For anyone considering Hackintosh life

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by tr3v0r94, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. lorenzolamasse

    lorenzolamasse Member

    May 29, 2019
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    That's in violation of Apple's EULA:
    When you buy a copy of OS X, you are not really getting something you own other than a license to use the software in accordance with the licensing terms. In the case of Apple, those terms include limiting installation of OS X to installation on specific Apple products, namely, Macintosh computers manufactured by Apple.

    This company is making the assumption that they wil stay under the radar (which is quite probable should they stay a small business)
  2. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    Apple original MacOS kernel doesn't support AMD,
    hackintosh community provides custom MacOS kernel patch/adjustment for AMD to work - limitations are for ex. non-functional kernel power management obviously,
    various softwares may behave odd, especially if they rely on Intel igpu's QuickSync for video acceleration, but I doubt there are problems with AMD when dedicated "Apple-supported" (=recent AMD) graphics is used
  3. recycle

    recycle Guest

    On the website they declare that they don't sell hardware and there are no prices anywhere: what does that mean? Should the customer buy the parts and send them to assemble? On website/ Facebook I can't find a physical address. Meh ... it seems shady but maybe I'm wrong
  4. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    You need to contact them via email to have all the infos about prices, hardware or custom configs
  5. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    selling non-Apple device AND providing MacOS there is undoubtedly illegal and Apple will shut them down,
    on the other hand telling people what could they buy themselves and helping with hacky bootloader is borderline okay :wink:
  6. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Ok, If this company is reliable I could be really interested: are you a customer? have you ever bought something from them?
  7. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I don't need a hackintosh so to be honest I never bought from them but from their FB page seems that many audio and video producers bought one of their machine
  8. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    For anyone curious about this subject, the BEST resource is

    I have successfully installed a few Hackintoshes but always come back to Windows and ended up uninstalling the Mac from my system. Nothing specific in terms of reasoning, but I just feel more comfortable in Windows.
  9. tr3v0r94

    tr3v0r94 Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2019
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    im definitely a computer nerd so maybe easy wasn't the exact word. Should I say its easier to learn than doing all the work needed to actually earn the money to buy a full price mac. What I can suggest is this

    full vanilla install and pretty much covers all steps in detail. If you can install some of the hacked programs you can totally do it! it has been well worth it.

    my i7 4770k can seriously do some damage. I swear I've had almost no issues with logic AT ALL! I got a 1tb and a 500gb nvme drive (through pcie 3) and she boots up in 30 seconds flat. 32 gb ram, and all my kontakt libraries load 1gb a sec. About 10 instances of diva without freezing either! haven't hit a 100 tracks or anything, but my setup has been surprisingly reliable
    yeah but so does windows? I've been a PC guy my whole life, but for music nothing compares to Logic IMO. Truly, an all around DAW, especially with the updates. Macs are overrated bu I think hacks can be a fair value for what its worth :) I understand any mac hate however, just had to upgrade to mojave JUST for logic 10.5
  10. recycle

    recycle Guest

    The video you suggest is interesting and well explained (I love her accent), but I don't think I can do all the hardware/software procedure needed. I have always been a multimedia user, never been a computer technician. What I fear is to spend $2000 in parts and get nowhere, or at most to find myself with a good pc that is fine for windows (not interested) that I am not able to make it macos ready

    Good point!
  11. Moms_little_pirate

    Moms_little_pirate Kapellmeister

    Jul 9, 2019
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    For anyone considering Hackintosh, say "Mac please" 10 times and see if it's worth it.
  12. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Except it's not for the most part. Tons of guides and hardware information, but their hardware recommendations are questionable (and at times seriously wrong and misleading), their software is using outdated and/or stolen versions of other people's works and it makes for a "meh" setup in the end, and leaves you knowing nothing about how it actually works - much less how to fix it if/when something goes wrong. It's a profitable business which just happens to be old and large enough that everyone knows it and ends up talking there.

