Another Year Has Passed with No Success

Discussion in 'Music' started by StolenShine, May 23, 2020.

  1. StolenShine

    StolenShine Kapellmeister

    Dec 1, 2018
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    Another Year Has Passed with No Success And i'm going through a very difficult time in my life To continue With Music,Ill Leave Some Link's From Some Of My Best Work For Any One To Check Out (Not All Of My Song's Are Uploaded)

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  3. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    If you enjoyed making the music and you like to hear it you've had success by a lot of standards...
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  4. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    just got to keep going, trying to improve and produce better music, send your music to the right lables, i was going to give up last year but something inside me said no, so i moved from producing trance to psytrance and since april last year to today i have had 16 releases on various labels, and in 2011 untill 2014 had 10 tracks released with bonzai, but both times it was with music i never really produced before, for me it gave me new challanges and made better music, if your heart is still in it try and keep trying and the passion, good luck
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  5. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I enjoyed listening to those songs, and would not know what to suggest to improve anything music-wise,
    but maybe there are things other than "the music" that are not helping your situation.
    The unusual punctuation in your post makes me wonder if it's not a clue to things ignored or unattended...
    Often, improvement in weak areas can have indirect impacts.
    DJK mentioned genre-shifting had an impact, but the challenge that makes a difference may not even have anything to do with music...
  6. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    Hey man, I liked these tracks too. As DoubleTake said, perhaps you can start improving things that don't have to do with music directly. Check out Ari Herstand's "How to Make It in the New Music Business, 2nd Edition". He talks a lot about the important things that you have to do besides the actual music making in order to become successful.
    Don't feel discouraged, just keep going on. For what it's worth, even if you haven't gotten successful in the past 12 months, you are a better music producer than a year ago. These skills are valuable and worth it.
  7. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Give up, go and lay in a corner a weep Winners don't complain they work thru the pain
    If it was easy everyone would do it
    Im still trying after much success in the 90's I fell from grace I am now starting all over again because I love it and miss it
    I have been working on one song for 6 months I gave my self reachable dealines I will release June 14 my 60th birthday
    I have started a new label got myself a DOTcom got my self a service and im going for it
    IF IM 60 and doing that you should now be able to Kick it up a knotch BANG Go get what the world owes you :)
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  8. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    I'm not a fan of this style of pop so no expert but dont think you could improve anything as they sound exactly like the stuff they keep playing on radio or down the local gyms.
  9. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Good stuff.Now if want your music to be heard built your career around youtube,who cares about labels you can do it your self.Start the channel
    and do tutorials on your own songs how you built them etc.
  10. babuk

    babuk Producer

    Apr 27, 2018
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    You sound better and more pro than any other guys here(for their aimed genre) . By a mile. It's just sad to have the dough but not the luck or connections or whatever is needed for the success you're looking for.
  11. Karlsplatz

    Karlsplatz Kapellmeister

    Jul 31, 2018
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    My music is more acoustic and jazzy, but I do get your disappointment. I have listend to your provided songs and they are very professional in a good way and well crafted.
    I guess the kind of success you might be hoping for is in your genre beside some kind of luck (always needed) also advertisment related. If my fiance would hear one of your songs in the radio, she might come home singing it while doing other work. So dont give up, try getting it played and recognized.

    The other thing about your style of music and a widely common problem these days: you can get everything pretty much done alone by yourself. No interference by others, no distractions, just your goal of finishing a great product. No need for other musicians playing instruments you are not capable of playing.
    At the end of the day, those advantages of being able to pick from pretty much all sounds/instruments you can think of, imply also a great deal of solitude and in worse cases loneliness (this counts for youtube lessons all the same).
    If that is - in some ways - the case for your, maybe urging for more cooperations and working with others might be a good way to prevent those disapointments about absence of "success".
    Personally, I would always pick a 90% great song, done with others having a lot of joy doing so, over a 110% perfect produced one all by myself. To succeed, you dont need 100% anyway, imho.

    All the best
  12. Cube Sixty-Three

    Cube Sixty-Three Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2020
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    You want to hear the truth? Yes?

    #1 The industry is over saturated
    So to get the attention or success you want you need to bring something new and different to the industry.

    #2 You sound generic, like those reggaeton sample packs, although I must commend that your sounds are well mixed and mastered but you sound like every other artist out there.

