UL.to captcha scam

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by muaB, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    Hey guys.

    did you notice when you download stuff as a freeuser frum UL.to (the documents for a school project for example)

    the captcha is a combination of a photograph of a house number and an actual captcha?

    I for myself believe they make cash for g00gle maps of some scum company and use their free users to automate house number recognition.

    i kinda really dislike that method. always enter wrong number but right captcha if you wanna download the newest school project files. works.


    *i dont know what word beside scam would fit here

    Attached Files:

  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Honestly I am getting sick and tired of Uploaded.net. Their speeds lately are nothing short of pathetic and with the amount of money they make, you would think they could invest in infrastructure. I really would like to make an initiative on Audioz for more Mega mirror links, I think a good name for it would be Free The Links. Plus then we could give a nice middle finger to all the greedy assholes making money off of the scene.
  4. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    im not really sure these are really house numbers but is weird.

    yes there are much better hosters, but ul is reliable and has a stable connection?
  5. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    Yes that is pretty shady.. I've never noticed that untill now. Imho uploaded is kinda shitty anyways. Mega is much better.
  6. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    First, this is called ReCaptcha and its a part of the Google imperium. This means that every ReCaptcha you see at several hoster sites or where ever in the net comes directly from google. In former days it was just to help digitalize books. The method is like this:

    Any word that is deciphered differently by both OCR programs or that is not in the English dictionary is marked as "suspicious" and converted into a CAPTCHA. The suspicious word is displayed, out of context, along with a control word already known. The system assumes that if the human types the control word correctly, then the response to the questionable word is accepted as probably valid. If enough users were to correctly type the control word, but incorrectly type the 2nd word which OCR had failed to recognize, then the digital version of documents could end up containing the incorrect word. Thus, due to human error in distinguishing between the word "Internet" and the French name "Infernet", references to Captain Infernet have occasionally become Captain Internet.[11] The identification performed by each OCR program is given a value of 0.5 points, and each interpretation by a human is given a full point. Once a given identification hits 2.5 points, the word is considered valid. Those words that are consistently given a single identity by human judges are later recycled as control words.

    and this house number detection works the same..Even if you type the wrong number, at the end Google will find the correct one because others will do the correct answer. So maybe its easier for you to solve but finally your protest will result in nothing if you dont make sure all other users also type in wrong numbers...but even if they do they need to type all the same false number..otherwise the number will be shown as long til the system has enough identical answers.
  7. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    thanks for the explanation!
    it seems the guys at google/recaptcha are pretty damn smart and know how to squeeze the users out to the last. I mean first books- okey cool but of course they thought up how they could use the users better. notice the phrase "use the users"!
    Are you a google employee by the way?
  8. DutchMusicMan

    DutchMusicMan Newbie

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I am a paying customer of Uploaded and I am really pleased. Downloadspeeds are great and every post from Audioz can be downloaded. So I guess the people that are complaining are the people that don't want to pay for it. Stop wining about the downloadspeed if you are downloading for free.
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Man people on this site like to make huge assumptions based on nothing but conjecture. I am in fact a paying customer and have been for many years so maybe you should find out before you jump to conclusions and put other people down based on them.
  10. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Yes, until Kim's trial starts and Mega goes to 'file heaven'. :rofl:

    Seriously, the company that used to be Megaupload? That is rather shortsighted, especially concerning the estimated life span of uploads.

    Uploaded could go down too of course. *yes*
  11. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Cannot complain here, Uploaded has full speed 24/7...every hoster has problems somewhere around the world I guess.

    And without the "greedy assholes" a lot of download possibilies would not exist I guess... *no*
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah but remember that the search warrant in the case was illegal so it is likely that he can resist these douchebags. He actually had some recent victories in the news so anything is possible. And look at the lifespan of downloads on Uploaded.net lately, most files are taken down instantaneously. However I actually read a rather frightening article today that I will put up later about AT&T patenting an anti-piracy system of big brother proportions. It's going to get ugly in the near future: Visa, Mastercard banning VPNs, changing legal landscapes in even countries such as Russia, evolving anti-piracy systems, etc. Connect the dots and it's one fucked up virtual planet. However even if they were successful in completely stopping piracy they might want to take a minute and think about alienating customers around the globe as this rarely makes for good business practice. I'm already boycotting Hollywood which is easy these days when all they churn out is utter drivel, just like the dinosaurs of the music industry. Too bad they can't invest their resources in coming up with a decent idea instead of fighting futile wars. It's like the war on drugs: it hasn't worked up to now, it isn't going to...maybe it's time to try something else. Isn't that the definition of insanity, doing the same thing and expecting different results. :rofl:

    The only thing I can think of is the proximity of servers to my location. Still other websites like Mega never seem to have issues like that, I guess it's because they actually invest in infrastructure.

    Concerning my greedy bastard comment: I guess but I'm old school scene and we don't play that shit. *no*
  13. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    So what? You get sth for free, they do. Win-win. :wink:
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Unrelated to what he's referring to but look at G-Mail...you get shit for free and they allow the government to have real-time access to your mailbox. It's not always a win-win, especially with Google. Sometimes we don't realize all the freedom that we're giving up and all the liberties they take with our information. I think people also have a strong aversion to being controlled with misinformation because it's such a blow to the ego.
  15. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Well if Mega would be as much used as Uploaded, they'd the same problems I guess...people are really shortsighted, they just see: Oh, my obscure 70ies psychedelica mp3 download from Mediafire is fast as shit, so why don't you upload your latest Albion 50 gb there...they cannot image that hosters which aren't used that much can have a lot more performance than the big boys which have terabytes and terabytes to spread...but anyway, hoster scene is in constant change, maybe Mega will be the new Uploaded soon... :wink:

    Personally, if file sharing would be over tomorrow due to the described Internet dictatorship, I'd disconnect my line and enjoy my tons and tons of stuff I already have, because newer is not always better... :break:
  16. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Yeah, as we all know: there's no such thing as a free lunch...so true. :wink:

    Evolution is driven by egoism not by altruism... :mates:
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's funny that you mention that, I actually made a similar post in the Music Can Be A Weapon Thread. Good shit. :mates:
  18. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    the only thing i wanted to rise awareness on is that users are being used in a sneaky way and they dont inform you and let you make choices about it.

    and i just made a new email account :D not a g00gle one.

    when i had a UL account it worked quite well, but the speed at share-online was better, but who cares anyways...
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'll actually be putting up some articles today on new NSA proof e-mail and messaging. :wink:

    And concerning who cares anyway:
    I'd imagine the people that are paying for the service and getting a shitty speed...
  20. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Haha..no of course I'm not. The explaination I copied from Wikipedia.
  21. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    All of the companies mentioned are nothing more than Money scams.A lot of people use them to make money from downloads, The companies themselves are making money from advertisement, even if the file/s being downloaded is illegal they still make money from it.It's all just one big scam. I do understand why some have to use them because of the local restrictions on torrenting but I really do not see the difference,Your IP is still logged. SSL encrypted FTP is still the best way to go. I know it's an old tech but it is still the safest.If you are interested in what I am talking about and have over 250 posts PM ME
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