    Edit: basically, plenty of info, but only look for hardware-specific things like build reports and compatibility in the forum. Stay away from the main site.
    I know the channel well, while it can be useful to look if some hardware is supported, the channel itself is not of much value - every video mentions "perfect 100% working hackintosh" for any newbie, yet fails to show how to check if GPU acceleration is working, how to fix iMessage and AirDrop, how to fix the USB port limit instead of using a piss-poor hack that barely works. She means well but skips all the important details and promotes a "just buy this exact hardware and copy my config folder" attitude. The exact video you linked is one of the better ones (though could use some explaination on the steps involved, like explaining what the different EFI drivers and kexts do). But it's still definitely a for-profit business (just like tonymac seems to be quite successful) and it shows.

    tbh for a beginner I'd recommend Reddit /r/hackintosh, the community there is very sensible. And I love the points they have in the sidebar:
    The subreddit also links to information on AMD, tells you about gibMacOs/recovery install if you just have a PC, you have plenty of guides on GPUs, wireless, information on both Clover and OpenCore, on multibooting, fixing audio, USB mapping. And people on the Discord are helpful, passionate - and will have look at your parts list (and maybe suggesting an appropriate cooler for your CPU, or an incompatible wireless card), help you troubleshoot various glitches (like my XFX RX580 acting weird on a dual-monitor setup because XFX is technically unsupported) and point you to the resources you have missed. It's just a better vibe overall, with no fluff, no paywalls, no magic tricks and config files - just pure, raw knowledge that helps you do the thing yourself. And when building a hackintosh, this is precisely what you need.
  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    actually I'm seeing more and more people seeing tonymac site as somewhat scam and increasingly unfriendly, all the various multibeast and unibeast gimmicks, sponsored/paid recommended parts list, strict rules for posting guides etc..

    I'd say nowadays with OpenCore being pretty much the future for proper hackintosh bootloader injection and patching, this site seems as good resource:
  14. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I strongly oppose these elitst reddit rules completely. Because it took me years to understand how clover works and how to set it up. Without people sharing their EFI Folder for the Boards I had I would have been completely lost. Especially if your new to this you rely on EFI Folders.

    I mean WHO runs this REDDIT and WHO made him/them the AUTHORITY to juddge what's right and what's not as far as how get your hackintosh to work? I follow this reddit and I've got to say it is a pretty irrelevant source of Info, imo. It's mostly people showing off their builds (with ultra wide displays and bad monitor speaker placements on some ikea desk). Labelling youtubers as criminals stealing work of others is a totally exaggerated claim. The youtubers who build hackintoshes I follow share all their EFIs for free.

    If you want real info, buy your CPU Board Combo based on a great guide on (and NOT Tonymacx86)!
  15. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I agree. OpenCore has an excellent documentation as well as a sanity checker to test your plist. Funny thing: If you want to start from scratch you can get further following the vanilla OC guide rather than trying to look all over the internet for building your own EFI Folder with cklover without tonymacs closed source tools. That's why the core hackintosh community despises him, because he uses tools which you don't really know what they do.

    Sure, if your a newbe, go ahead use Multibeast and Unibeast te get started. But building your EFI specifically for your system results in better performance and you become mor acquainted to how it works and can fix issues easier.
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  16. Area51

    Area51 Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    do not support this channel, it's sexist for showing a surprised woman with sexual suggesting sexual interpretation
  17. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I gotta agree finding someone with similar (or even better, same) spec PC to make hacky is usually short effective path,

    me having "Apple-unsupported" X99/5820K build, I was really happy to stumble across a very sophisticated thread at tonymac, which made my life much easier!
  18. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    i'm assuming you're saying a pc is NOT overrated. But a hackintosh is just a pc running mac software. And oftentimes both....
  19. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I beleive that. X99 boards are pretty tricky to get working from what I noticed on forums.
  20. iphobbes

    iphobbes Ultrasonic

    May 24, 2019
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    Thanks what lays ahead is a massive change , Yes , i feel it'll be not wise to switch entirely for me as of now , as Apple switches to ARM based chips , the structure of most of it's apps\plugins will change radically , and one can not face too much down time due to patching things editing numbers in plists and kexts. Although i Love Logic Pro x workflow , i use Reaper for teaching sound design , I might think of fully switching my DAW , or maybe some godly design where Logic Pro becomes cross Platform , but that'll never happen i suppose. I have clarity but yet uncertain .
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