Coming back into Music after 10 years Hiatus

Discussion in 'beginners corner' started by Master Of Disaster, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Good Evening from a Lockdown UK!

    I've been recommended this place by someone on Soundcloud after listening to my tracks.

    I'm really keen to get feedback on my new 2 tracks I've recently made, I've been using FL Studio 20 and Audacity combined with 75/85gb of Samples to start mixing new House Tracks.

    My first foray into this was back in 2007 at School making my first EDM Track and I stopped in 2010 due to life getting in the way.

    I'd love to get my Soundcloud Profile out there and listened to for feedback and also get ideas and inspiration from other producers around the world to help me improve as an Artist as I am making a 12 track Album by the end of may (2 down)

    Speak to you guys soon!
  3. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Any chance you listened to the Art of Noise? Very similar style. Gotta give it a long listen through, but short thing I noticed was Art of Noise did a lot of setup and change during the song, it was extended and a nice lead in, I've quick glanced but didn't noticed it at first. Will give it another take. Just a quick quip.
  4. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Hehe, Greetingz from buckinghampshire!

    Yeah this place is great innit!.

    I'll take a listen in the morning n let you know my honest opinion..
    I remember this guy that kept sendin me stuff to listen too on SC, and when i simply told em its a bit monotanous, he then left shitty msgs on some of my choons ...
    what a small minded wanker eh!

    Not that you would of course, jus sayin , jus sayin.

    Anywayz i'll give you a shout tommorow..
  5. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Good on you bro! I hope you maintain the same level of enthusiasm. I was in a similar position but with a smaller chunk of time spent on hiatus. My best advice is adjust your perspective on the time you feel you may have "missed out on". During my own break I never stopped listening to music and thinking about it from a production aspect so I like to contextualize that period of my life as learning to appreciate the art that was being expressed and developing my taste for when I did come back to making music. To me it was just a period of extended learning what I liked about the music I liked in the first place. Maybe you experienced something similar despite our reasons for leaving being different I look forward to hearing more from you.
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  6. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Can't say I've heard of Art of Noise to be fair.
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  7. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Cheers Bud I've always been around the music scene just not producing anything and I look forward to posting more on here!
  8. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Thanks mate yeah Britain aien't too bad to be fair

    If you can hit me up with some honest feedback I'd appreciate it and I respect honesty more than vanity so no shitty msgs coming from me
  9. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Hi from Northern England lockdown.

    Had a listen to 'Feel the music', not in the studio so I can't comment on the mix etc. But it came across well on the 2 devices here, so that's good.
    I liked the tune, structure & pacing was good. Kept me in for the duration.

    My only criticism would be not varying the beat. It did get a bit tiresome at points and when the kick dropped out it was welcomed. So I'd vary the patterns up. Even just 1 kick and a snare hit every 8 bars can give the impression of change.

    Good stuff dude, looking forward to more lockdown tunes from you!
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  10. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Good Morning!

    I did consider the beat/kick variation but I ended up stripping the entire track back and rebuilt it prior to the current form it is in. I hear what you're saying however! I was more focused on the other sections of the track I think to be quite honest
  11. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Im listening to feel the music , And honestly,i say this in the nicest way i can,

    Get ridd of danny dyer goin "nice one bruvvah" n "kushdi"

    You dont need them in there ,
    it adds an element of cheese that lets the choon down, but the other samples are ok in there n sit well, just not them 2 in particular, let the track do the talking n not danny dyer!

    Dont get me wrong coz i used to do that kinda thing too, idve timestreched n mangled up n pitched the vox down tho..

    Ya know what it reminds me of> "its a fond memory of mine btw">>

    It reminds me of when i started out on hardware 27 years ago and i had a quasimidi sirius n a raveloution 309, yamaha su10 phrase sampler,n roland mc505 all linked up via midi , goin thru a tiny behringer mixer, and id sit there recording my best take on the fly.

    Anyway, The result of which was a kinda vibe that sounded like a mixx tape, not a bad thing btw, ..
    I mean ,i came back to music after nearly 18 years, and your first bit of works gonna be a bit iffy in areas, but it is what it is, it being a new a learning curve.

