Omnisphere 2 Problem with crack on MacOs High Sierra 10.13.6

Discussion in 'Software' started by mohamad khallouf, Mar 22, 2020.

  1. mohamad khallouf

    mohamad khallouf Newbie

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Hello everyone.

    I need Held please .

    I installed Omnisphere 2 one year ago and it was worked but lately after a new Update from mac it works not any more. I have MacOs High Sierra 10.13.6. I tried to remove it and install again but it worked with crack not any more.
    I will tell you how I tired to install it again. I installed the software Omnisphere 2 2 v2.0.3d. I can't see which version of Omnisphere I now have. In any case I installed Omnisphere 2.4.1d, 2_5_0d and v2.6.0c.
    I had tow problems. See pictures please. I opened the folder in which there were the components and vst files of Omnisphere, I put them in a folder on the desktop and then with the Wine software I got to open the Crack in .exe format for Windows, I open the keygen I found the file components and I patched them and then I copied them back to Library / Audio / Plug-Ins / Components and vst. But it didn't word.

    one question: has System fail something to do with crack?
    I can't see the challenge code when I patched Omnisphere.vst and Omnisphere.component.
    Picture one and tow: With version of 2 v2.0.3d. I see this code when I opened the software and even if I select countine it dosen't change anything. I see this code before I patched vst and component and when I patch them it dosen''t also change anything

    Picture three: Omnisphere _2_5_0d. I see this code ``p`` even if I patch them, it dosen't change anything.[​IMG]

    Please Help

    Thank you

    Attached Files:

  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hi and welcome to Audiosex.
    I've edited your title as there already a lot of threads about Omnisphere. So it's better to write your system in the title to get better answers.
  4. David Leo

    David Leo Noisemaker

    Jul 8, 2017
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    I have a few 3rd party libraries for Omnisphere. However, when I use the 'Install .omnisphere' button in the utility tab, it just freezes omnisphere.

    I'm using Mojave with the below current installed products from Spectrasonics
    Omnisphere Software 2.6.2c
    Omnisphere Soundsources v2.6.1c
    Omnisphere Patches v2.6.1c
    Moog Tribute Patches v1.4c
    Keyscape Software 1.1.2c
    Keyscape Soundsources 1.0.2
    Keyscape Patches 1.3c
    Trilian Software 1.4.4c
    Trilian Soundsources 1.0.1
    Trilian Patches 1.4.9c
    Stylus RMX Software 1.9.8f
    Bob Moog Tribute Library Patches 1.4c
  5. David Leo

    David Leo Noisemaker

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Here's the solution, if anyone faces this issue:

    Go to STEAM/Omnisphere/Defaults/ and delete UserSettings.xml (I made a backup of it just in case but haven’t needed it) and start Omnisphere again.
  6. englesia

    englesia Newbie

    Jun 11, 2019
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    I have the same problem and deleted UserSettings.xml from the Omnisphere STEAM folder, and restarted. It is still crashing when trying to install third party libraries.

    Using 2.6.2c on Mac Mojave - both as VST and Stand alone versions.

    Any other solutions to this issue?
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