**UPDATE** UA deleted all negative reviews for LUNA extensions on their website

Discussion in 'Software' started by tylerv, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. groove

    groove Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2012
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    it's possible to create thread without your hate front of us ... if you don't like uad for your reason don't use don't buy that 's all.. stop bashing all all-time.... and most people speak uad don't have and don't use ... just because it's uncraked you are jealous and angry.. UAD is the best plugin I have used if you don't agree with that it's just because you don't use ...
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  2. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    there is an edit button
  3. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    define "the best"
  4. fetepilly

    fetepilly Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I had the same thoughts. You dont have to buy it.
    Was reading this post and thought UA had spread the coronvirus..
    And sometimes people forget that companies have to make money.
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  5. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I always suspected they did this already. I don't think it's anything new. But I am always satisfied with their plugins.
  6. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Just lol at your overpriced brainworx modeled s@#t. Dude it's not 2008, i hope you re aware of that.
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  7. rhino

    rhino Noisemaker

    Apr 7, 2017
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    And? Different strokes for different folks. I like my "overpriced" shit as you call it, works well within their own console environment and the fact they rely on their own dsp unit allows for near zero latency tracking, plus the unison technology is interesting for changing pres' behaviour. They give something other ordinary vsts can't, maybe you're just mad that there are people out there that can afford spending some money on software. Back to the old "fox and the grapes" tale...
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  8. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    I know whats that, fairydust. They modeled everything with Santa Claus and little elves.

    So you can assume how much i spend because i hurted your fanboism? That genius man!
    Shall i change my pay.pal password or it was just an assumption?

    Seriously now, i don't give a flying fuck where you spend you hard earned money.
    Just don't try to convince anyone that UAD are superior in 2020. It's just not the case anymore.
    There are other more promising technologies.

    My .5 cent.
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  9. rhino

    rhino Noisemaker

    Apr 7, 2017
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    That's not what you originally said, if you read again without falling victim of poor reading comprehension capabilities, you'll read "Different strokes for different folks", in other words to each their own. If you get so mad some people actually like what they pay for just deal with it. Many people are satisfied, many others aren't, and you (who at this point is fair to assume to not own anything, otherwise you'd be an hypocrite) are drawing conclusions based on the fact you don't like what these plugins accomplish and dismiss their utility just because "it's not 2008 anymore". Nobody cares, if I want a good 1176 and be able to track without latency (due to, again, small to none latency) I know where to look at.
    I don't know if you're trolling, I literally gave an example prior to that sentence, but that may have completely gone over your head, like everything else.

    Nobody is trying to sell you anything, and if giving reasons for liking UAD triggers you so much you should probably re-evaluate how you approach people with different experiences and, of course, opinions. If you feel patronized by someone saying "I like UAD", well, too bad for you my friend.
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  10. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    So sound-wise we went from:
    to this:
    A Good start.

    but when i say this:
    and you reply THIS
    Then you answer to yourself at this:

    No, you have no freaking clue, that's what i am trying to explain to you!
    Sorry to hear it from me but most native comps have near zero latency nowadays.

    Since you are referring to 1176 and latency is so important to you:
    IK multimedia : 0.77ms
    Slate: 0ms
    Waves: 0 ms
    Softube: 0ms
    Native Instruments: 0ms
    Arturia: 5.71ms

    So to conclude with facts, it's an overpriced BS that you can find around in 2020.

    And to come to the main point why the hell i spend my time on you is this:
    Next time you try to sell some elitism to people, think about this humiliating moment.
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  11. jayj4y

    jayj4y Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    UAD wants a monopoly and is not getting it, Luna I do not like anything, 90% of the plugins that are in UAD are for windows and there are better interfaces than I support them for half the price, UAD is very overrated
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  12. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    The question is: how much you get paid, to be a moderator, @ ua forums...