    The drum variations something i also agree with. variation variation variation.!!!
    Always variate to keep things moving along in time with overall track pace.

    The tracks just switched to the next one>>

    Arrrgghhh not boris bloody johnson, now him, idve definatley timestreched the shitt out of/pitched down,bit o granular manipulation n clever choppin up and then resampled it spedd up.

    Are those synth stabs a sample or a plugin, or a hardware synthesizer??

    Im really hoping youl say the piano n synth stabs n stuffs being played by you n aint a sample?
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  12. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    They're samples I've used, adapted and modified because I do not possess the equipment as of yet to make my own bits.

    So everything is produced here on the computer
  13. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Ahhh ok..

    I started out using a similar method...
    Is it that youve not got very many plugins?
    because you do know where you are right?
    Or an underpowered pc not capable of runnin alot of pluginz?

    im just wondering is all.

    I started back out on Fl12, then moved onto ableton live.
    Everything a lot of us do these days iz in the boxx, "meanin written n processed within your pc"

    Id love to have hardware again, but what computers are capable of iz nuts these days.
    Way back when i was 17 ,i never thought id see the day where a pc could do everything, yet here we are.
  14. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I need to learn how to use plugins it's something I've been putting off

    I currently make my drum loops, percussion loops and in Feel the Music the Siren Like noise is a sample I've made as well
  15. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Of course ya do..
    Fl20 has a resample function, i think its "render pattern as audio" i'll have to check..
    Or just use a synthesizer?

    youve got a daw capable of doing everything with no need for any hardware.

    Every n any plugin you could want is here free for anybody to download, and we all use a daw n a host of plugins ...
  16. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Oh using plugins can be daunting, but its easy after you get to grips with them, i promise!!
    And anything you could possibly want is right here,
    any synth, any effect plugin.
  17. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    if you need help installing them/downloading them, and using em, Gimme a yell.

    just like that.

    How long have you been using fl20?
    I ask because alot of people i know that start out on Fl, switch to Ableton eventually, and essentially your doubling the learning curve..
  18. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I've been using FL 20 for 3 weeks so relatively new! hence why I am unfamiliar with plugins
  19. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Well in that case well done.
    Kudos for making sure the drums are essentially yours.

    Fl is a great starting point,
    I only really switched to ableton coz of a friend who owns a software company i was doing work for at the time,suggesting id love it .
    Theres a nifty feature in fl studio, goto Tools, then select Macros, then hit "switch smart disable for all plugins"

    it basically shuts any plugin of any kind off , when not in direct use, switching em onn n off accordingly.
    Its great when youve an underpowered pc, and your running outta cpu.

    Also, goto>>
    "pattern" select "quick render as audio clip, or render and replace, or just render as audio clip"
    And the entire pattern or the parts you select will be resampled as an entire audio file.
    A trick fl studioz been missing up untill fl 20, so last year i think..

    So just 3 weeks eh...

    Erm, yeah i mean, definetly for sound design abletons better, but at this stage it would just confuse the crapp outta ya ..
    I do know fl pretty well, so if you need to know something, im sure i can help you.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  20. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Hi, M.O.D.,

    I listened to Feel The Music and like to point out some issues I heard, if you don't mind.

    - The piano's volume jump at 0:56 is a bit irritating
    - The BD at 2:19 doesn't sit in the mix (too loud, too prominent), aswell as the vocals at 2:48
    - Between 4:09 - 4:12 there seems to be an accidental distortion, first on the vocs and then a scratch on the right.

    Nonetheless and all in all it's a nice song.
  21. Master Of Disaster

    Master Of Disaster Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2020
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    A Scratch?? I think the Distortion is reverb I added to the sample.

    In regards to the Piano yes I deliberately aimed to increase the volume before the breakdown before the next section but I will definitely bare this in mind and tone down the percentage of the Increase! But thank you I love this sort of feed back and on the 2:48 vocal that is accidental before in the unfinished version I had a different sound all together that was drowning out the vocal so I scaled it up and forgot to change it