MELODYNE 5 VS AUTO-TUNE PRO : the 2020-Covid19-era debate

Discussion in 'Software' started by kindleman, May 26, 2020.

  1. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    I have seen an old post about this but its been 4 years and....
    Melodyne 5 has just been released!!!
    we are now all very much more experienced and well trained after months of locked down, watching tutorials videos on youtube / working/ practicing and wasting time on our lovely DAWS .
    whats the latest ? what is your preferences ? how do you use them? what are your tricks ?
    and most of all WHICH ONE SOUNDS BEST!?!?!? Some say auto-tune sounds better than melodyne some say the other way around. - lets compare the graphic mode in auto - tune
    I had a good look at the new melodyne videos and for as much as I was impressed with all the amazing functions ... it seems like it still sounds "fake" . there is that "androidy" quality to the sound that it is so apparent ... even though from my experience it seems like its more noticeable on some very specific vocal timbres .
  3. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I'm shocked that anyone still uses Autotune but apparently some do prefer it. I've always used Melodyne without anyone generally being able to tell I've done any work on a vocal- unless it was just appalling to begin with. I think both of them can be abused.
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  4. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    As Autotune is generally more "popular" especially with the new generation, people tend to go towards it for no apparent reason than that, so as long as it get's the job done i can't hold anything against it or against anyone who uses it, as the more options the better especially for the sake of competition, and that's always good for the end-user.
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  5. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    am I going crazy or we all can hear the "android quality" that it leaves on the vocals ????
  6. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    sometimes, that sound is intentional. sometimes it is just done badly. i believe trurl when he says he can use it without being noticeable. i've seen it done.
  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Yes, I have to assume that when you hear it it's either because it's intentional (or at the very least the artist didn't either way) or that the person who did it was not capable of being subtle with it. Some producers apparently don't think a vocal sounds right unless it's about as natural sounding as a car horn. I'm used to using Melodyne now because, when it came out, to me it had a more sophisticated interface but someone who's good with Autotune probably gets the same results. I also like Melodyne because of the ability to do polyphonic tuning (admittedly with wildly varying degrees of success) and timing fixes too.
  8. Can we have more posts about Melodyne?
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  9. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    We could, yeah
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  10. I'm hoping it eclipses posts about Omnisphere install problems.
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  11. Moms_little_pirate

    Moms_little_pirate Kapellmeister

    Jul 9, 2019
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    "@The Pirate, how do I Melodyne my Omnisphere install on Mac, please?"
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  12. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    IMO you are comparing apples to oranges. At least if we look historically at both.. Autotune may have been conceived as a subtle correction HW/SW, but we all know what is it famous for from Cher's '98 song, T-Pain and then millions of others.

    In majority of cases, esp in hip-hop and subgens used as an "audible" FX, that is put on vocals at the time of recording so that the singer hears/monitors it. The singer should know how to sing into it and record multiple takes to get the desired "autotune effect" out of it. And nowadays it's on every pop vocal to enhance shittiness together with over-saturation.

    This is something you just can't do with Melodyne because it is meant to be a precise "offline"/post-record tool. It would be more relevant to compare Autotune to Waves Tune Real-Time.. what? wearing masks? fighting depression/anxiety/panic? If it's bout production I feel as stupid as I was, if not a tad more..

    Hey, nothing personal, just a little midnight kidding spank me hard! ;)
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  13. Unless I'm singing I want all vocalists to sing as close to perfect pitch as possible if I am engineering. I am the exception because my singing is shit. But for everyone else, if you can't nail it in three takes, I will throw a hot cup of tea at you. I once gave a seven year old girl third degree burns, much to the magistrates annoyance. Obviously he has no idea how excruciating a tone deaf vocalist can be or she'd be paying me damages! But on a more serious note, F# below middle C, I use auto tuning the way I use compression. I add it with caution, often using more than one method to smooth out a good vocal into a great one. Comping too is often overlooked as a solution to a smooth vocal and don't be afraid to dive into the waveforms themselves. Tune in again tomorrow when we'll be working the biceps and the abs.
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  14. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Aotutune, enhancing the shittiness of your vocals since 1997! My drink came out my nose.
    My give a shit factor for recording people's crap vocals is defnintely non-existent these days. Three takes is ALL you're going to get and then I will have my way with you. Roughly. No lube.
  15. I'll see you and raise you one. I've been spoiled in the last decade working with some world class pros. I'm now semi retired and moved out of the city and bought a little place. I have a great studio for my own use, but one day I decided I missed working with people. I put a few cards up in the local music store and picked out what seemed to be the best of the bunch. In total I had to ask four people to leave. Zero ability. Sorry, can't help you. They were giving me panic attacks. If I see them in the street I'm sure they're going to spit on me or worse and I never answer the doorbell. I've been known to hide behind the bed because one of them was looking through the window.
    I am aware I have a problem and see a professional.
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  16. Cube Sixty-Three

    Cube Sixty-Three Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Why is there no Waves Tune Real-Time in your comparison? Too cheap? I've them 3 but there's a sh!t load of things you can do with Auto-tune Pro + Efx that was why I bought it, not for pitch correction but for the many effects you never thought possible. I think Waves Tune Real-Time is magical if you want pitch correction that is working and very subtle (Not noticeable). It does an amazing job one time I messed with it.

    AMERICUH Kapellmeister

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Totally right. I used Waves Real-Time for a loooooong time until I changed to Antares .. but I have to admit that there are Projects where the Waves product just works better, especially when it's used very subtle .. like 20-30ms retune speed.
  18. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    Damn, all these Melodyne posts usurping away the Soothe hype :dont:
  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Did I misread the info? Does #5 not support VST2 or just VST2 Rewire?
  20. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Autotune is cool because you can use it while recording in realtime. Melodyne is a bit more of a post-recording editing suite I think. ATPro actually lets you edit notes on a piano roll similar to Melodyne but I'm not sure what any of the new V5 features are yet.

    The phase-out seems to be happening... Which is crazy considering how unstable VST3 can by still.

    This is more of a bare-bones approach since it can do the basic AT style live recording application. Might be more comparable to the lite version of AT.
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  21. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    To be honest, ARA support would only work with VST3, so it's the preferred format since quite a while. I have not had any problems on Studio One with removing VST2 from the plugin list on both Windows and Mac and I'm using most of my plugins in VST3 - mostly because in VST2, usually on Windows versions, they add the stupid "_x64" to the plugin name - this prevents me from being able to transfer sessions from Mac to PC and the other way around. VST3 usually didn't have that (though for example IK in VST3 is listed as manufacturer name IK Multimedia, in VST2 as IK Multimedia Production - this already prevents me from exchanging between the two)

    Edit: Like they thought anyone sane would be using anything 32-bit in 2020. DAWs that support both usually indicate which version it is - and frankly, everything should install 64-bit only by default - with opt-in 32-bit as a "I have a legacy system" option.
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