FL Studio. Mac or PC

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by willnubu75, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. willnubu75

    willnubu75 Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I want to know whether I should still use FL Studio on a Mac or go back to PC. I started on a PC in 2001. I started using macs from 2006 all the way up now. I like macs but it's getting too expensive for me now. I do 95% of my music in FL Studio and the rest in Logic. I'm redoing all the projects I did in Logic in FL Studio. Last windows OS I knew was XP. My question, is Windows 10 too much for a person who has been using macs for over 13 years?
  3. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Go PC then. FL Studio on Mac is a mess, imo.

    I think Windows 10 turned out really well. Just install it, get a programm like driver booster to find and automatically update outdated drivers, install a firewall and there you go.
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  4. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Don't want to start any war, but,
    We all know most people who buy Apple stuff, especially macs, do it for these reasons:

    30% to show off
    30% because some friends/ colleagues also have it
    20% ease of use
    10% the OS/ interface
    10% design

    By 2007, nothing existed like the iphone, even remotely
    Today, and at least 5+ years ago, not only android based phones are as good as the iPhones, but even surpass them, in many many areas.
    Damn, just a few years ago, there even wasn't a fking DELETE button, if we'r wanted to delete a photo or whatever item from our device, and we were 10'000 miles abroad, we had to go home, fly another 10000 miles, connect the iphone to itunes, and finally delete it from the.
    Of course, fanboys claimed they didn't need a delete button, anyway!

    Regarding tablets, is a iPad tablet 1000 times better than, eg, a Samsung tab s5e, or s6 ?

    And the famous macs... not only the windows devices look as good and cost much less, but they come with far more accessories, sockets, options, upgrade options.... and they work as good and as smooth as any mac thing.
    Yes, interface wise, it looks a bit better on iOS. Apple have so much cash, they can afford to put one employee working 1 entire month, just to design 2 or 3 icons, until they look perfect.

    Nothing justify buying a mac over a pc, exception 'brand loyalty '... nothing.

    Then, the is the ecosystem problem.
    When someone buys an apple device, he can put a cross on any kind of connectivity with other non apple devices.
    Apple purposely cripple their devices, so they can work or communicate with other brands, android or windows.
    Eg, bluetooth is a standard, any device should be able to send or receive a file, a vcard, a photo, etc, to/ from another device.
    But if we try to send a file, like a photo, from, eg, an android tablet or phone to an iphone, the bluetooth protocol should make the whole operation go flawlessly. But no. On the iphone side, something was added, on purpose, to prevent this kind of things.

    When a guy buys an apple device, he doesn't know yet, but the next 12-18 months, he will be spending another several thousand of dollars or euros ON OTHER APPLE DEVICES. because he won't be able to communicate with a windows pc, an android device, etc, HE WILL BE FORCED TO buy a mac... an apple tv... an iPad... etc etc. Because, guess what, the communication between apple devices WORK FLAWLESSLY. no bluetooth errors, no network problems, nothing ! Everything works.

    So when a guy buys a $900 iphone, the next 2 -3 years, he will be spending 4...6...$8000+, on other apple devices... because buying a pc or an android device will be... forbidden!

    And when it's about music...
    If the guy is rich, he can buy everything apple, and can spend $80'000 on daws and plugins.
    But all the other guys...who intend to install a few warez plugins, WHY even buying a mac, if, 99% of the cracked plugins only exist for windows?
    2 or 3 little plugins... and it can easily cost 1000 bucks. Yes, it feels good, to buy legit stuff. Yes, we need to support devs.
    But let's not forget 99% of the companies aren't doing good for the live for music, and to help poor musicians. No. They want to become rich.

    The other day I was reading, a French pharma lab, that made the famous, lethal, mediator pills, are selling a hepatitis c drug, in india, for 300 euros, and they sell it in Europe or US, for 40'000 euros !

    Once a plugin is coded, with 90% of the code already existing, from free libraries, free thesis, free dsp code, github, e.t.c, once it's done, it's just a bunch of bits that can be replicated 1 trillion times.

    Are these eqs, or compressors, phasers, limiters, etc, that do 99% and sound 99% as the stock plugins that come with a daw, really worth 150...200... 250...300 bucks ?!!!

    If ALL companies were selling their plugins or instruments at 20 or 30 bucks, and 50 or 60 bucks for the daws (hello, reaper), they would still BE MAKING A TON OF CASH !

    Yes, going legit, is fine. You make a huge effort, sacrifices and compromises. But which efforts are companies doing, when they sell their stuff for 150..200..250 bucks..?
    With those prices, they are being as thieves as the guys who use warez !

    When I see a mac guy that must spend thousands and thousands of their hard earned money on 'stupid bits of software's, because those plugins were only cracked for windows... I feel a bit sad, for them...!

    Seriously, what, in may 2020, justifies buying a mac, over a pc, to make music ? (excepting logic...) ?

    The only thing I see, and I don't know if it's a hardware thing, or a Audiounits thing, I've noticed the audio interface drivers , at least, for the cubase hardware, only allow 64 samples, on windows, while on mac, they can go as low as 32 samples.