    If you don't work on these things you'll need a huge deal of luck and expensive marketing budget to get noticed. All the best my friend!

    Edited the typos :bow:
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
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  13. Area51

    Area51 Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    the music industry is a cruel place indeed. you need loads of luck to make a success
  14. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Cube63 makes good points and it relates to what I thought after I had replied the first time.
    Your punctuation made me wonder if maybe you are not following some rules you should be following.
    But then I think ... in your music you seem to follow very strict rules ..and why it sounds "same".
    So , maybe you follow the rules you are motivated to follow.
    So.... FUCK the rules and get famous !

    Just make sure you choose the right rules to FUCK...
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  15. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    The music industry is not about music.
    Dropped out of it in the 90's and got a gov't job.
    Now I'm ready to retire with a pension and I can afford to make whatever kind of noise I like without worrying about starving.
    Success? What do you call success?
    When I was in the biz it meant actually getting paid for a gig and maybe getting some free dope or a BJ :wink:
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  16. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    how much money you did get from 26 releases ? round bout ?...i kno its no indicator nor reasson to produce but just for info

    alone the naming...:deep_facepalm:
    david guetta stole even its name_shizzle from david carretta
    dieter bohlen copies usher song for germany next top idiot
    and now parents tell their kids go learn something from david guetta and dieter bohlen:hillbilly:
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
  17. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    didnt make a dime gyro no one do, have to sell 1000`s to make a small amount, my good friend producer manu riga showed me his royalty statements for a year and he made 500 euros and he is a big name in progressive house and remixes top producers, i was never in it for the money as there aint none to be made, just the buzz seeing ur work out there, sadly the internet killed it all not just music either.
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  18. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    frankly what i will say might not make much difference anyway, but those are good well at least to my ears.
    if someone was to tell me one of it was on the radio i wouldn't be surprised.
    so if you still can make a living doing this and you love it then never stop, you might not get rich but you'd be doing something you love.
    otherwise you have to make a living somehow if so make it a hobby
    best of luck anyway.
  19. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    If you're in the music for the fame and glory instead of self-realization, you're on the wrong biz.
    Building and having a successful musical career is most of the time a lucky shot.
    Even if I don't appreciate your musical style, I can see that you have the talent and the know-how.
    Quitting just because you didn't get rich and famous as most of us dream for me is just a dumb decision.
    Keep doing what you love and maybe one day, that lucky shot appears.

    I do music and I'm also a DJ for more than 25 years, and I feel blessed with I have done until now, even if I didn't have the luck that some had.
    I just keep the focus on my work and I keep going one more day. Today having talent means nothing... trust me.
  20. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
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  21. tonymontana22

    tonymontana22 Member

    May 18, 2020
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    I am going to echo most of what everyone else is saying. I am going to be honest and very direct.

    The music industry is the TOUGHEST business in the world. Period. You can't feel sorry for yourself because you haven't made it. Everyone feels down sometimes but you need to be resilient or you have no chance in this business. Most people that have experienced a high level of success have worked on it for YEARS consistently. I say again: "consistently". Some of the most successful producers in the business found real success in their late 20s and 30s (ie. Louis Bell, David Guetta, Ian Kirkpatrick to name a few). You're 26. You have time. You have to be passionate about making great music as a #1 concern. Be obsessed.

    Your music is cool but it isn't good enough so there is your problem #1. I don't say that to be rude, you definitely show some talent and skill but you need to put a lot more time into vocal production, find a good mix engineer to finish your mixes, find more talented vocalists, and work on your sound. The music business is collaborative, you can't do it on your own so seek out others.

    I've heard each of your songs a million times before. It's totally cool that you're emulating the music you like, but it isn't going to get people's attention. You have to find a way to deliver something that feels familiar and new at the same time.

    1. How hard are you hustling? How many hours a day do you devote to your craft, to marketing, to education, to networking?
    2. How many writing camps have you been to?
    3. How many playlists have you been listed on? Have you tried to build relationships with key figures of these playlists and Spotify as a company?
    4. You're in America, have you ever been to LA, Nashville, or New York to write with others?

    If your answer is no to most of these questions, which I think it probably is, work harder, get tough, and don't give up.
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