How can achieve to low dynamic range linke 1 or 2 DB ?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by HamidShekari, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. HamidShekari

    HamidShekari Newbie

    Jul 5, 2013
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    i analysed some Musics dynamic range like : Skrillex with plugin alliance bx was really low about -1 or -2 DB but it still clean and can i
    achieveb this??? i tried with the waves Master buss compressor , and API collections . but i couldn't achieve that low dynamic range with even shit sound !!!.what is your idea , suggestion about that?what compressor settings should i use ??
  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    You need to use a limiter.

    FabFilter Limiter has the best reputation.
    Waves has many limiters to choose from.
    Maybe try the LL-Multi MAximizer will be good too,
    as you can choose which band to maximize more.

    Brainworx Multi Limiter is worth a try too.
  4. HamidShekari

    HamidShekari Newbie

    Jul 5, 2013
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    do you sure that limiter affects dynamic range?? i think its just bring the volume up and improve loudness not dynamic range.isn,t it?
    So CAn anyone tell me about compressor setting on for example EDM or electro house Music to have more punchy and loud compression??
  5. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    The dynamic range you ask for will be best achieved with Limiters.
    To set ta compressor for that, you have to use high ratio, which in the end acts like a limiter.

    Read here:

    When you limit, you make the overall track louder, but also reduce dynamic range.
    A limiter "is" a compressor with high ratio setting.
    You can use a compressor too, but I recommend a limiter.
  6. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    So you're asking how do you achieve a more squished less open sound??? Most people when mixing shoot for no higher than -3dB some go as low as -6dB, this is all before it gets sent to someone else to master it, giving it that extra punch without sounding too squished... My advice, don't just throw a limiter on it and expect to have high quality results, it doesnt work that way... you should read a few books on mastering, try Bob Katz's book or Bob Ownsinki's... both do a bit of demystifying of the mastering process, but for christ's sake dont just slap vsts on your tracks and expect pro-level results...
  7. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Technically your right..., but he asks how to achieve the same
    dynamic range like this Dubcrap.

    Bob Katz isn't a good reference for that... *no*

    By the way, dynamic range is recommended at around 12dB, for rock and so...
    ...and max 8 dB for modern more louder music styles.
    I prefer 9dB max for my techno music.

    That is for the dynamic range !
    Dynamic Range is: The difference between the loudest and the quietest part of your track.
    Not the overall RMS or Peak level !!!

    People like to confuse that...
  8. HamidShekari

    HamidShekari Newbie

    Jul 5, 2013
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    i usually set one Waves Master buss compressor with this setting on mastering chain : attack : 3 release : Auto and the ratio :4 or 8(8DB gain reduction) .anotother compressor C1 with this setting on master channel Attack:13 release:555 and ratio :4 (3 db gain reduction) for my EDM or Electro house you see any problem in this setting?what do you use for a such example ?
  9. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    The answer to this questions is actually very simple.

    First of all, you need to pretty much low cut everything in your mix. Including the kick and even the bass. Also, you will need to cut quite a bit of the lower mid range from many of the instruments as well. Second, you need to carefully and precisely control the dynamic range of every channel in your mix as well. There can't be peaks popping up here and there, everything has to be tight and controlled. So you will need to compress all the channels in your mix and might also want to add a limiter on the end of each channel to catch the really quick peaks that the compressor might miss.

    After that it's a matter of master compression and limiting. But you have to remember, the real secret to achieving this is low cutting. Bass frequencies eat up alot of headroom and are the first to distort. So you you need to low cut everything and also remove any and all frequencies that you don't need from each individual channel, as well as the master. If you look at, and listen to many of the really loud electronic tracks, you will notice that they pretty much have little or no sub bass frequency content. The punch of these tracks is focused on the 70-100 Hz range and not below.

