Acustica Audio releases Coffee (full suite)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Talmi, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    After the freebie comes the full thing, here are the details :

    ACQUA - Coffee
    Introductory price - 129.00€ [Reg. 219.00€] - Save 40% OFF

    Coffee is arguably the most essential tool in a studio!
    Coffee gets things done!

    Jokes aside, as a modern plug-in suite packing a warm and smooth sound, Coffee is nothing short of a mojo monster. It comprises a series of plug-ins inspired by the world of 'vintage' but re-engineered in a contemporary fashion, preserving the feeling of authenticity that most engineers look for in modern productions. In other words, we believe this new suite can be considered the 'younger sister' of our acclaimed CREAM suite.


    The best Coffee you'll ever have.
    Coffee embodies six different hardware units merged into two different EQs, an HP/LP filter section, five dynamics processors including a limiter, plus a complete preamp section with 31 different emulations

    • Coffee EQ comprises two switchable 4-Band equalizers with High-pass and Low-pass Filters and a powerful Preamp section for a total of 29 emulations.
    • Coffee Pre features three switchable preamp groups for a total of 31 preamp emulations divided into three banks: LINE, FEED, CUSTOM.
    • Coffee Comp includes four switchable compressors plus a limiter and a tube preamp emulation.
    • Coffee Channelstrip includes many of the features of the standalone units plus some extras.
    Each plug-in included in the Coffee suite comes in a “Standard” version and an alternative “ZL*” version which operates at *zero latency and is thus suitable for use when tracking, at the cost of extra processing resources. For further details consult the Coffee user's manual in the Overview section.


    Coffee EQ
    - Model A is a faithful American recreation of a legendary mixing desk EQ, as used at one of the most famous recording studios in the UK in its glory days.

    - Model B is a revisited vintage analog unit made in the US, combining a passive bass equalizer, an active 'presence' control, a treble section, and a germanium based preamp.
    So it's basically a three-band equalizer re-arranged as a four-band model for better usability.
    This plug-in is designed to let you squeeze the sonic character of germanium transistors into your mixes. Plus, thanks to the nature of its architecture, the rich and warm sound it offers can perfectly blend into any track, no matter the genre.


    Coffee Pre - The trained ear's bliss.
    Coffee PRE comprises several preamp models giving you a wide array of tonal choices. We selected various hardware units to provide you with the frequency/phase response and harmonic distortion of 31 (!) preamps divided into three switchable BANKS: LINE - FEED -CUST. For extra mojo, the preamps included in FEED banks have a FEEDBACK control that allows you to determine the amount of character.


    Coffee Comp - Juicy dynamics
    The Coffee channel strip and compressor modules are equipped with four dynamic processors derived from two different units: a Vari-mu Tube compressor, and an all-discrete, transformer-coupled compressor/limiter.

    MODE 1, 2, and ULTRA are based on a modern reissue of a mono British Vari-Mu tube compressor from the 1960s. It is a remarkably simple design that employs just three tubes in a differential signal path.
    This modern device is not an exact copy of the original unit. Instead, it sports an accurate circuit recreation that has been enhanced to make it fit better with modern equipment and production requirements. The most crucial difference is the addition of the control of attack times.
    While MODE 1 represents the default operation of the unit, MODE 2 introduces a new feature that wasn't part of the original hardware. It is called 'Fuse', and it changes the character of the compressor quite dramatically. Here is where things get interesting. The release time is way shorter, and the result is a super punchy and squashy signal.

    The ULTRA mode is where we think the compressor really shines. Honestly, we could have called this setting ‘Invisible Super-Glue’! First of all, one thing you will notice is that, despite its ultra-fast reaction times, the compression happens in an exceptionally and euphonically transparent way, typical of truly high-end, Vari-Mu tube hardware machines, making it a superb tool for the mix bus up to refined stereo mastering applications. The original machines that we sampled were mostly characterized by a hard-knee style dynamic range control. So we enhanced it by including a soft knee setting for a mellower, rounder and invisible intervention, greatly expanding on the compressor’s overall versatility. No matter if your aim is to glue your drums together or to just put the final touch on a 50-track mix. ULTRA will surprise you. A small analogy: imagine having the juicy curves of El Rey, the forward attitude of Jade and the character of a modern Cream, all condensed into one single mode. This is ULTRA.

    MODE 3 and LIM are based on an American compressor/limiter design derived from a recreation of the dynamic section found on one of UK's most iconic vintage mixing and mastering consoles. All this with enhanced attack and release times, plus some extra gluey distortion.
    It just sounds phenomenal on any source and adds generous amounts of vintage character and presence. While remaining true to the sound of the vintage unit, the reissue adds new features and extra control. Dulcis in fundo, MODE 3 emulates the faster response of the original unit, while LIM emulates its Limiter section, designed to emulate the response of what is arguably the most iconic of all dynamics processor.



