Do we must ban Mac / PC trolls ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lord Gaga, Sep 18, 2011.


Must we add a rule which forbid Mac / PC trolling and ban those who don't follow it ?

  1. YES

    12 vote(s)
  2. NO

    13 vote(s)
  3. We must add this rule, give a first warning, then a ban

    15 vote(s)
  1. faminepulse

    faminepulse Newbie

    Sep 20, 2011
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    Hello Guys, My first post here, I agree with some I disagree with some...

    1.-The first point is that some think that asking for software is stupid, I have two thoughts about this:
    ---This is a forum, and is related to music software, sometimes people is more aware of stuff, or are more skilled at looking for crac[k]ed software, at other forums I've been, If I asked or somebody else did, it was because maybe I already had the software or I;ve seen it somewhere else, remember that audioz is not the only place where you can find this kind of stuff... maybe if its not here somebody saw it already, it doesn't hurt to ask
    --Second, yes, I also agree that people DEMANDING, or thinking that the TEAMS are going to pay attention to their request are probably not very likely to get what they want, (I didn't say they can't, but they are NOT VERY LIKELY) and they might be annoying but, if you have the software, it doesn't cost you that much to share a link, if you are kind enough to upload the file, or at least to point the guy to the direction they need, that's all, if you don't have nothing to comment, don't do it, then YOU are not very likely to get what you want (in case that you want something)

    I just think that we had luck sometimes and we can get what we "want", and if you don't there is always somewhere to ask, or somebody to help.
    Personally I think that a forum is to help and share, and if we can't help by getting the guy their piece of software, then just tell them that there is nothing we can do.

    2.- People, please don't try to chance other guys thoughts about their computers, (its like trying to tell you that your DAW sucks and my DAW rules), everyone have what they want, what they feel confortable working with, what they can afford, and the most important, the things they can make music with (talking about this subject: music software, music production, etc)

    If you like you PC its perfect! If you like your Mac its perfect! If you like Linux its perfect!

    Just respect what people have and like, don't show off, if we are musicians, hobbyist, etc, you don't want to be a jerk to other musicians, to other people...

    If you tried Mac and PC for music production, you probably know what works best for you, If you haven't tried windows for music production, or If you haven't tried Mac for music production, give the other guys a chance, you have nothing to lose, but to expand your tools!


    Remember that we cannot change what the other guys think about THEIR computer and what I think about MY computer, just be happy with what you have, if somebody tells you it sucks, its cheap, its overpriced, just remember that its an opinion don't take it personally, you are not microsoft and you are not apple, they won't pay you to tell them how great is your computer working. If you really want to do that, go to best, amazon, or whatever and write a review about how good your computer is for music production, and maybe somebody will read it and was just waiting to read something related to it!
    And if you didn't like it, then write a review telling them how your experience was and somebody will read it and make a better choice.


    I don't think nobody should be banned, I just think new guys need to be educated and veterans need to be tolerant.
    THATS MY OPINION , if you don't care about it, its fine, if you like it, i don;t know, i just guess we have the same point.
  2. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    You have a great site here , I voted no , but I think the people who carry on about this program or operating system not having availability to a program are getting excited about nothing
    I have no Idea how to crack these programs , and no idea why anyone with this talent and programing abilities would waste there time doing it . When they could be making money with this talent
    I am just glad that they do
    So if a few programs are not available it is no big deal,I find sometimes that people do not even use the programs that they download , very much ,they use them for a while,and then they sit on their computers and do nothing
    It seem more to be a magpie effect I need to collect all these shiny things

    just a thought Thank You
  3. faminepulse

    faminepulse Newbie

    Sep 20, 2011
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    Thats the thing I wanted to point, I have nothing against you, I was just waiting for a post like yours to tell you what I was talking about:

    For the looks of it, you have Win7, and are very exited about the release of Win8, nice, and its cool that you have great expectations about it, that means that microsoft is working good about building excitement on their new product, and probably you already heard of new features that you want to have.

    Mac users know that windows is doing some good stuff, and windows users know that mac is doing good stuff also!

    Just this little "wars" "jokes" "thoughts" that we know are not going to do any good, that's what I really call a Mac/PC troll, mentioning "Mac users do this, think this...", "PC users do this, think this..."
    If you are not one of them, let them be...

    Then again: "MacOs i think it´s for people who don´t understand computers at all"
    Oh, music producers, radio stations, physicians (thats me if you need some proof), software developers (software for mac, for pc, for mobile devices), web designers, graphic designers, hardware engineers, software engineers, etc...
    They work with both, PC and Mac... I study at Engineering college and you often see, software engineers, or hardware engineers, with Macs, teachers, doctors, graduates, etc...

    They use what they have, what they want, and what they feel confortable with...

    Again, I usually don't even bother on these comments, but I just wanted to tell you an example.... somebody that has a mac, will be upset since you are telling him that he don't understand computers at all...
    then he will reply something (not in a respectful way, since you weren't in the first place [EDIT: I'm not telling that you are disrespectful, Im just pointing that they might feel offended because of your comment, and they will perceive your comment as a disrespectful one, even if that's not your idea] ), then you will reply, etc..

    Why should we feed this?
  4. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Yeah, you're probably correct.
    I'll stick to my Unix-based dumb terminal and leave you to your CLI heaven.

  5. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    even though OSX is also UNIX based ... it's far from being as "open" as windows...what can you tweak?