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  5. willnubu75

    willnubu75 Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Question, is Windows 10 too much for a person who has been using macs for over 13 years?
  6. aeroflot

    aeroflot Kapellmeister

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Keep Both If You CAN
    I am Using Both Mac AND PC and the Mac Pc a the eternal Debate will not have Feed with ME
    I am very Happy being BI
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  7. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Well said, Aeroflot. No matter how clear you make it that you're not trying to start anything between platforms, it'll come regardless. A lot of the prominent FL producers, have left PC. More so, urban/rap/hip hop producers. Does not make Mac any better. Keep in mind, guys: even to SOME of us bedroom producers or hobbyists, price isn't an issue. Just simply put in on both, and YOU take it from there. Your answer will come.
  8. vuuru_keg

    vuuru_keg Platinum Record

    Oct 24, 2018
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    as someone who tested the alpha and beta version of FL on mac back from 2015, and as a windows 10 user as well i can tell you FL now runs great on both OS.
    only thing annoying on mac is third party plugins are always detached, but that something to do with the operating system of mac anyways..

    i used a desktop PC until 2015, then got the 2015 macbook pro and recently moved back to windows 10, they both work great but god damn i hate drivers and registry on windows... its such a mess, on mac its an easy plug&play for interfaces and devices, on windows you rely on drivers, which often times are not build well for each system because there are so many windows machines.. currently dealing with bad driver from Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 MK2 (works perfectly fine on my mac - while not on my windows)

    if you want comfort, ease of use and not having to mess with drivers and start organizing plugins folders - go for Mac
    if you tryna save a buck, still have good performance, also have more cracked plugins to use, but dealing with drivers and messy installations at times - go for PC

    both are good, it just depends on your preference
  9. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    If you decide to go PC just make sure your chosen components are 100% compatible with macOS.

    That way you keep having access to both platforms ;)

    Since the days of OpenCore things even get easier.

  10. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    No need to use driver booster.
    What do you guys have with drivers, Windows 10 even installs drivers for found hardware.
    And when it comes to Audio Driver or most other 3rd party stuff, they also need to be installed on macOS
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
  11. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Win10 is very good, I've been using Mac for the same time. So you'll be fine. It does (like all OS's) have some bloat and not required stuff, but after a few tweaks it's very sleak.

    If your 95% to 5% was in favour of Logic I'd say consider a pre-built hackintosh. But as it's with FL... Win is probably your best bet. Keep the Mac for the 5% duties.
    I'm the other way around, Logic is my main DAW. So I'll be hackintoshing this summer and retire my Mac Pro to VEP duties.
  12. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    I use both PC and Mac versions of latest (legit) FL Studio on a pc laptop and macbook pro.
    As earlier said in this thread, the mac version is (still) full of bugs.
    Just have a look in the FL forum - mac section and you will see what i mean.
    But Image Line is doing a great job to iron those bugs out, they are also very active and helpful in the forum IMO.
    For now, my preference would be (/is) the PC version.
  13. RichtijaMiesaEschta

    RichtijaMiesaEschta Noisemaker

    Dec 3, 2019
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    12 Years WIN user, switched to macOs about 4 years ago - if you have the $$$ just go with Mac. Period. Less hassle in every regard. I used FL since v6 on Windows and was heavily Beta testing back when they started the transition to macOs at Image Line. FL on Mac is by now the exact same experience as it used to be on Windows. Runs butter smooth as you probably know.

    I recently bought a maxed out Dell XPS 15 cause I wanted to check if anything has evolved in Windows-land and I'm selling it because I had nothing but trouble. WIN10 is not ready for HiDPI yet. The scaling does not work and hardware integration is a huge problem. So when switching from Mac to Windows you will face problems you never even knew existed in the first place. My Dell sounds like a Lear-Jet as soon as I turn it on. I have a maxed out 2019 MacBook Pro 15 with similar specs (i9 etc.) and it never gave me any headache whatsoever.

    If you however want to take the plunge stay away from 4K displays!
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
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  14. willnubu75

    willnubu75 Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Logic Use to be my main DAW also until FL came to Mac and I started using it again.
  15. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I wouldn't use stuff like driver booster. I was having a terrible incident with this in the past that just terminated my whole pc from working after it had installed a new driver.
  16. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Okay, that never happened to me. I tried Snapper Driver Installer as well, which seems more complicated but doesn't have services running in the background. Here are some more options for tools like these: https://www.lifewire.com/free-driver-updater-tools-2619206
  17. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    So whats the best OS? both have their pro's and cons.We have 4 macs and One 24 thread Xeon based Windows 10 desktop box thats not connected to the net.. Fact is Apple stuff is built well and the OS works really well married to the hardware spec. Windows is moving to a Linux kernal. Windows laptops and Android tablets are shit (i've had 3 high end Doze laptops and 2 Android tablets die on me) My 2015 macbook i7 retina (purchased used for $650 aud) and Ipad shit on any comprible offerings.

    I dont give a flying tinkers cuss about what fanboys are doing, im only interested in fuctional reliability and durability.. Haters gonna hate, Makers gonna make. As far as Fruity Loops goes, whatever floats your boat, I love Logic (and use it) but we use Studio One 4 as our main mix platform. We have Bitwig and love that for sound design..but seriously, Logic is a solid platform that has created some amazing records. They're all just tools. Most of the fanboy crowd think software and a shiney laptop will make them the next EDM star without the 10,000 hours. Buy your tools off tools who only use 20% of the capability of the tech then flip it for next years fashion.
    Good luck, grab a deal and delve into what you have...
    PS Stay safe and wash your hands (especially of the negativity)
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  18. alina

    alina Newbie

    May 12, 2022
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    You should use Advanced Driver Updater. I am using it.
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