    Not everybody is making 10..50...100k a month..
    There are plenty of hobbyists, who think 'hey, all those pros using uad stuff... if only I could afford it, my skins would improve a lot'...

    To many, but I mean, MANY, a quad or octo card may represent years, of savings... tons of compromises... etc

    That's why, many people, because they spent a ton of cash on a product, will feel like forced to LIKE that product... even if inside, they hate it. But they need to like it, in order to not feel 'guilty'.. after all, nobody put a magnum in front if their face...

    Still today, an octo card may cost 1700 euros, at Thomann( just in case, thomann is a company from a country called Germany, from a continent called Europe, that use a weird world currency called euros.... info for those who live in some super advanced, 1st world countries)...

    10 years ago, the uad cards were already using super slow, super cheap, low perfs, sharc dsps, that probably cost least than 20 or 15 bucks offer unit.
    10 years later, those cards are still using those +10 years old, underpowered, 5, or even $3 chips.... that are still used on 200 --> 1700€ devices (oh.... but.. but... you're all wrong... you don't take into account the r&d, bla bla, etc etc).

    Fortunately, for UA, it is not possible to run their plugins on a x86 system. Fortunately !
    Because we can be sure, even the uad plugins that can max out a solo card, with just 2 or 4 instances, at 44/16, could probably be ran dozens, if not hundreds of times, on a 5yo dual core computer, let alone a ryzen, 12 or 16core beast, or 4-8core, high clock cloud-based system.

    A big lol, why don't uad have a chart, at 48/24... or 96/24.... instead of 44/16 only?
    Let me guess, the instance count chart would look even more pitiful, with the total instances available being divided by 2...4...10... !

    'Ohhh, but you can compensate the low processing power of the uad dsps...! You just need to grab your Visa, and buy another 3..4..5 dsp cards.... or you can have a VEP machine, with up to 5 octo cards ! Just keep on buying more cards, if you need more power !

    Then, a $100'000 question: are the uad plugins, eg, 1176, 100% better than a waves, or another 1176 plugin ? 200% better ? 500% ? 5% ...?
    And all the other plugins, from uad, are they better, do they sound muuuuuuuuuuch better than anything that exists as vst or ua ?

    Take a blind test, with the top 10 mixers/ masters, and let them a/b a song, with 10 different tape plugins, and the uad one. Ate they all fking to say "ohhhh, it is obvious the uad plugin was used on song 7 ! The difference is just so big... is almost a different song...!

    Now I realize why, every single uad plugin has 99% of 5 stars reviews...

    Another question, how many dozens of millions of those sharc dsps they have left ?
    Users are going to have to swallow those $3 chips, another 3...4...5 years...
    Damn, isn't it time to use another recent sharc model ?
    The problem is, in 2020, even the super cheap models are soooooo soooooooo much more powerful than the ones they keep using, that the difference would be too big... and old users would start complaining ' are the new ones do much more powerful... or were the old ones super underpowered .. and overpriced...?

    Of course, like all the big companies, buyers become fans, and are ready to defend their brand, with their guts and blood.
    They won't hesitate bashing any user that won't be 100% behind the brand. The slightest criticism, and they will unleash the big guns...
    ' you don't like it.. you don't know how to use it'... which equates to calling the guy an idiot
    Then, there is the
    'Oh, you don't like it.. maybe it's not for you'... which means 'how, you must be a little dumbass bedroom producer... if you were a true pro, like me /us, you would know how to use it, and you would love it'
    Then, we have the classic
    'Oh, because you don't like it, you don't need to criticize it's
    Which means
    'Kiddo, just leave it to the pros, go play with your super Nintendo, and stop criticizing the brand/ product, it's clearly not for you or your wallet, let the pros use it and buy it, those are the best products ever made. Probably, you don't have a mac... with a mac, everything would run much better, hassle free, and with no virus ! '

    Oh, there's also the 'I have more money than you, I'm a pro, you are a talentless beginner's, with the classic 'oh, because it wasn't cracked, you hate the product, because you are poor, and rely on pirated content. Just give up, kid, you can't become a pro if you don't buy pro tools , like the UA stuff ! You can't be serious, if you don't invest thousands of dollars on products such as a uad card. Now, go download the next r2r plugin, to produce your 2nd shitty 2m long track, that you will upload to sound cloud or YouTube, for your family and 6 friend to upvote you're

    FUK UA, don't pay 1000 or 1700 bucks for a dsp card that costs 30 bucks to build. Sell their shit, like I did, and support hundreds of amazing devs.

