Slate VMS ML-1 mic paired with townsend mic modeling plugin

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by zeukin, May 20, 2020.

  1. zeukin

    zeukin Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    The whole point of mic modeling is to have a microphone and preamp system have a flat frequency response and be clean in order to be able to emulate the little differences in the frequency response that creates the sound of the mic and/or the pre amp. I bought the slate vms ml-1 and Im using it connected to my apollo twin. They both have super clean signal running through them because both these products run programs later to emulate vintage gear. With that said I'm curious to know if anyone has tried using the townsend plugin by ua in conjuction with the slate vms ml-1 mic.
  3. The Townsend plugin is for a stereo microphone, so a straight shoot out isn't going to give a definitely conclusive outcome. Are you using the Slate with the dedicated preamp or straight into the UA? Because that's going to alter the response of the Slate and muddy any potential results.
  4. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Yep done it a lot actually.
    They are all just colors... think of it like that.
    if folks would stop thinking they are getting the SAME SOUND.. well these microphones real versions dont even sound like the real versions.
    Just think about it like different colors and you will have a blast with all the variations.

    I do how ever route the Mono signal into a Stereo Buss in order to use the Townsend.

    But yep. I do it it too! And I love doing it. get some real cool color especially since you can blend 3 slates with 2 townsends.
    Insane for drums.

    I also use the slate Kick and snare mic emulation on any ole stem..
    There is no *dont do that*.
    if you think about it,Try it. If it sounds dope. keep on doing it.