NOOB need help. Mastering songs (mp3 dsd) collection.

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by alexk345, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    stereotool maybe ...

    but i gues its all pointless here, without understanding
  2. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    If I understood well, you want to remaster your tracks to sound objectively (physically) better. It is possible to do with any track, and with mp3s it is a necessity. (Pros do their job pressed with time and resource restrictions, routinely and mostly not for their own pleasure, so you can do better, but bear in mind that it might take several hours per track). Most existing re-masters of digitized analog recordings are done in the last century with much less sophisticated software and many with primitive 16-bit software.
    For mp3s you should decode them with the best mp3 decoder first , and one of the best is contained in foobar 2000 player. Decode to 24 bit.
    You need first Thimeo Stereo Tool to remove pre-ringing, spectral holes, do spectral filling, dequantize, declip, remove tilt, etc. It is a tool designed to completely treat and repair all bad aspects of mp3 files back to the source quality as much as it is possible /and it is much more so than most people think, because they never tried/. With WG-Doffset you remove the DC offset and also do the declipping, combine with Voxengo Elephant which will further filter DC offset as deep as 10 Hz. (Declipping is one of the most crucial things). A good declipper is the old good Terry West Relife, but you should combine it with Thimeo Perfect Declipper, ERA declipper and iZotope RX Declipper too.
    In iZotope RX you should use dehummer and azimuth functions too.
    Against aliasing use Experimental Scene ES-Antialias (don't listen what people theorize about antialiasing, just make a listening test, and decide by yourself).
    For some actions it is better to reverse the file, and after you're done, reverse the file back. Especially effective coupled with declipping plugins in order to clean after plugins that cause pre-ringing.
    For digitized tape recordings, or vinyl you should use Celemony Capstan. For auto EQ-ing use Sonible Smart EQ2. TBProAudio DSEQ (or Oeksound Soothe) for resonance removing, also for clearing the high range use Creative Filter by Sonalksis, Now!Essish, Drumforge DF-Clarify and EndeavorFX UnHarsh. For improving focus use Softube Focus, AirWindows Focus and AirWindows PowerSag. For subtle gating use FabFilterPro-G. For transients improvement use Denise Transient Booster, Voxengo Transgainer and Newfangled Punctuate (at times you might also use W.A. Productions Helper Transient and Drumforge DF-Trans). If there is too much transients use TDR DeEdger.
    Nugen Monofilter will auto-balance your bass.
    For some expanding of too compressed files (each mp3 is overcompressed), use KHs Dynamics.
    To improve contrast use Zynaptiq Intensity (you also have that function in Celemony Melodyne Studio - under 'edit' functions). For adding some harmonics use Fielding DSP Reviver or Voxengo Shinechilla. For spectral balance use Wavesfactory Spectre. For stereo imaging use Audiority Side filter, Flux Stereo Tool V3 and against the negative correlation use Raising Jake Side Minder (first test if that is present with Voxengo Correlometer). If you lack detail at very high end use Overloud Gem Dopamine at modest settings. In the end use Ultimate-D for dithering.
    (It is not a bad idea to cut the ends with bx_cleansweep to relieve some load from DAC.)
    Saving in DSD does not serve any purpose, but leads into trouble if you want something to re-edit at some later time.
    DO NOT use any compressors or saturators.
    P.S. You will not get any spectacular results if you do not study and test the settings of each plug-in thoroughly. And it takes months.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2020
  3. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Thats generally to mix the tunes together not to make them 'mastered' :rofl:
  4. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    I need a solution. Everyone ear is different. Most cd music are dull ...i want to bring life to it with percussion level up. So looking for device or software to accomplish without much effort.

    Problem is none of you done it , otherwise i would have got my answer.

    here is another channel that makes sound punchy
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2020
  5. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Yup, it was too much effort so nobody here bothered to work it out.

    You could perhaps head over to the gearslutz forum - they have those real pro types there who are way more industrious than us idle idiots - and they know just about everything there ever was to know about audio, not like the diseased goon squad who knock about this online hospice for the sonically infirm... i reckon those gearslutz guru's would love to provide you with an instant solution to your simple question.
    Once you find out, come back and tell us what it was if it's not too much effort for you! :beg:
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2020
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  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    This problem is, that's not possible, atm. If you want to remaster your CDs you have to know about and how and when to use (as an example)
    • static EQs, stereo and m/s
    • dynamic EQs, stereo and m/s
    • compressors, single- and multi-band both stereo and m/s
    • limiters, single- and multi-band
    And as you may can imagine this takes some experience (years of).

    First part, how do you know? Second part, conclusion is not logical, see answer above.
    Years ago I did this with some of my CDs to try to learn mastering. One or two years later I realized that I haven't done a good job...

    Have you level matched and compared it to the original version - soundwise? I don't think so.
  7. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Take one of the following:

    Pet Sounds by the Beach boys
    Rumours by Fleetwood Mac
    Bitches Brew by Miles Davis

    Any of the above have been mastered by the best, this is what you should strive for. Listen to anything mastered by Steven Wilson, and you will hear what you seek
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