How do I get this kind of guitar sound?

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by waverider, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    The brand of guitar isn't important, it's the pickups they are humbuckers which give that sound he is using delay, chorus and some compression, volume on the guitar around 5-7 and playing by tapping on the strings lightly with your thumb or fingers, nothing new here this is an old technique. I've used it in the past but without the delay,chorus compressor, this gives your guitar a nice thick soft tone which can be quite nice on mellow passages . You can mimic this with single coil pickups but doesn't sound quite as rich. Hope this helps you out.
  2. I'm responsible for the same thing these days. I am confronted with too much choice even when I am searching for the quirkiest one off sound, I just type in the search box "quirkiest one off sound" and up it comes jam packed with quirkiness and one offness that there couldn't be another like it.
    In short I am lazy. A recent X-ray even revealed I have lazy bones, confirming my mother's nickname for me. But I do recall a period in the 90s when I had my Minimoog and an ASR-10 sampler and my aim was to make sounds that sounded like they were actually something as yet undiscovered. It was immensely rewarding running the Moog into the sampler and mangling sounds. I learned a lot during that time.
    I then did a lot of drugs and had a car accident and forgot it all, so remember kids..... oh, I forget the most important bit.
  3. Double post. Error. Error. Eraw.
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