SNPIDer - handle SNPIDs on Mac !

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Fred Bloggs, May 4, 2020.

  1. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I know you're trying to help, and I appreciate that. My remark was in no way supposed to be offensive, only instructive ! You don't seem to be reading (or understanding) what I'm saying ! In my original answer to you, I told you that what you were suggesting for me to do was EXACTLY what the software was doing. Since you keep insisting that that's what it should do, I can only assume you missed it ! I'll try and put this more clearly for you.
    The software searches in the Service Center folder for ANY files that contain SNPIDs. A standard Kontakt library only has one of these in the file. ALL other files, those that DO NOT contain SNPID numbers ARE IGNORED.
    Some files known to me, such as "NativeAccess.xml" contain dozens of SNPID numbers that are of no interest for what we're doing here.
    Others such as "Kontakt 6 Application.xml" are known not to be actual libraries so they are of no interest either.
    To leave users the free choice to decide what to include or exclude from their listings, I created an editable preferences file which BY DEFAULT contains the xml file KNOWN BY ME to be of no interest or even hindering the performance of the software like "NativeAccess.xml". However, I obviously cannot be aware of all files proving to be a nuisance ! After I released version 1, someone pointed out that "ControllerEditor.xml" was crashing the software, so I added it "invisibly" to the internal exceptions. Not everyone has the same setup, so I thought it could be a good Idea to leave users the choice of what to omit or not, but I give them a head start by including exceptions that appear to be problematic.
    Other users of this version 3 has had crashing problems that have come down to "corrupt" files. I asked one user who had identified some problem files, if he could get a copy to me, but unfortunately I have had no return on this. Having managed to get hold of a copy of "ControllerEditor.xml", I have found it contains a "self-closing" SNPID tag and I suspect this is what the problem could be. There may be other files like that, but I don't have any to confirm. What I CAN confirm is the "ControllerEditor.xml" will systematically and consistently crash the software if it is in the Service Center folder without being included in the exceptions.
    What's for certain too is that "others – that can vary – don't have that line and that's why can cause your script fail" is simply false !
    Hope this makes things clearer for you :wink:
  2. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    You have not been very expansive on exactly what is going on for you. Does the software launch and crash ? Does it launch and appear to do nothing ? Does it launch at all ? In the post above, I mention that I may have pinned down a problem that will just cause the software to launch and quit as soon as it comes across it. This may be your problem. I shall be investigating this further so there may just be an update coming that could fix your problem :wink:
  3. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Sorry I wasn't that specific. I was busy doing some other work. The software launches and crashes after I select the list I want. Tried the first two options to generate a list. Zilch. Nada.

    Mind you, I removed .xml files ofKontakt libraries I no longer have in my system. My Service Center also has .xml files needed for Komplete Kontrol and Maschine patches from non Kontakt libraries that they use (Waves, Korg, AAS, Rob Papen, etc.) I have over 250 Kontakt libraries in there. I hope it brings some clarity.

    Like you stated before, this is something that you created for yourself and decided to share with the community and I appreciate that. If it works in my system, grand. If it doesn't, it doesn't. If you find a solution for it, grand. If not, that's fine and we move on.
  4. sinc001

    sinc001 Newbie

    Feb 28, 2019
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    hahaha - I love that its Xmas!
    No worries buddy. Here they are! - Merry Xmas!

    And again, thanks for your work mate!


    (PS - sorry for the delay) - I hadn't bookmarked the site and had trouble finding my way back here again - duh!)
    Last edited: May 7, 2020

    Attached Files:

  5. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Thanks a lot. I hope they will help me advance in my debugging :wink: I've just tried a couple, and they are indeed "killers" :woot:. If I don't find the cause of them making my software crash, I'll probably add them to my default exceptions list !!
  6. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Thanks for your feedback… very little helps :wink:.
    SINC'd has kindly posted 7 xml, guaranteed to make my software crash, to help me in de-bugging. I'm looking into it…
    In the meantime, if you have any of these seven files in your Service Center folder, add them to your exceptions prefs :

    Rammfire for Maschine.xml
    Reflektor for Maschine.xml *** This one is actually just fine !
    Traktor 2.xml *** so is this one !
    Traktors 12 for Maschine.xml *** as is this one !
    Traktors 12.xml

