Spectrasonics sounding problem

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Dorijan, Apr 20, 2020.

  1. Dorijan

    Dorijan Newbie

    Apr 20, 2020
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    google translation

    I'm a composer, arranger and performer. I have been playing music on computers since Atari and the first Cubase. I'm just saying this so you know that I have a lot of experience working with computers, hard / soft instruments, etc ...about 30 years. I have Spectrasonic Omnisphere and Trilian.
    My problem with these instruments is of a frequency nature. Both instruments are falsely thick in some ways. They have frequencies that are "dirty" and that make them fat. As part of the arrangement, these frequencies must be removed. Unfortunately, the instruments then become very thin and in no way expose well in the arrangement. I used a graphical equalizer, a parametric equalizer to mitigate or eliminate blurry frequencies. I tried everything but failed to solve the problem. The same thing happens every time. The instrument is either blurred and too thick or thin, and is not in the arrangement. It is as if the middle frequency spectrum is missing in the instruments. The problematic frequencies are: 40Hz, 80Hz, 160Hz, 200Hz, 250Hz and 400Hz. These frequencies make the instrument full and thick. Without them, there is little left ...
    I've been using Spectrasonic instruments for years. But I always have to duplicate them with some hardware instrument for the color to come out nicely in the arrangement. I don't know if there are other people who have the same problem as me? I ask you to share with me the experience of how to overcome this mid-spectrum problem. Spectrasonics is a serious company and Eric Persing is a man who has a lot of experience in creating instruments. I do not believe that Eric would have made an instrument with such a problem. There is probably a problem with the way I use these instruments. Or the problem is something else. Please help ...
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  3. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @Dorijan Welcome to the forum. When was the last time you had your hearing checked? I am not joking. The problem that you described with 3 different VST can't be a coincidence. There must be something that is influencing what you are hearing. Have you tried these Spectrasonics products on a different system? On the other hand, have you tried someone else's own install of these Spectrasonics products? Try that. Also, you are welcome to post unprocessed samples of those problems with their respective information so we can compare them to our own.
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  4. Dorijan

    Dorijan Newbie

    Apr 20, 2020
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    First, I want to apologize for answering this late. I've had a lot of commitments these days. Thanks for the welcome.
    You see, I've been playing music since I was five. Electronic music since I was 17. Now I am 47. I went through everything from hardware sequencers, through Atari, Falcon to the pc. I have spent the last 25 years working in many studios as a composer, arranger and producer.
    In addition to composing, arranging and producing, I also deal with sound design. I manage various types of syntheses and I make sounds for all my projects. I am telling you this again to understand that I am not a beginner.
    My listening is not good and I know it. I know what his flaws are and why. As for this problem with the midrange spectrum of the spectrasonic instruments, it happens on all the listening systems I have tried as well as on all types of headphones I have tried. And it happens everywhere and only with spectrasonic instruments. This problem does not exist with hardware instruments, and with other software instruments it exists but to a much lesser extent and can be dealt with.
    Now I'm going to upload two audio files. Both files are 16 bit and 44,100 Hz. It's a combination of two pads from Omnipshere. Both sounds have a low pass filter automated with a continuous controller via the midi.The "Original" file is without any additional processing. Problematic frequencies are clearly heard here. Lots of sub frequencies and lots of high frequencies. The lack of a middle spectrum is clearly heard.The "With Hi pass and EQ" file is the same sequence only with the hi pass filter applied and the graphic equalizer. I removed all the blurry frequencies. One can clearly hear how thin the sound has become. The problem is the lack of a midrange. With the hi pass filter I only removed sub bass frequencies. I can send you a graphic equalizer adjustment if you like.
    Is this happening to you too? If it does, how do you overcome it?

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