What is Success and can we Start again in our late 20s? Is it too late?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ankit, May 22, 2020.

  1. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I am reaching 30s in a couple of years and I don't like what I am doing (Doing a job not related to music). I wanted to get answer from the real people. My career is getting meaningless everyday. It has been a week and I am feeling very low.
    I would love to hear from somebody who was at similar situation before.
  3. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Well, as someone who has run a pretty successful studio since 1994 the last 8 weeks have left me well and truly f**ked. If you have any job that currently pays rent I would damn well hang on to it.
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  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Success to me is to reach a state in which you are really satisfied. How this state looks like should be decided individually.
    This state is neither tied to a certain age, nor wealth or being happy (the latter is something different).
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  5. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    I started when I was 15. Perhaps I should have waited till I'd reached the age of reason. :guru:
  6. DigitHandz

    DigitHandz Ultrasonic

    Jan 23, 2020
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    You need motivation. find motivation. What did you do in the past that gave you motivation. Revisit your steps and you will find the answer!
  7. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Yep. You can change direction in your 30's, 40's, 50's.... or anytime that you chose. If you have reached the top of the greasy pole in your job/profession and it's getting you down, choose another pole.

    Stuck at what you do? That's because you're too bloody good at it. A safe pair of hands, as they say. That's a problem because nobody dares to speak to you because they are afraid that you might consider them to be idiots. So, find something in which you are the idiot and, like others before you, ride a while upon the shoulders of giants. Choose a role model and emulate him/her/it.

    First off, once the lockdown is over, join a club whose activities include something that fascinates you. Be friendly. By listening and chatting with your fellow Members you will pick up on stuff that you otherwise would never have imagined all by yourself.

    Don't quit your job just yet. It pays the bills.

    Study the knowledge that you gained at your club and pretty soon you will become the go-to guy in that area. This can easily lead on to you gaining a pro qualification in that field and, also, comfortably demonstrate before a panel of potential future employers that you are flexible, willing and eager to fit in with their team, and that you are their best choice of the day.

    In short: come out of your shell and sniff around. Joy comes from actually doing, much more than from wishing that you had something to do.

    Now, you might be thinking, "Yeah. Great in theory, DarthFader but...". That's a natural reaction. I can understand that. You don't know me from Adam IRL. And that's good. I'm not here to tell ya my life's story but to tell you to get your arse into gear and write your own history.

    Don't wish for the moon when you've got the stars, okay? Bite the f*** bullet and get on with it.
    Rock on! :phunk:
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
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  8. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    I've seen a thread by someone here, forgot the name, he was in his 50s I think? Or 60s? And he landed a pretty nice job with music that he wrote, he basically made it after years of problems. 30 is still relatively young. Use your time wisely and the world is still at your feet. But if you spend your 30s whining about the fact you're not 20 anymore, you'll spend your 40s whining about that whining, and so forth. Just do what you want to do and become successful :mates:But do so while being aware that you'll need to spend a lot of time and overcome a ton of problems, and that you might go through times when you feel frustrated.
  9. Downlo

    Downlo Producer

    Apr 6, 2017
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    I´m almost 50 :guru:.
    Not beeing happy with your day job is pretty normal i´d say.

    I have had a lot of different jobs untill my "break " came. (worked in retail, hospital, phone-company and lots more)
    What i´ve learned is that trying out new things really helps to find out what it is you like.

    Think about this, there are 50 year old´s who feel like you do now.
    Why, because they never tried anything new and were stuck in a job because it payed the rent. Job security.

    If one day my current job becomes a hobby again, i'll be fine. Because now i know what i like.
    And what jobs to avoid...... For me i could never work in a hospital again. Now i know. :wink:
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  10. AudioTee

    AudioTee Kapellmeister

    Oct 19, 2018
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    30 is young, but a lot depends on you.
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  11. I was in exactly the same place as you in my late 20's. My job was in graphic design....but not even good graphic design. Nothing creative. I decided to go with music. It should be noted this was a long time ago in a galaxy not so far away. In fact it was this galaxy. Most boring galaxy on Rotten Tomatoes. I had some money saved up and built a small studio and alongside playing some gigs, I recorded, produced and wrote for film, TV and radio. After a few years, I suppose I was a success. But the weird thing is my new career, was becoming like my old career. I was just working for a boss. If I didn't have a job on, I'd turn out the lights and go home. Eventually my lack of enthusiasm saw a lot of the work dry up and I did enough freelance design work to keep me in beer and other stuff. My life was clubs and raves. For the first time in years I liked listening to music again. Recently I've made peace with music. I do it when I feel the urge. Much like my bowel movements, I don't force it. So, the moral of the story is you just have to do when you have to do it. If it's wrong, you'll find out eventually and you may move to a new galaxy. I did for a couple of hours back in the 90's. I wish I could remember the recipe for that cocktail of drugs.
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  12. JM6996

    JM6996 Rock Star

    Apr 27, 2018
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    You are still young and anything is possible you know. It is normal to feel a bit down at times but I would say the most important thing is to never give up. If that's what you want to do, do it and don't let it go!
  13. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    31 Years old. started my internship summer of last year.
    Never been happier... Could use some clients ofc. but this is a labor of love, not gains.
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  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Everything is constantly changing, and as a matter of fact you will not be the same exact person you were when you started reading my post. This whole mishagash completely relies on perception, and in a way, you are what you eat in regard to how you shape your reality microsecond by microsecond.

    Henry de Monfreid did lots of different things in his colorful life and wrote the first of his 70 books at age 50 after a friend obliged him to do so, as we all are imploring you to do the same.

    Do what you love, take care of business so that your head is covered during any coming rainstorm and try not to wallow in the mud of dispair, the road to happiness begins on the next positive step you take.



  15. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Have you read the book
  16. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    have you read the book we are not alone
  17. Polomo

    Polomo Guest


    1. Atomic Leow
    Oldest Age While Attending School: 66 years old in 2015[​IMG]
    Atomic Leow was 66 years old when he graduated in 2015 as a Doctor of Medicine from University GT Popa of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi, Romania. Leow, who is originally from Singapore, is the oldest known medical student in the world

    Yuichiro Miura (October 12, 1932 – Present)
    Age at the Time of Climb: 80 years, 224 days
    Yuichiro Miura is the oldest person in the world to ever climb to the summit of Mount Everest at the age of 80.

    1. John Glenn (July 18, 1921 – December 8, 2016)
    Famed and beloved American astronaut John Glenn made history for being the first American to orbit the Earth and being the oldest astronaut in the world to ever travel in space, at the age of 77

    Never too late buddy
  18. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    41 here started about a year ago.Dont quit your job start a youtube channel about music,keep learning and share your knowledge,hang out on the big music forums like kvr, meet people and before you know it things start to happen.