NOOB need help. Mastering songs (mp3 dsd) collection.

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by alexk345, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Ok suddenly i was looking to improve my song collection sound. Like increase volume and does equalizing and controlling low amplitude signals etc.

    I am not mixing sound , more of mastering sound.

    I want to know what software does this.

    Also i want to figure out he output saved as dsd. Input can be mp3 flac or dsd file.
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Welcome to Audiosex.
    You should write a more descriptive title as this is what members see first, if you want to receive appropriate advice.
  4. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    You want to know what software will magically improve the sound of your existing songs? What format are they (WAV?) in and more details might be a good starting point.
  5. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I suggest to send your tracks to a mastering engineer for the best result you just will not get yourself.
    But if you don't have any money to spend, you could try doing it yourself with Izotope Ozone, or IK Lurssen.
  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    If you're looking for a software to do it yourself, any audio editor (WaveLab, Acon Digital Acoustica, Audacity) or DAW will do.
  7. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    I download T racks 5 with so many controls. I just dont feel that solves my problem.

    I google more to find people who does mastering audio. I thought somepeople who does that here.
  8. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    I found this just now.

    will try and see

    My goal is remove the noise in the record. I consider all frequencies with low amptitude signals to be removed . Then i increase loudness of the track.
    Then further tinker to bring out percussion part of the track by 50%.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    This is all quite vague.

    I am not certain if you are trying to finalize your own tracks, or are somehow trying to improve on the sound your commercially made music collection that is a mixture of mp3 and FLAC files by adding processing and then saving as DSD.

    If you are intending to finalize your own tracks for archival purposes so that they they are louder and better balanced for your own enjoyment you can experiment with Bandlab's Cakewalk. If you are on a PC that is. It will not cost you anything to get started and what it comes with is enough to give you results, meaning that you shouldn't blame the software or the included effects if it doesn't sound good at the end.

    The part that I find confusing though is if you have your own tracks that you've made, you already know how to answer this question.

    If you are going to try to make your commercial music collection sound better and then archive it as DSD to make it sound even better... from your previous statements I can tell that you are chasing water downhill while running into a forest of phalli with your mouth wide open.

    • You are never going to make an MP3 sound good again, that is about as feasible as trying to comb your hair after you've shaved your head. You might make it sound better to you but it is impossible to recover what his been removed and the filter slopes necessary to restore brightness will do just as much damage as good. Also saving the output of that processing as DSD is pointless since the sampling rate and bit rate are low and fixed on entry.

    • FLAC already sounds as good as it's going to sound. Converting it to DSD before processors might give you a better harmonic scale to push artifacts and aliasing up way beyond human hearing range, however you are already working on a limited track and the distortion is already there, and no processor is going to remove it. You might as well be trying to make fresh eggs out of an omelette, so that you can make an fancier omelette.
    Besides the only environment that I know supports DSD format for editing and processing is Pyramix, which isn't exactly cheap or easy to use.

    Either way none of the things I think you are asking about are Noob friendly. If you think that is harsh go to medical forum and ask --

    Noob Question: what is the best drill for making holes into someone's skull because I want to help my wife who suffers from migraines.

    :) It never hurts to ask but sometimes the procedure is just more work than it's worth unless you are willing to put a few years into it. :guru:
  10. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    you understand that audio mastering is the highest level of understanding audio physics right ? as i see from your writings maybe you shouldn't touch that subject as of yet..
  11. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I would rather use something in the playback chain than render all files.
    I use VST Host with voicemeeter, but I'm going to switch over to DsWsAsRouter.
    On Windows 10 newer than 2016 there is DRM involved in the playback engine, and VST Host is not
    capable of breaking that. However, both are capable of hosting any VST Plugin. I am going to use a Plugin chainer
    in DsWsAsRouter, as that tool is not very comfy and the chainer offers more possibilities in routing an preset management.
  12. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    DSD64 is equivalent to 50/20 if you're being generous, but pushing dither noise >20k is necessary for DSD to sound acceptable since DSD is a 1-bit format & undithered, it would sound horrible. But 96/24 PCM is better & simpler than DSD, generally. Also, DSD soft-clips at -6dB
  13. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Ok the collection is all the cds i bought. I am going to make it sound better for my youtube channel. so i thought there should be easy way to do it not through all the theory. its for personal use only. just tinkering to make sound to my ear first. Buying hardware is not a good idea. Because with touch tablets , i can do same with lots of software packages. choosing one that is simpler and usable is first plan. Then go for all complex mastering. i dont know much about mastering , i just want software tools so i can tinker. i probably test all mastering tools before i settle on one that i can use. i can buy cintiq touch screen to use these software with touch.
  14. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Well if you're using it on YouTube or other streaming sites then you can't just go and tweak or master it without knowing more about LUFs and other info since its pretty critical in getting the best sound for streaming. So just making as loud as possible won't work well.
  15. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    want to make sound like this
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  16. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Good luck with that from an mp3 source..
  17. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    A compressor might be the most popular type of plugin for mastering. It essentially reduces the dynamic range of your track, making the quieter parts louder and the louder parts quieter. The result is a richer and more full-sounding mix. The trick, however, is to not use too much compression, or your song will sound flat.

    Hard Limiter
    A hard limiter is a compressor with a ratio of around 10:1 (meaning that every one decibel over the thresh hold is reduced by ten decibels). It effectively sets your dynamic limit, which is important for getting the loudness correct.

    One of the biggest mistakes indie producers make is getting too much sibilance in their mix. This is often due to their having polished up the highs with an EQ while mixing and resultantly making the sibilance too hot. A de-esser is designed to leave the highs sounding clean and bright, but cut the sibilance down. It’s a go to tool for most producers.

    While reverb is often used more in the mixing process, it can be helpful when putting the finishing touches on a mix to add extra depth and fullness to some of the tracks.

    An EQ is essential to the mastering process as often it’s necessary to fine tune the frequency levels of a mix to make it sound universally better and balanced. Often the biggest mistake indie artists is having too much or too little bass. A multiband equalizer can be a lifesaver when mastering. Definitely a must have.

    Even if you hire someone else to do your mastering (which we recommend you do), these five plugins should be handy in every studio. It’s worth paying extra for ones you really love, too. You’ll get your money’s worth.
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  18. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    With already mixed music, the point is that it sounds good already, people don't generally make music with deficiencies so you can enjoy correcting it later, unless people enjoy these deficiencies. If you turn the volume too high, YT will turn it down. That's how LUFS & YT works. If you make changes, it will probably not be an improvement or go against their artistic intent, unless you know what you're doing & have experience.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020
  19. alexk345

    alexk345 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2020
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    if you went to house music dj clubs you will see they tinker sound...may be i need dj mixer
  20. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    So reading between the lines here, you want to remaster already an mastered CD collection. There are four possible solutions here.

    • Replace the CDs with vinyl.
    • Get better audio equipment, maybe a tube driven amp to enjoy the vinyl you bought.
    • Choose better music because the music has already been mastered.
    • Get a new pair of ears, or have them cleaned because the music has already been mastered
  21. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    yeah they runnin -14 lufs youtube on their laptops
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
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