    Hope this helps
  10. HamidShekari

    HamidShekari Newbie

    Jul 5, 2013
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    that's right thanks for your answer. but how about the mastering compressor and it's setting?what is nice setting for electro house and hip hop track? what compressor do you suggest?
  11. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    Which track are you referring to? Skrillex claims he uses Izotope
  12. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I would use a series of compressors to achieve that kind of dynamic range. First I would use a compressor to glue everything together. Attack time of about 20-30ms, auto release, pull the threshold down until you feel like the instruments are closer together and that the kick is commanding the other instruments. Then I would use another compressor to catch peaks, which basically be catching the kick, snare and other sharp transients, I would use a pretty fast attack time, 5-10ms, auto release again. 2-3 dB of gain reduction you don't wanna crush anything. Then I would use a multiband compressor for more peak reduction but this time for each frequency band separately. Again, pretty quick attack time but not too fast that you crush everything, medium release to match the tempo of your track, i would say around 50-70 mx (depending on the compressor you're using) Get around 2dB of gain reduction for each of the frequency bands.

    Catnap says skrillex claims he uses izotope, that means defianately a multiband comp is one of his weapons. Like I said before, it's a matter of strict peak control and cutting of unneeded frequencies.
  13. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Use your favorite compressors, there are no rules when it comes to which compressor to use, sometimes I find I get the best results using the ones built into ableton live. So use the stock ones to start and go from there and play around with the other ones you have and see which ones you like the most.
  14. HamidShekari

    HamidShekari Newbie

    Jul 5, 2013
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    Yeahh !!!Tnx For your complete guid.i think that was very important thing that you noticed "2-3 dB of gain reduction you don't wanna crush anything" .i thaught i should have 7,8 db GR!! i want to use nebula3 compressor to get that sound.and my last question : is an audio interface affect this process?how musch it depends on my audio interface(sound card for example).
  15. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Well that's the thing, in the end, after using compression on all of the individual tracks of your tracks, you end up with alot of gain reduction anyway right? So you don't need that much mastering compression because everything is already compressed and the peaks are under control throughout. This is something really important, compress at the source, so you don't have to compress later, the results are so much better and much more punchy and transparent that way. Then you can use a mastering compressor to get some nice pumping and movement for the overall song.

    As for the audio interface, no it makes no difference, you can achieve whatever quality you hear on commercial pretty much in the box, it's all about technique and your ears.
  16. highrolla

    highrolla Newbie

    Jul 2, 2013
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    i think it is much more important to get your mix well balanced out than make it just plain loud..

    also,i think it is contra productiv to compare your mix with skrillexs ones depending on how loud it is because his is fully mastered out on a pro level.
    this level is NOT archievable with plugins only.

    you know what?
    if people like your mixes and tunes then they'll turn their speakers on max anyways,but if a basicly good mix sounds sqashed and distorted they wont enjoy it and dont listen to it at all!

    good luck
  17. highrolla

    highrolla Newbie

    Jul 2, 2013
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    ..but all of fuads and carfaces posts make absolute sense to get your mixes louder,but just dont get obsessed with a dynamic range of somebody else
  18. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    i think a good way to get a bit more punch and loudness without loosing of those great dynamics is to do the job in small steps..

    if you got your mix at that "starting point", think that its done and only has to be lounder without loosing of your dynamics

    first of all try
    -a low cut/high pass in master out between 30-50
    -after that, in your case (u named bxmeter, so i think you maybe have other bx tools too) use bx_digital V2 "Monomaker" to set your lowend of the mix to mono i can´t say "mono it by-to" depends on the mix , try to mono 120-350


    but any tool with that function will do that job asweel

    -now, you have won much room for loundness without loosing of quality/dynamics.. compression and limiting will work much better ways.. (the ear cant localise lowend) (i guess you will hear it instant :) )

    -after that maybe a multiband comp, if you are not familiar with those , try the presets and trial and fail through :) (use small ratios and play with the release times)
    -after that a compression with small ratio maybe 2:1
    -after that the limiter

    dont kill your beat with the limiter... check RMS (bxmeter)for that

    another point... maybe some sidechaining in the mix kick/base etc...


    AMERICUH Kapellmeister

    Mar 8, 2012
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    the bx_digital is great, a must have in my mastering chain :wink:
  20. n12n0

    n12n0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Yeah it´s simply a great tool...
    to all others who don´t wan´t or can´t afford this plugin...

    This is freeware .. used it before bx2. This will do the job too...

    Low Freq Stereo to Mono Control
  21. Jay Soaring

    Jay Soaring Noisemaker

    Feb 15, 2013
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    bx_XL v2 kills all. If you want to be a manicac use bx_limiter on all the stems and then some bx_saturator on busses, then b_xl v2 to finish the DR :bleh:
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