    You can copy/past these to add them, if it can help you not make typos. Remember, the extension must be included.
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
  7. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I've been thinking about turning my attention to this for a while. It is indeed a bit of a trick one !
  8. sinc001

    sinc001 Newbie

    Feb 28, 2019
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    OMG - ok, so i'm newb. I NEVER noticed the option to add exceptions to the list, until you just mentioned it in the above post! What spaz am I. LOL - Now I've now added them and it's working perfectly. This is a great work around! Thanks Fred!!
  9. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    For the moment, the exceptions list is the best compromise I could find. I'm working with the files you sent me to see if I can find why the ones that make my app crash do so. What I can already say is that of the seven files, four are actually just fine :

    Reflektor for Maschine.xml
    Rammfire for Maschine.xml
    Traktor 2.xml Many SNPID !!
    Traktors 12 for Maschine.xml

    … no exceptions needed for those then !

    Any of the other three can make it crash, so until I find out why, they'll have to be added to the exceptions. They are :
    Traktors 12.xml

    The other "crasher" is one that I had already added to the default exceptions :

    The other default exceptions do not crash the software, but they do "pollute" the listings unnecessarily. "Traktors 12 for Maschine.xml" is also a bit of a polluter, but doesn't cause a crash in any way.
  10. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Thanks mate this is invaluble and works well for Kontakt 6.2.2 on Catalina
    Much appreciated
  11. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    You are most welcome :)
  12. brownie

    brownie Newbie

    Nov 3, 2013
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    This is great! My Kontakt library is now perfect, everything showing up thats supposed to be there, nothing disappearing after quitting, no duplicates now, awesome. Thanks so much for this!
  13. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Glad it helped :)
  14. peejaypv

    peejaypv Newbie

    Jul 9, 2013
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    Oh, my. Houston we have a problem...
    The program opens normally. I click 'Go ahead', I get the list of actions, I choose one option, I write my password, and nothing is saved in the Desktop :disco:. See details of my system and the prints of the windows.


  15. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    The answer to your problem is certainly in one of the posts above :wink:
    Short version you have either a corrupted file or one that doesn't conform to a standard instrument library xml file, or, as I have established just recently, you have one that has been saved with old "Classic Mac" return (\r - ascii 13) character for line endings, rather than what has actually been the standard on Mac OS X since the first version, a Unix line feed (\n ascii 10).
    SINC'd… see post above, sent me some files that were "corrupt" and were crashing my software, so that I could investigate. It turns out that they were not corrupt at all, but simply saved as Classic Mac files. Opening them in a program like BBEdit (free version is fine!), and re-saving as a Unix file, solves that problem instantly !
    Until I post an update to solve this"bug", you'll have to do a bit of hunting. There's more info above… check it out.
  16. peejaypv

    peejaypv Newbie

    Jul 9, 2013
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    Hi, Fred. Thanks for your prompt reply. The thing is... I have so many .xmls, so I'll try to resave all as Unix with BBEdit. Let's see if it works.
    ..when I get something, I promise...
  17. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    OK. Or… if you can hold on another few days, I think I may have a work around for that problem. I haven't had much time these days to come back to it as I'm in the middle of mixing an album, which I would like to release early June, but I'm sure I'll find a moment whilst "relaxing" and rinsing my ears :wink:
  18. peejaypv

    peejaypv Newbie

    Jul 9, 2013
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    Right, meanwhile I'm trying to make it work the way you suggested. Just give me a hint: do you know any batch xml converter for mac?
  19. peejaypv

    peejaypv Newbie

    Jul 9, 2013
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    Fred, just to let you know, it worked! BBEdit. Now, I just have to parse the .txt file in the Desktop into an Excel table to visualize. Thx a million!:rofl:But, anyway, I'' ll be checking for your solution.

    I'm a musician too. Just check the teasers of my new album:

  20. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    This is not really an xml conversion thing… more a Mac Classical format against Unix or Windows (which works too!). BBEdit is fully scriptable, so I guess you could probably automate the the task with Automator. I don't know of any specific program that can do this otherwise. If you open a "Classical format file, BBEdit displays "Legacy Mac (CR)" in the status bar at the bottom, otherwise it will show "Unix (LF) or "Windows (CRLF)".
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