    Valhalla plugins... 150 bucks for 3 plugins. 50 bucks for 1 reverb.
    Overloud breverb.....
    Etc etc...

    How much better is a Uad reverb plugin ?
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  13. willynucka

    willynucka Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Own a lot of UAD stuff. It's legitimately no better than any other high-grade plugins. That said, I don't care what setup you're running, UAD is the best for hopping on an intense in-progress session and laying down low latency parts. I can have a mix running at a 1024 buffer and still track with fx and very little latency. If you're not using it for that reason, you're missing the point.

    And like many, I learned a lot about why UA sucks after I invested too much lol. Doesn't mean you can't appreciate what it is good for, though.
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  14. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    In my opinion, Luna is a missed opportunity with a very narrow focus, that no one was asking for. That said, it would probably be relatively easy to make it a nice DAW if they wanted to.
  15. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Agreed but TBH It's really hard to make a DAW from scratch just like it is hard to make a reverb.
    Sure everyone can code one but few are specialized.
    I wouldn't be surprised if things turn bad from end users and deleting comments is not enough, UAD buy out a smaller developer just like Izotope did with Exponential Audio because they figured out it's hard to do it alone and compete in higher leagues. Not to mention the manpower you need to support it.

    True that was the biggest selling point in the beginning along with sound but i think this is not the case anymore, for the price of Octa you can build a powerful AMD PC with 24 cores 48 threads that can hold all your complex needs.
    If you go native you have also the privilege of option, you can use a tool that can have X loading in your system depend on how powerful it is, you re not forced to use only this specific tool.
  16. rhino

    rhino Noisemaker

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Paint me surprised, you are missing the point (again), the "giving something more" is referring to the console environment, the unison technology (which changes the preamp impedance among other things) and the external dsp combined. If you want to be honest you have to disprove what I said you should bring tangible examples of vsts that offer the same capabilities, instead of quoting different posts from different people to make a point against me and against things I haven't even said or implied, because that's simply idiotic. If you see elitism in someone who likes specific plugins with a specific sound, the plugin environment (console+dsp) and can afford to spend disposable income on these, then I feel sorry for you.

    Your inability to discern opinions from elitism and cherrypipcking small quotes while willingly ignoring the rest (or perhaps it just went over your head) is quite embarassing.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
  17. rhino

    rhino Noisemaker

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Oh, and about this.

    I'll make it very simple for you so even you can grasp this very simple concept.
    TRACKING with a plugin inside the UAD console is different from tracking with the same plugin inside a DAW. DAWs naturally have some latency due to buffer size, and things thare are already running inside the daw.
    If I want to record a guitar with an amp emulation I can do that while also ignoring how busy my session is and how much latency my session is subject to, because tracking with uad plugins enabled inside its own console will bypass that, and monitoring what I'm playing doesn't have to go through my daw, instead it will go only through UAD's console which, again, relies on dedicated processing and doesn't share a DAW's complessive latency.

    ELI5: as soon as you go through your daw you'll have some latency, and even the smallest latency is higher than dedicated external processing that bypasses the trip inside your DAW.
  18. rhino

    rhino Noisemaker

    Apr 7, 2017
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    So, since you put some effort in typing all this I'll give you honest answers aimed at someone who will hopefully understand.