    • Create a user account (if you do not have one yet) on our website
    • Download and Install Aquarius, our products manager, for either Mac or PC
    • Log in to Aquarius using your user email and password
    • Type the product name in the 'search' field inside Aquarius to find the '(trial)' version of the product, then click on the thumbnail or on the 'Install' button. This will take you to the product page (the trial version of a product is also visible in the 'related products' section on the right)
    • Select the right plugin format according to the DAW you are using and click 'Install'
    • Aquarius will download, install, and authorize the trial product automatically
    • Run your DAW. You're set!

    • The old trial authorization method - which required the 'LASTTRIALS' code - is now obsolete and each trial version of a product can be easily downloaded/installed directly from Aquarius, for a more streamlined process
    • Should you see an authorization error, the reason could be that the product has been already authorized too many times and the limit has been reached
    For details about installation/authorization please refer to this page

    CORE 15
    Coffee suite features our latest core engine technology which now includes EHR™ - Enhanced Harmonic Response Technology, and Dynamic Routing™! Learn more

    *Early-access / Crazy-access pricings are introductory, time-limited discount periods during which the plugin may be subject to further refinements and minor updates, for better performance and extended compatibility. All updates and bug fixes will be available inside Aquarius under the 'Updates' section.
    All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this page are used for identification purposes only and are properties of their respective owners.

    Owners of Cream (-10%) and Blue EQ (-5%) should get discounts codes, in addition to their usual vouchers

    Also Lime 2 has been released like a month ago or so with a few additions, free update for owners of Lime 1.
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  3. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Acustica plugins will make your trash song a hit because it's that good.
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  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I think soothe already rules that area....Did you finally get it, can you work vocals now ?
  5. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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  6. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Chandler Limited Germanium Tone Control in case you re wondering.
  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I just want a magic button that makes my $250 mic sound like a $5,000 vintage mic. Seriously, is that so much to ask?
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  8. tr3v0r94

    tr3v0r94 Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2019
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    demi lovatos producer uses the slate modeling mic if its worth anything! fools some people in blind tests. my sm7b with a cloudlifter was probably my best investment though under 300 total used!

    also, tried the coffeepun freebie and holy cow it ate my cpu up. I have 8 threads on an i7 4770k. I can have 10 divas running at least without freezing but ONE coffepun on ONE track with everything else freezed just fucks up a single core instantly in logic.
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  9. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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  10. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I tried the free version for some time. Sadly, I can't remember the CPU consumption, apart from AA's always consuming a multiple of the amount of algos, but I had no problems with it and my computer was running fine with Win7 and Reaper.
    I finally uninstalled it because its sound didn't convince me.
  11. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    No reviews yet. Not even a mention on KVR...

    Has Acustica fallen out of favour?
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  12. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    i have a few projects that i cannot open them anymore because of CPU consumption of these plugins, any instance of any recent plugin from them, takes from 10 to 20 % of cpu power, so you have to think at your workflow before using these, they never adressed fixing this kind of problems, so i will skip until i see some changes in power hungry plugins, Softube is on the same quality or better than most of these because of CPU optimisation, recommend some Slate stuff, DMG Audio stuff, Sknote winch im a big fan! CDSoundmaster ...unless you have latest i9, latest Ryzen, Xeon CPU with aditional 32/64 Gb Ram i dont reccomend at all, its a nightmare mixing in realtime with these... no! i dont want to bounce, i hate that workflow...
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
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  13. TeknoGenius

    TeknoGenius Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    All I know is if it's anything like coffee the free then i already have it.
  14. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    No. But I just bought a new mic.

    Go to GS. They have the favour. A bunch of thong-wearing AA fanboys there.
  15. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    KVR has people who like Fabfilter, TDR, DMG Audio... etc more...

    Geraslutz has people - "Did you hear that warmth"..!!

    This somehow made @Talmi mad.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2020
  16. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    "You would though... if it was playing"
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  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well on all those sites they talk about audio products. Dave Gamble litteraly lives in GS.
    Anyway both forums It's better than some f....g covid 19 thread like on AS. Their luck is to have have people who actually do audio stuffs.
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  18. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Cool man. Once you get soothe you'll be able to treat your vocals recordings. Soon enough you'll be a pro and shit. Just need to save your pennies for a few years. Good luck to you padawan.
  19. Cube Sixty-Three

    Cube Sixty-Three Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I'm not sure about that, I run that with tens of other plugins and that didn't happen. I'm using the latest MacBook Pro 16 Base Model
  20. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

  21. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Lol I don't need tools like soothe to make my vocals sound good. It just happened to one vocalist that I recorded. His technique was crap. His e vowel smashes your ears like nails on a chalkboard. Surprisingly, the record label has no complain about it.
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