Active Members Only: All Mac related Problems with Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Bolle

    Bolle Noisemaker

    Dec 4, 2019
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    Using multiple physical outputs in Kontakt and Ableton Fix

    So guys, this one was driving me crazy and I couldn't find any solution.
    Gladly I was able to fix it.

    My Problem:
    When using Kontakt 6 (AU) in Ableton I was able to create multiple output channels for several Instruments, but I wasn't able to route them into more than one of Kontakt's "physical Outputs".

    The Solution:
    Close Ableton (or other DAW) and open Kontakt 6 standalone
    Make sure to select your Audio Interface in Kontakt settings
    Press "+" next to Outputs to add output channels.

    Quantity: How much Outs you'll need (+1 if you want to route all instruments (Output 1/2 is Kontakts master out)
    Number: Choose 2 (Stereo), 1 (Mono)
    Soundcard: Choose Channel 1 of your Soundcard
    Check "Ascending output assignment", "Delete existing channels..", and "Make this your default config.."
    Hit ok

    You'll now see the output channels you just created (you wont be able route them to several physical outs yet, don't worry!!)

    Click "Presets/Batch Configuration" > "Save current Output section state as default for" > "All Formats" (or just AU/VST)
    Close standalone

    Open DAW again and load your project
    Open Kontakt AU/VST in your DAW
    Click Presets/Batch Configuration > Reset Output Section
    The channels you created in kontakt standalone should be back

    Now you should be able to set all those output channels to new created physical outs.

    Save your Kontakt multi and your project.

    Just repeat the process to add more physical outputs.
    Best way to route Kontakt in Ableton is using the "external instrument" plugin.
    Change "Midi To" and "Audio From" to Kontakt's Midi In / physical out of your choice.

    I hope this will help some of you.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  2. Covid19

    Covid19 Newbie

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Thanks sham69 for this post full of hope. I spent hours trying to get this library work witout success, I even copy/paste the full xml code that you have posted, without your luck (I guess it wasn't luck). Question : where did you find the fixed nicnt of yours? I found one, but my antivirus refuse to run the installer.
  3. Rainy Keys

    Rainy Keys Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Nashville, TN
    Quick Kontakt question......I installed a library using a .dmg installer now my Kontakt 5( the one I use to add my libraries) doesn't work. My Kontakt 6 and Kontakt 6 vst/Au loads without any issues. Any ideas to fix my Kontakt 5 issue?
  4. Happened to me once. I went back a few versions from 5.6 to 5.0 (I think) and I still use that. Repeated attempts since to get 5.6 working again have failed and the earlier version works perfectly. So try a fresh install of an older version. Good luck.
  5. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    You have to use Permission Reset for that Kontakt 5.6 app first, then it will work afterwards.
  6. Rainy Keys

    Rainy Keys Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Nashville, TN
    This worked many thanks man:like:
  7. blueline2612

    blueline2612 Newbie

    Apr 30, 2020
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    OK so im a N00B at this, but I understand the process but i'm still hitting a snag...

    Mac OX 10.14.6
    Kontakt (crked)

    I had Symphobia 3 lumina working just fine, but I had to do a clean install on my mac, now all my other libraries work but not this. Deleted and reinstalled kontakt, removed xml, and removed lumina plist. Tried again, nothing, tried changing the hex code on the Nicnt file, nothing...

    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but im stuck and have been reading on here all day with nothing working.

    My error comes up :

    "Your new Library needs to be added before this
    Instrument can be used. Please go to Kontakt's
    Libraries tab and press the Add Library button."

    after it was already added.

    Can someone help? Maybe PM me a nicnt that would work and solve this? I'm honestly just stuck with doing everything so far. Thanks for any help


    So I re-downloaded just a nicnt file from another lumina torrent and that did the trick! If anyone is having these issues, seems like that the quickest way.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  8. bigolibagoli

    bigolibagoli Newbie

    Nov 18, 2012
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    Hi there,

    I add tons of libraries with Kontakt 5.6.6 and later I play it with 6.2.1 in logic, I create NICNT files and wallpapers...never had a problem in Years.
    Tonight I'm getting crazy with an interesting old (2006) library:
    BEST SERVICE Orient World Library
    It come with an disk image + a separate keygen, but I cannot run the installer in Mojave because "power PC applications are not supported..."

    this is my workflow:

    -I create a nicnt file with a new snipd
    -I added on Kontakt 5.6.6
    -I see it in Logic with Kontakt 6.2.1
    -I try to load an instrument of this library and this message appear:
    "This patch cannot be loaded.Make sure that the original library is properly activated!"
    -tried more than one time to create other nicnt with different SNPID after deleting lib XML in Service Center....

