Omnisphere 2.0 MAC installer won't let me install disks or download dll's

Discussion in 'Software' started by ProctorSeuss, Apr 9, 2020.

  1. ProctorSeuss

    ProctorSeuss Newbie

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I got Omnisphere 2.0. Everything is great and i have all the files i was missing from the 2.6 the pirate download. But the only issue is when i run the installer on mac, it doesn't ask me where i want to install the dll files. Are they just installing in a default place that i dont know?

    I checked my VST and Component folders under library\audio. i don't know if that's where they are suppose to go. but I thought the installer was suppose to ask where the dll files go AND ask me to Insert the disk image files into it. it didn't.

    I tried doing it on windows and running the Windows installer, and that installer works, it asks me where i want to install the dll files so i put them on my drive to transfer to my mac incase i can work with those, but i'm still unable to install the disk image files.

    Can someone explain where I am going wrong? I'm following the instructions verbatim now, and it seems that it's just the installer that doesn't give me the proper options..
  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Sorry dude learn how to use macOS right is the first step
    There is a difference between /Library and ~/Library
    (By the Way the second is mostly a Hiden Folder where the good stuff happen.)

    On mac the path is incomplete
    On Mac are no dlls.

    And On Mac there is only one path for Plugins so no need to choose a path.
  4. ProctorSeuss

    ProctorSeuss Newbie

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Luckily i figured it out. I was in the wrong library. I was holding option and selecting library in the go tab for finder and that is the wrong one in this case. the vst and component files were where they should be, and i got it working about a half hour ago.

    then i tried to update...

    I'll paste what i had just written to someone else for help, hopefully you can shed some light on my issue.

    Man... i got everything to work on 2.0. it was beautiful. ive been waiting so long to use omnisphere, but i was too eager to have 2.6 for the hardware integration that i somehow messed up the update and now it won't load in my daw. idk where i went wrong, there's not too clear of instructions anywhere on how to update. I just installed 2.6 update and then patched the component and vst files and then i thought, well shit was i suppose to do 2.4 first or can i just do the latest? so i installed 2.4, then 2.6 again just for good measure, repatched the files, patching failed (i assume because they were already patched?) and brought it back to my mac. Now it won't work. what's up with that? did i mess up big time or is this undoable?
  5. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Going back in versions is always a bad idea

    uninstall Omni with uninstallpkg (link in the end)
    Install 2.0.0
    Update to the latest
    Patch everything
  6. ProctorSeuss

    ProctorSeuss Newbie

    Apr 8, 2020
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    does that mean i have to wait 20 hours again to download :(
    or is this just uninstalling the program itself and i have all the pieces left to put it back together?
  7. ProctorSeuss

    ProctorSeuss Newbie

    Apr 8, 2020
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    also is the fact that im running
    Also is the fact that im running macOS Catalina 10.15.3 a problem? am i able to run 2.6.2 alright? and just so im sure i only have to update to the latest, not 2.4 first then 2.6?
    Also do i have to update the Soundsource and Patch Library ontop of the software update?

    Sorry for all the noob questions, I've been looking for a guide or other forums where people ask the same questions but i just haven't gotten a clear answer. I appreciate you being here to answer these directly.
  8. ProctorSeuss

    ProctorSeuss Newbie

    Apr 8, 2020
    Likes Received:
    also is the fact that im running
    Also is the fact that im running macOS Catalina 10.15.3 a problem? am i able to run 2.6.2 alright? and just so im sure i only have to update to the latest, not 2.4 first then 2.6?
    Also do i have to update the Soundsource and Patch Library ontop of the software update?

    Sorry for all the noob questions, I've been looking for a guide or other forums where people ask the same questions but i just haven't gotten a clear answer. I appreciate you being here to answer these directly.
  9. ProctorSeuss

    ProctorSeuss Newbie

    Apr 8, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Got it to work. Thanks @Polomo u da man
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