Fading an Effect In/Out of Entire Track

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by jabbawork123, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. jabbawork123

    jabbawork123 Newbie

    Jul 8, 2013
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    How exactly do I fade in/out an effect on the main output in Logic? Sorry if I'm getting terms mixed up, I'll try to explain better. There's actually a preset in Logic's Mastering options called "Old Movie Sound". I thought it would be cool to start a song off with this and, gradually, in the first 8 bars or whatever, fade it out so that the track blooms into full stereo coolness. I already have buses set up with reverbs/plates...so I really just wanna grab everything, "old movie" it, and bring that effect gradually down down down through automation as the full track blooms. Get it?

    Any help would be mucho appreciated :) I'll be trying to figure it out in the meantime.
  3. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    render once with fx, then render without ...mix them where you need\want :wink: cheers
  4. jabbawork123

    jabbawork123 Newbie

    Jul 8, 2013
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    That's the conclusion I just came to :) was thinking there might be a way to do it in the track itself...like automating EQ to open up or something :rofl:

    so should I crossfade them into each other, or just fade out one track while the other fades in? or is it the same thing essentially.

    thanks very much!
  5. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    hi, ive never used Logic before, so take what i am about to say with a grain of salt-

    couldnt you route all the audio of the song to a subtrack/send and add the FX to that, then you could simply fade out that track when you are done with it and fade back in the original?

    then you wouldnt have to bounce anything

    just be careful with phasing issues when fading the audio back into itself (you'll know it if the sounds gets hollow or tinny in the transition part

    hope you figure it out man!


  6. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Another option is to automate inserts bypass, let's say you start turning them off one by one until they all are off and you got your normal sound or you can turn them off in the same time, whatever sounds better and if you want fade in/out you can automate master volume slider and draw automation correspondingly :wink:

    Because this is on your master channel there is no amount to automate, it affects the whole mix, so the best deal is to gradually automate on/off of every insert until they are all off, that could be enough, something is always changing until finally there is what you had before them :wink:

    You can automate them separately, but that is so much work for 8 bars of cool effect, but you can automate their mix/output amount and for others if they don't have them just some settlings until there is default thing going on :wink:

    If you want to keep you master buss clean make another aux(pre master buss kind of thing) with same strip and send all your channels outputs to that aux and than just do the same thing that I mentioned :wink:
    (save that channel strip in another folder so you can open it from drop down menu or just move inserts from master to that aux, whatever you find easier)
  7. jabbawork123

    jabbawork123 Newbie

    Jul 8, 2013
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    ok, I'm actually gonna need to read this a few times to follow you. right now I'm taking it out to the car to have a listen. I tried automating the components of "old movie" but some of them are only on/off, like EQ for example?, so when that EQ clicks off it just ruins the whole gradual thing I'm looking for. I know I can send the whole song through another...pre-master? thing? haha :rofl: but how exactly? I need directions that you'd give to a deaf dumb and blind person on the road. "Go to your mixer...click on Tracks...create new blah blah". that kinda thing. haha.

    I was concerned about phase issues. Not because I know that much about phasing, but because I've seen so many tutorials warning to watch out for them. That's why I'd probably not crossfade the effected version into the clean one. I'll probably lay them on top of each other in a Master template in Logic and just fade till it sounds totally natural. But to me, nothing would beat just being able to fade the effect.

    This community is really nice, thank you guys so much! Hope I can help someone out the same way someday.
  8. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    dark side of the moon

    i think that's what i was trying to say, thanks for explaining it to him better, english is my 4th language, behind Swahili, Pig Latin, and sign language. (cuz i'm so Def)

    anyhoo, glad you got it sorted.

    dont forget to post your final mix here for us to check out
  9. xsze

    xsze Guest

    This is how you should set it up, all your channels are going into "Pre Master" aux, so yellow ones goes into blue and blue goes into black by default :wink:


    Just follow Inputs/Outputs from picture and ofcourse you can use any avaliable buss you have for "Pre Master" input, I went with 1 because it was blank project created just for this purpose. :wink:

    I made you short clip for instructions, just quick walkthrough :wink:


    You were spot on, mine let's say second, but it's bad, really bad :rofl:
  10. jabbawork123

    jabbawork123 Newbie

    Jul 8, 2013
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    That looks EXACTLY like what I'm trying to do. Yes. Dude, really, thank you so much. I say it "looks" like what I'm trying to do because the video is private and won't load? :)

    This community is rad.
  11. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I hope you find the way around, think video is now viewable :wink:
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yes it is. *yes*