    Any ideas how to install or to use this library...?

    thank for your time :)

    Attached Files:

  9. Psy-tranceX

    Psy-tranceX Newbie

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Hello Guys,

    I am sorry if I am posting a problem that already has a solution, but I have been reading and trying to do stuff for the last week without success, I am getting MAD. Although I am old to production, I am a noob every time something goes a little different than expected.

    First time I managed to get Kontakt working, Trying to install the library Berlin Orchestra Inspire Vol 1 on Kontakt 6.0.3, OSX 10.11.6. downloaded from AZ long time ago.

    Already tried add through 5.6 version but it says the file is corrupt ( I assume the library is newer than this Kontakt version)

    Came back to 6.0.3 and try add the instrument individually, Keep getting the message: "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed"

    I have tried everything, download SNPIDer V3.2, keeps crashing. I can't seem to get anything working.

    I never got an .xml with the name of the library anywhere and I've got a .nicnt file on the download folder.

    If any enlightened soul could show me the way out of my ignorance I would be forever grateful.
  10. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    edit: sorry i didnt properly read your post, i think ive seen a fix for this somewhere on a russian site, will post it here if i find it again
  11. Psy-tranceX

    Psy-tranceX Newbie

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Appreciate the effort and time mate, Thanks a lot!
  12. jellis

    jellis Newbie

    Jun 12, 2020
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    First off, Im very familiar with Kontakt and adding libraries. I know a lot of people here ask the same question here but I am not asking your "typical" noob kontakt question.

    I KNOW you have to install 5.6 to add libraries and then open them in a cracked version of 6 to get them to run. I'm WELL AWARE of SNIPD numbers. I know you need to get the nicnt and the xml to match.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple versions of kontakt 6 from 6.01 - 6.22. Right now I am running Kontakt 6.21

    Here's my question....

    I add all my libraries in Kontakt 5.6. The ones that do not show up, I check the SNIPD and XML numbers to make sure they match... then they show up in 5.6 and 6. HOWEVER, almost EVERY LIBRARY in KONTAKT 6 says

    "this instrument belongs to a library that is not currently installed"

    It's driving me absolutely insane. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Kontakt 5.6 and 6. I've removed plists and XMLs. I've changed drives that my libraries are on. I've redownloaded libraries as well. NOTHING has worked.

    I had ALL my libraries working but had to reformat my iMac. I have ALL my stuff dialed in. I was expecting to load my libraries today and be done. The problem is NOT that the libraries do not load (thats a simple SNIPD fix....) its that once I try to access them in KONTAKT 6 it gives me the error stated above. What's even stranger is that about %70 don't load open up and %30 do open up. So strange

    Please please please help.

    MAC OSX - MOJAVE 10.14.6
  13. jimcaresse

    jimcaresse Newbie

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Hello everybody,
    I have a problem with loading Spitfire Hans Zimmer Percussion 01 Kontakt library.
    I manage to add the library but when I try to open a instrument (.nki) I have the famous
    ERROR: could not read encrypted sample (library not registered?)

    Already tried deleting the xml and plist files but the message still appears.
    I use k'ed Kontakt 5.6.0 to add my libraries (and Kontakt 6.2.2 in my DAW). OSX Mojave 10.14.6

    I have made the .nicnt file with KLC on windows (it has worked for all my other libs).

    I saw that a lot of people have the same issue, and some of them manage to solve it, but I tried and it doesn't work. so if someone know where I am wrong and the path to follow it would be much appreciated !
    Thanks in advance.