    1) I'm not rich, but I can buy any UAD plugin I want without really hesitating. I do have disposable income to use on gear, and that shouldn't hold me back from criticizing it, if anything if something sucks I'd just say it does, but when you buy something and it works as advertised you have nothing to complain.

    Is the price too much for you? It's not a problem, you don't buy it, end of the story.
    Is the price ok for you, and it fills your needs? It's not a problem, you buy it, end of story.
    The price tag is in front of you when you buy something, so "it's expensive" is not really an argument.
    It would be if these plugins didn't work as advertised, but they do what they are supposed to.

    2) UAD's 1176 is not necessarily better than any other 1176 out there (maybe it has some extra feature compared to others, like using selective multi-ratios), but as I was saying in another reply the ENVIRONMENT you use UAD's 1176 comp within allows you to use your compressor outside of the daw, and record a track without going through the internal daw latency.
    0ms vst latency doesn't mean 0ms monitoring latency (in a DAW), and if I want to record a guitar while working on a song I'm not going to bounce the entire track and put it in another empty project just to have the lowest possible latency (which will still be more than UAD's).

    3) Pro means professional, I make music for a living, so it's my job. I get good money out of it, and I can afford buying all gear I want, be it synths, outboard equipment, sound cards, whatever. It's an investment I make, and I shouldn't feel bad about someone who can't, and above everything else I'm not going to discredit something I find good just because others can't afford it. Again, these plugins work as advertised, the pricetag is right in front of me when buying, if people don't like it they can just walk away. It's like getting mad at someone who can get an expensive car that gets you to X place, and arguing that any other car can get you there too.
    Moreover, the assumption of me looking down on who can't buy this stuff is wrong, if anything the opposite is quite true and quite common ("lmao look at that idiot spending all his money on stuff I don't like, lol what an ass he is for spending money for things he likes and for which he finds reasons to invest in"). We've reached a point where people feel entitled to tell others what they are supposed to like.

    4) Plugin prices aren't actually that bad, discounts keep happening and you can get good deals every now and then without having to wait for the occasional black friday or vacation sales. You can get a Neve preamp for 74€, and twice as much for the pre+eq (which again, can change the physical preamp impedance, gain staging, and so on, of your actual hardware). Gimmick or not, some people like it, some don't. To each their own, so if you don't like it, don't buy it. If you like it and can't afford it, don't buy it. It's that simple.
    I like Lamborghini cars, doesn't mean I should feel entitled to own one even the production cost is a fraction of what you are paying for them. There's not just production cost when you buy something, you know, and you could apply that logic to everything else.

    5) back to comparing different pieces of software, there is no "better" reverbs, just different ones. Would I buy a UAD lexicon when there are good alternatives? No, because it wouldn't make sense FOR ME to own a UAD reverb, I chose UA to record at zero latency in busy sessions without compromising anything else, so I don't really need their reverb (the stock one is also already very good).
    When I need to record singers they like hearing themselves without latency, and when they feel comfortable and monitoring is good the entire recording session benefits from it. If I want to give them some reverb while monitoring I can do that on UAD's aux channel, without actually recording it even if I'm enabling insert effects recording in the console.

    There are huge benefits from owning UAD plugins, and for sure there are downsides but I'm using UAD stuff for their positive aspects, not the negative ones, so it's no surprise why I'm biased towards "UAD is good for ME".

    This guy gets it 100%. You may not like a lot of UAD things, but it doesn't mean the negatives invalidate the positives, especially if the positives are what you're using UAD in the first place.
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  19. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Just came to agree with a previous post about how dishonest their marketing was. They VERY strongly implied the base program would be the neve summing + moog + piano. Very strongly might be an understatement because they used every possible misleading expression to imply you were getting those extensions or features. Regardless of the quality of the product I cannot support a company that treats their customers like castrated blank checks.
    You could buy a lot of 500 series gear for the price of entry into the UAD world.
  20. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    What a surprise, UAD is using the same tricks used by Amazon...
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