mac recording configurations

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Herr Durr, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Hello all...

    am thinking of investing in some pricey ( for me ) apple hardware so

    I can try some osx based daw and plugins,

    probably would either get a macbook or ipad...

    do they both work equally well for recording purposes?

    I have seen many ipad specific apps or hardware so it must be working

    out pretty well for peeps

    I'm sure I'm coming off sounding like a n00b coz with osx

    stuff that's exactly what I am....

    just would appreciate some thoughts on relative utility of

    different setups..interfaces etc... I saw the apogee just this

    weekend and had it's good qualities pitched to me, but at

    $650 + it's a high place to start just after what it would cost for a

    decent macbook....

    thanks for the suggestions in advance :bow:

    Attached Files:

  3. BoomBEZEL

    BoomBEZEL Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Macbook if you want a wide variety of "top-quality" plugins and a Great OVERALL performance! else wise if you just wanna experiment, the iPad is not a bad ideal depending on the fact they have plenty of apps that come packed with some cool modern effects and hardware that run through the camera-kit connector, I've seen club performances using iPads so tbh it can't be all that bad I would just go with the MAC or PC for a lot more "STUDIO POWER"

    Mac OS- DAWS = Logic Pro, Pro- Tools HD, Ableton Live, Studio One, even Garageband is a decent way to start off there's so many with MAC + PC.

    My MAC PLUGINS = Ozone 5, Native Instruments Battery +Kontakt, Focusrite, FXpansion, etc --POWERHOUSE :) with precise tools for mixing and mastering!

    I use MythLab headphones, an Apogee MiC, and an iMac with intel core 2 duo and still get good sound quality.
    My friend's list is alot more professional and expensive you might like these....

    1. Focusrite Liquid saffire 56 as main soundcard
    2. roland tri-capture as backup soundcard
    3. heco monitors
    4. technics amplifier
    5. beyerdynamic headphones
    6. samson headphones
    7. m-audio oxygen 49 keyboard
    8. m-audio torq xponent midi dj controller
    9. and my own build computer (amd fx 8320 cpu @4.5ghz)

    I can't give you too much info of the iPad's flexibility because I don't own one and yeah I believe Apogee runs on both iOS and MAC, you can get their full list here P.S these items are NOT CHEAP but Quality over Quantity is better but only if your serious enough to take God's Challenge :P

    The cheaper route would probably be owning an iPhone or iPod touch and buy hardware :( bad way to start if you ask me….enough from me I'll let someone else more experienced carry on from here….Good Luck :wink:
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    great stuff.. muchos gracias amigo :wink:
  5. jabbawork123

    jabbawork123 Newbie

    Jul 8, 2013
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    I'd say for recording purposes, don't spend your money on an iPad. You want to leave yourself at least a LITTLE room for growth when you eventually get there. at least if you get the least expensive mac air, you can later decide to get logic or ableton or even pro tools...instead of being stuck essentially with the mobile version of garageband. do yourself a big favor and save for a laptop. after that plugins I'd recommend (*coughcough**cough*) are:

    URS Pro for compression (for me this has been invaluable)

    Amplitube 3 for recording guitar/bass

    Kontakt or Absynth like someone else mentioned
  6. highrolla

    highrolla Newbie

    Jul 2, 2013
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    i would go at least for the macbook air with maxed out ram or a macbook pro
    all the other stuff is cool for playing around a bit here and there but you will see your system very soon at the limit..

    just for info,you will bow down a macbook pro i7quad 2.6ghz(non retina) with a pro tools 10 session with 30-40 tracks and plugs everywhere..(playback,editing,etc,..-not recording!)

    good luck

    i have to be honest,i wouldnt go the portable apple route again..nothing can beat a mac pro as a studio machine imo,but protable,hmmmm
  7. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    In this day and age its all about how strong your computer is. So in my opinion invest on a strong PC or Mac first and then go from there. :bow:
  8. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Depends of what you want to do .

    Recording ? I mean your instruments ? Vocals ? Friends / collab ?

    Or just make some demos then work in the studio ?

    Or make an ITB mix/rec ?

    Mac Laptops are great obviously. But it doesn't give you enough room . 'Cause it's just a laptop, you see. These machines got usually a basic hardware foundation : HD on 5400's; 4Gb of Ram. It's not bad, 2 USb, 1 FW.
    But when you need to record live or play a quite massive sample library, with "ton's of plugins" , your trusty mate got a bad face. If you move quite often, traveling or just being stuck to have a machine with you, then go for it, it' perfect. And a great 1st step in mac world crappy fantastic mothxxxr fxxr beautiful world. The new macbookair has a SSD option in HD very very interesting in term of performances. SSD hd are still expensive today …

    So,if you need to have room to add ( one of these days) plenty of Ram ( until 32gb for almost all machines), 3 or 4 HDs , Thunderbolt , etc … Deciding to simply build step after step your war machine, go for a desktop as mac pro. There is plenty of good deals ( 2nd hand) on the www .

    Apogee has the best integration with OSX. But they don't have a midi, yet. Not really a big deal tho'

    About plugs, daw … It's a matter of choices.
    For my side I work with Ableton since v.3. Simply love it , even if the last version gives me some enoying issues sometimes.
    I work aswell with Logic which the best of mac pro audio world.

    I'm using UAD, Sknote , AudioDamage, iZotope, Kontakt, Reaktor, Eareckon, Airwindows, Camel Audio, Valhalla DSP, Tritone Digital, Sonimus, Sonic Charge, Fxpansion plugins, to name few …

  9. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    with less money you can build a very powerfull hackintosh.
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ahhhhhh so... could you flesh out how that hackintosh might be equipped?

    what would be an adequate system for that to work well.. hmmm

    seems like it would be more unstable running all the lovely gems we find ** cough cough ** HERE

    on top of a haXXored os... ?? but i never tried that either :wow:
  11. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    if you want to build your hackintosh shoot a visit to the tonaymac website,my hackintosh is the CustoMac Mini Deluxe look in this site
    all my cracked plugins are working fine with logic pro,ableton live 9 and studio one 2,im using my toneport audio card and everything is working fine
    and to build a hack you need to buy mac osx from the mac store

    here some pictures of my hack.




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