  14. Chapalapachala

    Chapalapachala Newbie

    Jun 22, 2020
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    I had this problem and this is how I solved (all the info is here btw):

    After adding Evolution Rock Standard library to Kontakt 5 it wasn't showing up in my library tab. Didn't get the "no library found" message. It seemed to be ok at first but when I scrolled down I didn't find it. So I tried to load the instrument individually from the file and I got something like "this library is not installed".

    What worked was matching the SNPID number inside the .nicnt with the .xml file that was created after the installation ( go to Library - Application Support - Native Instruments - Service Center to find the .xml file) . This means the .xml needs to be edited so it is the same as the nicnt file, not the other way around. The number on the .xml was originally <SNPID>000</SNPID> and I changed it to <SNPID>P25</SNPID> where "P25" is the specific code for this particular library. When I did that, I saw the library on my library tab and I was able to use it without problems.

    I will try this on other libraries where I had the same problems but didn't know how to solve them. I guess it should work. There is a thread posted here with the specific SNPID codes for each kontakt library.
  15. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I had a similar issue with Slate+Ash Cycles (which I actually bought).

    I tried installing/uninstalling, re-downloading from manufacturer, SNPID and it still wouldn't show up in K6.2[K]/10.15.5.

    Finally out of desperation I installed Native Access and then blocked it with little snitch.

    Once Native Access saw it and added it to it's database, it worked.
  16. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    funny enough, i have the same problem. i have a folder with an installer and a correct nicht with P04 and added it via 5.6.0 but when i open it in k6.1 i tell me it cant find the lib. funny enough it tells me it can find the .nict file but also displays the correct path where it is. dont know what iam doing wrong
  17. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I suggest you to delete the xml from Service Center and the plist file from both Preferences locations and then add the library again.
    It seems you already had this library added before but on a different location and Kontakt didn't update it to the current one.
    Or the library is on a drive that is formatted to a type that Kontakt can't reach, even if macOS can.
    I had this experience but in Windows, i got a program to see mac formatted disks, I was able to point the nicnt file for adding the library but when opening the patch it complained that couldn't see the files and indeed that drive wasn't visible . Or it was on mac in Windows inside Parallels, I don't remember.
  18. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    hi jazzzz. thanks for your post/answer/help. the drive is full readable on my system. its new and 3 days old and formated like my drive before. all my kontakt libs are there and libs which are in the same folder as nucleus are, are also working fine. Its the first time i try to add it. i never added this Lib before. it was released some days ago (11.7). i deleted the xml in and the plist in my HD/Library/Preferences, there was none in User/Library/Preferences.

    i re-added it via k.5.6 and looked afterwards at the new generated nucleus.xml in /Library/ApplicationSupport/NativeInstruments/ServiceCenter with a snipid=000 and changed it to W09 (so its like in the nict). Also a plist is created as before in HD/Library/Preferences

    when i start k6.1.1 Nucleus is not there. when i try to drag and drop an nki Kontakt tells me "the instruments belongs to a library which is currently not installed"

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  19. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Another thing i recognized: NI Rise and Hit working perfect and flawless on my kontakt 5.6 and has Status "Library not found"-Tab in Kontakt 6.1.1 which is searching for the riseandhit.nict in the folder where it already is. Spotlightsearch will not find it. When i browser the Folder and hit Return the 1 file is missing is set to 0 but the Status "Library not found" stays. When i close K6 an reopen K5 it works

    i didnt get it
  20. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    There were some versions 6 that had issues with adding libraries, try another (newer) version.
    Other thing to observe, you said that there wasn't a plist file in user specific Preferences. Check the permission rights for that folder.
    Also check in the other plist if the location of the library in the line under the <ContentDir> (or in some cases <CurInstrDir> line is correct.

    Try one more thing:
    Create a plist file in a hex editor like TextWrangler with the same name of the other plist file that you found in normal Preferences folder, and save it in user specific Preferences folder with this content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    Carefully choose an available number in the line under UserListIndex (instead of 20) to avoid coinciding with other added library's order number.
    You can even try extending this text with the CurrentDir line and the location line that comes under that, putting it before the UserListIndex line in this new plist file, bringing these two extra lines from the other plist file that Kontakt managed to create.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
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