also find an other way to mark pron in google. like a simple code or something - so that its not to obviously.

    ok how would you look for pron via google - you would google of course pron?! dont think they can filter that.

    hope my point is clear.

    PS: at least better done as the US. :wink:
  3. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    And the rocket that took you over the moon will be falling fast when you have run out money from not going to work everyday

    :rofl: :rofl:
  4. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Where the biggest porn consumers are the super conservatives and uber religious countries. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  5. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Lol thanks, I misread the dates! I read these quotes a long while ago, when the same conversation popped up about young people these days and decaying morals. I looked into it and found out that people have always felt like this, it's really interesting to know!

    Sure - we didn't have kids gunning other kids down in classrooms, but we also didn't have 7 billion people on the planet. Those are extremes, and the more people that we have on the planet, the more extreme things we can expect to see. They'll still be rare cases though!

    I really don't think there is a problem with today's youth, they're just doing what every generation before them has done - trying to be different to their parents!
  6. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I agree with this. I believe Richard Dawkins is right, the world as a whole is actually becoming more & more sensible, smart & unprejudiced. Freedom of speech & sharing information play a massive part in this. I'm against politicians restricting freedom whether it's in Europe, USA or China. One step is always followed by another.
    Since kids are the smartest when it comes to computers they will be the first to bypass those stupid filters anyway.

    And using "moral" as an argument for restrictions is no good. What is moral anyway, it's just some vague idea in a person's head & will be different between everybody & every culture & time period. It will even change inside most people during their lifetime.
  7. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Exactly - this is the point.
    This is just a test, if such a method can work. Let's start with porn, because a ban for that is easy to "sell" (child abuse, blabla).

    If that works fine, next ban can be for warez sites, then for sites with "not appropriate" political ideas, then news sites which leak some secret information, and on and on...

    If the door is opened once, it will not be closed - there is no limit.

    Besides, and this is something nobody here has mentioned before - of course this is a giant data collection as well, too.
    They will have a list with names of people who wanted to have access to porn - how convenient!
    You never know when you could use such an information against somebody - a future political opponent, maybe? :snuffy:

    It is also just embarrassing to having to ask for the possibility to watch porn - it's like going to your mum to ask if it's ok if you wank.

    I agree something has to be done against the much too easy access to porn for children, but this is the wrong way.

    On a more serious note:

    Now why on earth should a man stay away from dirty girls??? :rofl:

    We should have a bit of fun sometimes, for heaven's sake...

  8. jiemayn

    jiemayn Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2013
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    First off, I agree that you should communicate with kids, and be good parents. If a kid sees some boobs, what will happen?? will he go thinking the world is all sex, and confused with his-self, and never commit to a relationship???? ohh please. I saw more than that, and I am not at all in any sort of rut. Everyone stop freaking out. Some people like guy on guy, others like old men with 18yo girls. Let those people express themselves, and share with who wants to see... and children who should not see it, should have parent restrictions, and a computer in a centralized place in the house. Now the real issue here is that this is a slippery slope, and other things will start to follow, and you all will be controlled completely in almost every aspect without realizing it. Sex is natural what is so scary about it? if you like it... watch it... if you don't... don't... and be a good parent.
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