Shut down of my Studio - ( bcuz of corona)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 0on3, Apr 15, 2020.

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  1. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Any of you engineers had to stop all sessions or close down your studio ?
    Well , I had to , due in part greatly to being a "multi-track engineer".
    I werk with , ( and make my living ) ; recording real musicians whom book time
    at my studio.

    This has put a small 'hurt' on my wallet and bank account because of my shut down.
    "I dont want this corona shit ALL OVER MY MICROPHONES !!"

    I dont know about anyone else , but I have a serious fortune wrapped up in mic's !
    I cant afford this virus all over them , or really .... any of my equipment !

    I spoke with a friend of mine who is also an engineer assistant at another studio
    in a different city then mine. I told him why I shut down & he immediately informed
    the studio he werked at about the 'mic thing' ...... "they shut down operations that
    day !!

    LOL !!

    So , if any of you guys remain open for bizz , your putting yourself & your clients at


    Not to mention , this virus can live ALL OVER your mic's , the pop screen , your mic stands, ect ....
    " FOR MONTHS !!"

    And I dont think many of you have that new windex microphone disinfectant spray ..... huh !@#?

    Anyway , just some food for thought here , maybe help a few engineers out to take this seriously.

    p3ACE! ..... :mates:
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  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Sorry that’s just BS

    Table I. Persistence of coronaviruses on different types of inanimate surfaces
    Human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to 9 days.

    Just buy some UV Lights

    This study showed a greater than or equal to a 99.94% reduction in Coronavirus after 45 min. and one hour exposure to UV-C irradiation
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    And even before theses measures they were most likely not contagious. In fact scientists never found infectious material on plastic/metal in the wild (but in the lab). They only found non-infectious parts of the virus's RNA. Said this, with @Polomo measures you're totally safe.

    BTW.: Every time someone uses a microphone, it becomes heavily contaminated with bacteria and viruses anyway. Some of them are quite nasty fellows. Cleanliness is therefore mandatory. At least this we learnt from Corona pandemia.
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  5. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    sorry to hear this unca Z .. hugs
  6. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i used to go to a barber who used the same scissors and electric clippers on every customer without ever sanitizing in between customers. not sure how he got or kept his license.
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  7. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    hahaaha .. wow !!

    There's nooooo way , any of you own and operate a recording facilty/building/multi-trk studio !

    not with that kind of outlook ... noway !!!!
  8. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The best thing to do is to calm down and think about how it is possible that highly complex machines in hospitals don't have to be destroyed after every use, even though they are contaminated with harmful germs. It's called disinfection.
    What is possible in large hospitals, you should be able to do with your few microphones.
    You are not the only one who is confronted with these or similar problems.
    All companies and self-employed people worldwide have to think about how to reorient themselves in this situation. So you can be expected to do the same. Sorry.

    btw: I'm operating a small business with 15 people. And we're shut down. At least our facilities. But we found a workaround and will survive the pandemia. With losses, but we'll survive.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
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  9. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Our (studio) business is cut way back for obvious reasons. But we still have a few people that want to get things done. Where I live (in the US) two adjacent counties where I work and live have a population of about 390,000 people and together 123 confirmed cases of corona. That's 1-2-3, no zeros on the end. Even with other cases that might exist due to lack of testing our infection rate is statistically effectively zero. 11 deaths, 53 recoveries (as of just now, just looked). We at the studio and out current clients are all reasonably young and reasonably healthy. We are all practicing social distancing everywhere we can; I really only go to work or the store. When together we don't touch, we don't have coughs or sneezes, we wash our hands a lot. We assign a mic to each person that's "theirs" and we replace pop screens. The risk just cannot get any lower, at least for now, in our situation. To think we should suspend operations completely is utter madness. Now, that's us. Situations are different different places. New York, for example, is playing by a different set of rules right now. But trying to make all citizens behave according to a blanket standard with no regard to facts, reason, or actual local realities- that's the real problem. Some people need to get a grip. IMHO of course.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
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  10. doctorG

    doctorG Kapellmeister

    May 4, 2018
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    The Maltese
    Well my friend (my personal friend) sorry ta hear that mate. All tryin ta keep operating at a level "altitude" with the world blowing up around us. Not sure where we go in the meantime

    Stay safe...stay well....N Hell Yeaz to life!!!
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  11. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    Shit, brah - pfft - the future is DJ Lan parties. thanks to some killer snapchat gigs i've hosted with my homies, i'm getting calls to take up residency ad SPACE in Ibiza. Virtual DJ sets and doin' youtube chitty chitty chat chats - that's where all the action's at at.

    This is a golden age of opportunity - and it's ripe for the picking, belonging to the innovators. Downloading *OUTPUT right now...
  12. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    plus, some of the drag and drop online mastering services are now outperforming AiR studios and Power Station... it's all about the bitrate baby
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    One thing's for sure. We need a replacement for the "I wash my hands of this" expression. :rofl:
  14. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    lately, a lot of so-called mastering engineers are left fething coffee - the only knobs they're tweaking are twerking the artist's nipples - while Martin Garrix selects a new Ozone preset...
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  15. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    looking at the Beatport top ten - I see 6 right there - done in Wavelab Elements.
  16. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    That sucks 0on3, playing it safe makes sense though, we're all waiting to find out what the long term effects of COVID-19 actually are, physically and financially. I think a lot of small businesses in my area are folding in this, just living day by day and this was a dagger.

    One restaurant was complaining on FB about the 6 month deferral of payments, but where are they going to get the money to pay for these 6 months with next to no customers now? They're on UberEats, DoorDash etc, but just the costs of the ingredients anymore considering stuff goes bad and can't buy in bulk for few orders.

    Wish you luck!
  17. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    You can sanitize with UV. Just sayin'
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  18. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Consider yourself fortunate you aren't in complete lockdown. Here the virus is SO serious, only emergency workers are allowed out of their homes for more than a 30 minute a day walk!

    In your position though, I would allow the studio to be open but have someone like this after EVERY session:-

    But under no circumstances would anyone be allowed to record vocals unless they supplied their own mics!
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  19. Sheb Shabadoobeedoo

    Sheb Shabadoobeedoo Member

    Jan 14, 2019
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    I happen to be reading this comment, and I happen to own some UV lights, because I screen print shirts. The thing is, I sort of played a guitar that wasn't mine, if you understand me. Do you know if this uV business works for Uncle G?
  20. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Mate, do some research on "Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation" - It's one of the most powerful sanitation options available. Put something in sunlight and it gets disinfected... because of the UV. Not saying do that, just using it as an example. You can get all kinds of different UV devices/lamps for this specific purpose.
  21. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I'm scared to even sing into my own personal microphones because I don't want to get infected.
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