Mixing Cymbals (rock music)

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by lonewolf000, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. lonewolf000

    lonewolf000 Newbie

    May 8, 2013
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    Inside my cat house
    are cymbals and kick and bass often left dry when mixing? (no reverbs)

    would it be a good idea if i add a little bit of reverb into them? just to make them blend?
  3. highrolla

    highrolla Newbie

    Jul 2, 2013
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    kick and bass dry..cymbals recorded via overheads & room mics often dont need much reverb but ist not uncommon to use some..
    but if you e.g reverse them as an effect before a drop you'll definitely get a more stable/nicer result with some reverb

    all in all it depends if it fits the track,there is no must or must not
  4. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Keep em low. Cymbols should be an "!" not a "#*&$". I mean they should be more like an accent than a dominate thing. Basically I'm saying if they're loud enough that you can hear all of the imperfections in them they're probably to loud in the first place and should be mix to right above the point they're hard to hear.

    If you're recording real drums, then I feel bad for you. Even in much modern music drum tracks are picked apart and have samples put in place. But if you are then I suggest doing several recordings. Like one where only the cymbols and above head mic's are on and do all you can to muffle the rest to get the cleanest cymbal only track you can. What mixes well on 1 part the drum will destroy other parts. So if you say have compression on your drum kit the bass/snare/toms may sound great but it'll destroy the cymbals, so just having them clean recorded with some very very slight reverb could work. But at this point it's probably just eq that will liven them up.

    If your using digital drums like EZX/SDX/Steven Slate/etc then your best bet is to have your cymbals on a completely isolated instrument track and route them to their own effects channel away from the rest of the drums. It'll also allow you to get the proper stereo separation for just the cymbals.
  5. lonewolf000

    lonewolf000 Newbie

    May 8, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Inside my cat house
    Thanks you all. really big help. :wink: :mates:
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