FL Studio 20.7 upgrade

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Darix, May 11, 2020.

  1. Darix

    Darix Newbie

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Hello guys, i am thimking to upgrate my FL Studio with the latest version and i would like know if this version is working well afer upgrade and if the installation of upgrade is working well?

    Thank you.
  3. Nought

    Nought Guest

    Key Features
    • Create music videos - The Visualizer video generator with new video creator wizard. Select from a large menu of amazing video templates, click-and-drag to move text & other layers directly via the video preview.
    • Note envelopes - VFX Envelope allows you to continuously modify note properties Velocity, Pitch and Pan. Plus Mod X and Mod Y per note when plugins are hosted in Patcher.
    • More MIDI Controllers - MIDI scripts now allow you (and hardware manufacturers) to take deep control over FL Studio from any MIDI controller, or to remap any existing controller to suit your needs.
    • Audio time-warping - The Newtime editor has new Edit Menu options to select the beat detection method.
    • Improved color management - Customizable Piano roll note colors including an improved Color Selector throughout FL Studio.
    • Plugin Delay Compensation (PDC) - Now applies to Automation.
    • General MIDI files - You can now choose the FLEX General MIDI Library to open and play General MIDI files (GM).
    • Distortion - Mono and Wide modes added to Distructor's Chorus module.
    • FLEX - Previous and next preset selection via MIDI controllers.
    • FL Studio Mobile - Updated to include Cloud Backup for easier file sharing with your mobile devices.
    • Advanced Fill Tool - Channels will automatically loop to fill the remaining space when the selected sequence length is shorter than the current pattern.
    • Default template - Changed to 'Basic 808 with limiter'.
    • Shop icon - You can now open the integrated shop panel from a shortcut on the Toolbar.
    • Reduced start time - The fastest opening DAW just got a little faster, because we care!

  4. Nought

    Nought Guest

    Just wait around to be released on AZ. No muss, no fuss.:wink:
  5. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    If you're a legit customer with a license, it should work (it does here) but if you're not, you should wait for an official release.
    But you shouldn't install it just over the old installation. Chose another dir while installing. I have all versions from 6.0.8 to 20.7 RC4
    installed in separate dirs because there always can be an issue that leads into problems loading up your projects.

    In such case you can easily switch between the versions and load up your project in your last working setup.

    I for example had projects that just worked correctly in a specific version. In other releases some plugins
    crashed or played the wrong sound or something else.
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  6. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Shop icon - You can now open the integrated shop panel from a shortcut on the Toolbar.
    Lol. These updates have been so underwhelming.
  7. Rando

    Rando Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2018
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    Los Angeles
    Is this still in beta?
  8. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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  9. michael3634

    michael3634 Newbie

    Jan 10, 2020
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    What version of fl are you on at the moment?
  10. Nought

    Nought Guest

    Its channel sampler is as old as the hills. Don't know why they don't introduce a newer one. Ableton Live's most users have fallen in love with it mostly because of its sampler. If Image-line can introduce a better one, they can raid and plunder Ableton and then burn it completely.
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  11. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Because adding any extra functionality would overlap with products they want to upsell you on. $200 for the Producer Edition doesn't actually give you very much, even warping isn't included in that price. Their flagship sampler Directwave loads MANY formats but importing them isn't possible without dropping big bucks, IL actually dropped support for certain formats (sf2) only to allow them to be opened with Directwave but not openable with the trial or player version available in the Producer Edition. It's pretty scummy.
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  12. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    So much this.i think they've coded themselves into a corner and this is about all they can do.still don't get why the CPU sky rockets when you use higher PPQ values.i can use 4000 plus in Reaper and Bitwig and beyond that in Digital Performer and the CPU doesn't budge an inch.also came across some weird issue with it not triggering NoteOff consistently with shorter MIDI notes(not the keyboard,drivers or playing because it triggers fine in the other DAW's)the fact they can't even bothered to smooth FX bypasses either(really annoying when you are using a lot of processing that is non-linear)kind of speak volumes about their development cycles or lack thereof and their general demographic("beat"producers)

    Does Image Line do license transfers? cause i think it's about time i pull the plug on this
  13. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Yeah the sampler is a joke.they implemented sample start and end points but with absolutely dog shit resolution.the sampler does need revamping yes.i can't believe they are still using those control rate envelopes lol.i don't know what they did to screw up the elastique timestretching either but it sounds really bad and borderline unusable in FL compared to Ableton and any other DAW that uses them.i'd like to see it but its not gonna happen.FL's solution to everything is to give you some stupid little macro plugin that does some of the functionality e.g Edison,Newtone,Directwave rather than address core issues with the DAW itself

    They can keep their warp algorithms.it sounds absolutely dreadful.doesn't surprise me though that Image Line would half arse this.i burst out laughing when i heard the demonstration videos of it on Youtube..how is anybody going to find that useful in the way Abletons warp markers are apart from the most esoteric of applications(sound design probably)
  14. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Directwave works fine for doing more complex stuff.
    The only thing FL lacks regarding this is proper warping and proper clip fade in-outs.
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  15. MPMOT

    MPMOT Noisemaker

    May 12, 2020
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    Expected them to fix some issues. A issue with FL that I have the most is how parameter values are displayed, especially in automation. It's mostly from 0 to 100.
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  16. JasonMJBae

    JasonMJBae Newbie

    May 21, 2020
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    Is it just me or are all the FL Studio downloads gone?
  17. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Take down notice. You have to be quick to be able to download it here when it appears.
  18. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    YES!!! This has always bugged me because there is zero reason why zooming in should be capped let alone increase CPU usage when no other DAW I've used has had this issue. Maybe they do use more as well but there is a huge jump in (internal) usage with FL and opening a large project with high ppq settings makes me feel like my computer is the same specs as 10 years ago. But then I look at the Activity Monitor and it shows my CPU is only being 20% used with standard temperature. I hate myself for using FL for so many years and being stuck in the workflow (which is actually incredible) but other DAWs have never clicked with me in the same way. Reason came incredibly close so maybe I'll give it another chance.
  19. DBs

    DBs Newbie

    Jun 11, 2020
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    It would be a huge favor if you have a latest mac version, and if you could please send to me? I'm using Haven't found any mac version more latest than that. :( Couldn't find anywhere.
  20. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Psst! I can give it to you for a one time fee of $99. You get lifetime free updates! Mac and Windows versions! This is a limited time offer so act now! Operators are standing by!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
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  21. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    wait, did they already cracked 20.7? idc if it got takken down, but it was released?
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