**UPDATE** UA deleted all negative reviews for LUNA extensions on their website

Discussion in 'Software' started by tylerv, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. OraMorph

    OraMorph Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2020
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    why trust them?..

    I said Fuck UA as soon a s i heard they want to cripple your pc wih a PCI Card
    Some peple expect them to be good anyway

    You probably thought you would get the leg up on everyone else right?
    thought youd really kill the scene once you buy LUNA?

    of course it a waste of money, its totally fuckin plain to see.
    serves you right!
  2. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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  3. ITHertz

    ITHertz Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Rather than debate the pros and cons of UA hardware/software, I'd be more concerned if they removed negative reviews of products. That's just plain dishonest.
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  4. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    The one positive of being able to run a plugin through apollo dedicated hardware for true zero latency is minor vs the hundred other reasons to NEVER be tied down to UADs outdated, outmoded, underpowered and overpriced shit. Luna is the most obvious example of BS they have yet created and is just a tool for them to sell even more overated plugins to simpletons.
    Agree with every negative comment about that stupid company and their stupid hardware dongles in this thread.

    sock puppets and biased owners are irrelevant to the reality of what UAD are and what they were aiming to be with LUNA. the amount of pros, bug names, suddenly pushing luna out of the blue over pro tools when pro tools is wonderful at mixing and audio editing and can’t be replaced by this gimmick daw, shows me UAD are upto some dodgy tactics when it comes to greasing palms and hiding negativity. They also removed most naysayers and some comments from their gearslutz thread! Sales sales sales... thats ALL UAD care about, not the end user or the value or power their buyers are NOT getting for stupid high prices.

    if that company had any integrity they would release their own plugins, just one even, as native and truly show why their low power sharc chips are “better” , but they cant as they know native would absolutely destroy it on plug count and sound EXACTLY THE FUGGING SAME. seen cleary by the brainworx and other native plugs that are on the dsp system also.

    anyone and everyone who buys into uad in 2020 are idiots to a man.
  5. You know what? I've never owned an Alfa Romeo, but I'm not angry with the company because they charge too much for a pretty ordinary, underperforming sports car. Why are people so mad that they seem to want to kill somebody at UAD? If you bought the product and didn't like it why didn't you sell it? If you bought it and hate it, then screaming about it on a forum isn't going to help.
  6. The Mazeman

    The Mazeman Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Dude WTF ? Are you that naive to think these companies care about audio or people like you ?
  7. OraMorph

    OraMorph Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2020
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    I think an electric car with underperforming best-we-can-do battery technology is a better metaphor.

    and yes, bad company practice/conartistry invokes anger in the consumer, a very normal reaction. are you some sort of unbiased mother teresa on valium? nothing can raise your blood pressure, your not hot blooded, ice cold maybe like a lizard

    (mother teresa was an evil whore actually, bad metaphor!)
  8. OraMorph

    OraMorph Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2020
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    bad company practice/conartistry invokes anger in the consumer, a very normal reaction. what follows is a drop in market share
    whats new?
  9. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I've been trying to use Luna, but it is still an "Alpha" product as far as I'm concerned and while it does sound good and has potential, it has a long long way to go to be competitive as far as DAW's are concerned. Hardware integration is great, but far from everything these days.
  10. I can tell you are an angry consumer and of course if you've had a bad experience I don't blame you. You've made it quite clear you are unhappy with Universal Audio, so in what way did you feel let down by the company? Was it that the build quality was poor? Were the end results sub par? Was the cost prohibitive? Was it too hard to make it inclusive in your studio setup? Did you feel unfairly locked into an eco-system? Anything specific that can help potential buyers avoid the pitfalls.
  11. I've made some purchases that I've regretted. I don't like MOTU stuff but I'm not angry about it. I'm not even saying the products themselves were bad, they just didn't suit me. Same with software and DAWs. I don't like a lot of things that others swear by and that's understandable. Particular workflow will suit me and baffle others. Am I ice cold like a lizard? Maybe. I certainly don't see any point raging against something that represents an immovable object. It's like punching a brick wall until your fists bleed while you keep shouting at it to "get out of my way!!"
  12. classfied

    classfied Newbie

    May 24, 2020
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    I got UAD stuff, first the PCI solo then got the Quad and I was pretty satisfied until I learned that my CPU could handle all the load and native plugins would deliver about the same...

    Then Luna came and my Quad is no good for it, but I have faith that support will be added as soon as they want to take some money from DSP card owners.

    But, the point of the thread and the hate here is that UAD is seemingly deleting negative reviews on Luna, and that would be deceiving the consumer. So, IMO, most of the haters are right here, and you should not antagonize in their favor.

    Although, yea, ppl could cut some slack on UAD, they might be acting to protect their new baby Luna, knowing that the product has bugs but a bright future.
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