Current pandemic predicted in little-known sci-fi book

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bettey_Swalleaux, May 9, 2020.

  1. Hi all,
    I know it's nothing to do with music but I just read a book, Tipping Point by British author Terry Tyler, that would have been scary a few years ago when it first came out, but now it's quite terrifying as it is about a global pandemic (set in 2024) that is eerily prescient. Granted, only the first part of the book is set in the state we're in now, but if it goes on much longer, things could easily degenerate into the horrors that occur later in the book, and she also "predicts" a few other things that have came true since it was published, like the facebook data mining scandal for example.
    What I'm wondering is how did she know? Has anybody else heard of her or read this book?

    Incidentally, I only got it because it was free, but I'm glad I did.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2020
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  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I like sci-fi/fantasy so I'll give them a shot.
    By statistics almost everything that could happen has been predicted by some book, movie, news article, self-called Notradamus and so on.
    That doesn't take credit from her if she wrote non-trivial things that are happening now.
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
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  4. Yes you're right but if you read it I'm sure you'll still wonder (and go hmm...) like I am.:like:
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  5. Cube Sixty-Three

    Cube Sixty-Three Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2020
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    You mean the Plandemic?

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  6. Ha ha! Spoiler alert!
  7. I snipped this off Amazon. Hope it doesn't cause any copyright trouble.
    Capture - Copy (2).JPG
  8. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    also read 1984 by george orwell. it was written way before things started getting really bad and its like he went back in time to write it!

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    It's not prescient, there have in fact been many book written about upcoming pandemic events, we were somewhat overdue for something like this according to historical data. Authors are just human beings, they want to write something relevant and science fiction is the business of what-ifs and how. Biologists and epidemiologist have been predicting a widespread contagion for the past 20 years or so and as a western author she is going to focus on the failures and success that matter the most to her readership. That's why Star Wars and Star Trek are not about how China and India colonized space and we don't have Captain Ki Urek or Lakhwinder Skywalker.

    As always it seems to occur at the worst time possible, but there are many functions that can effect severity or even the viability of an outbreak and the clever writer of course must imagine a worst case scenario as to dramatize events. We just happened to be unlucky enough to have been unprepared in the west. It's also very human to assume that anything that happens to us personally is the worst thing ever to have happened to anyone.

    The rest is all talking heads and ifs and whatnot,conspiracy, ad hominem arguments, slippery slopes and red herrings.

    Stay safe and read more good science fiction (not that fantasy dribble they have bundled in with it lately) it's a great way to pass the time :).

    Just remember the word [ FICTION ] as there are a lot of people who don't actually believe in [ SCIENCE ] but like to point to the fiction part to dog-whistle certain conspiracy theory views.
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
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  10. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    fixed :wink:

    speak for yourself!

    this is true, but not in the way you think it is :no:
  11. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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  12. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Another one from 1981

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  13. trutzburg

    trutzburg Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    It says the book was published in 2018. To this point, there were several pandemic outbreaks, including SARS and MERS. So there are many documents avalable to research, if one wants to write a fiction about such an event. One of them, which gained much interest during the current outbreak, is the "Nationaler Pandemieplan" from the German Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI). You can download part 1 (German only) from : The scientific Part 2 is even older, from 2014 or 2016. It includes a (partial ?) English translation: The WHO also has a paper:
    I would say that a smart writer who does the homework before writing, would read publications like those above and could come to predict a situation like the current with no ease.
  14. trutzburg

    trutzburg Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    The 1981 book from Dean R. Koontz however, shown above by 6ixcore, is somehow a nice case of para....hmhm... prediction. With all the congruencies and even the correct year, Nostradamus, if alive, would go green with envy. If he believed, that 2020 is named in the same book. But it isn't. It is probably from Sylvia Browne: ”End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World"
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
  15. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    its patented by bill , thats all i need to kno...
    alu hat comments are the dumbest but they think all other are so dumb esotariens ...:mad:
    in germany they think when source links under a info video dont work they did never and are scam by stupid
    they asking who is this elite and making fun bout ppl talkin bout but just need to look up who owns this and that..
    and they believin in forbes list and such unnecessary half infos
    btw what did the illu card game not all predict...all came true
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  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    People get excited about 1 thing that came close to the truth and 99 things that doesn't. This kind of seeking is interesting human behavior.


    Total 100 writers till today
    in average, 1 Writer wrote 10 futuristic fiction books till today
    in avg, 1 book has 1000 paragraphs

    which will give us
    100*10*1000 = 1000000 paragraphs talking about future...

    In reality, the number of paragraphs is huge.

    Corona Virus is one of the biggest pandemic.

    It's not more than a co-incidence that 7-8 sentences of a book from all written books in human lifetime can happen in future.

    Co-Incidence should remain Co-incidence.

    There are lot's of written lines which became reality in future, but most are not known because these are not big like covid19.

    A girl in a red hood must've met wolves somewhere at sometime on earth.
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  17. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    fck this book...check that card games...they did predict everything..
    its toys thats why noone take it for serious same like comedians , they are the only allowed to pump a bit of truth in puplic..

    last 300 years everything was launched....and fck rep alliens and flat earth and alu hats
    but ppl talk bout shit instead of political facts, legislative facts, economic numbers and true history much human rights are gone now but its all c theory to them
    cause of a flu which is not mortal to healthy ppl:deep_facepalm:
    which is patented by bill:wtf::knock:

    they will alter all ultra...they have time...corona laws are here to stay
    the chinese are not responsible for that...the chinese li fmily owns china with the known head familys of the 13...shild,fella,dupond,freeman etc
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
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  18. Well I was really just wanting to know if (hoping) anybody else here had read it (or knows anything about the author) but apparently not.
    For what it's worth, I liked it so much that I just bought the second book in the series.
    I'm pretty sure the first one was published a while before 2018 as she's done a further four novels and a set of short stories in the same series since Tipping Point came out, along with another two unrelated novels. Not even Enid Blyton could have written that much in only two years! I just hope they're all as good as the first one.
    I think the author looks rather hot too!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2020
  19. Homer Simpson : Aw, you can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forfty percent of all people know that.
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  20. Hahaha the card game! I'm looking forward to 'The Network' 'Censorship' 'Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow' 'Clone Arranger' 'Immortality Serum' ''Blinded By Science' 'The Big Sellout' 'Meteor Strike' 'Messiah'. My favourite line is from the Fast Food Chains: Would you like fries with that? Nobody has any idea what's in those secret recipes. And when they found out, they forget again.
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