I need help with figuring out scale & chords of a specific piece

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Sillytune, Apr 3, 2020.

  1. Sillytune

    Sillytune Ultrasonic

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I mean, i'm first to say - that i don't really know music theory that much
    I know how to read notes/time/tempo signatures
    I've been playing bass/acoustic guitar for 10-15 years, rhythmically i'm more than fine
    I also know some scales - memories to just yknow play on the get go

    But most of the stuff that i do comes from "ear"/heart - tampering with what works until i get what i like
    I love the idea of software being used to assist with transcription of things

    However where i am really really really bad at atm is modulation
    Apart from the link that you've sent, if you have something else as well that you can point me to, that'd be great

    As for the out of topic replies - guys, to each their own, if you can do transcriptions by ear, more power to you man, i think that's great
    But also, other people that're not capable of doing what you can should be able to get their assistance with software i think that's cool too.
  2. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    why else would they come up with such software?
  3. Sillytune

    Sillytune Ultrasonic

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I don't understand point of your question bro, what i've written above was a statement
  4. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    You said... > However where i am really really really bad at atm is modulation

    Another post asked about 'Changing Keys in Hip hop/Pop music'
    Of course it doesn't matter what genre, so that post received replies that apply to all music.

    I added this comment to that post https://audiosex.pro/posts/448094/
    where I said...
    "I think there's no getting away from needing some music theory for a topic like 'key changes' unless the key changes are just
    crude and simple examples."

    You'll find the advice there is agreeing with @orbitbooster 's comments which I would state as
    "ears are everything, software is wonderful, and 'software + basic theory' is a great combination"

    With your 10-15 years background I predict that you would absorb the recommended music theory basics in next to no time
    and that you would probably really enjoy it, and you'll never regret engaging with it.

    Good luck
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  5. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    You mean in transcribing, not composing, right?
    If so, I'll try to give you some example of famous themes, be patient please.
    Also keep in mind that there are a lot of tutorials over yt, they help a lot, I wish I had all those advices and hints 30 years ago.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2020
  6. Sillytune

    Sillytune Ultrasonic

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I love the @Ad Heesive - post in the other thread, it's really fucking amazing as well
    Also my dude, no rush at all :)
  7. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I want to point out that you can find almost any scale by recognizing the I (root or tonic) and V (dominant) grades.

    So while you listen to a track and find a key that seems to fit (the I) within the whole, play its V and again I, higher and lower.
    If they both fit during the song, you found the scale, if they don't fit, try to swap V and I. Playing the III grade you understand the mode, major or minor.

    Example: you found B, play higher F#, then B again, and so on. If it's ok, play B, C#, D# for B maj, if it clashes try B, C#, D, then it's B min.

    It's a good habit to check first the bass, from this alone most times is easy to get the scale.
    Then usually melody fits the found scale, and the same for chords.

    Now, when you have modulations (we don't care if prepared or not), you'l see that the same I and V grade won't fit anymore during the play.

    Pretty easy example of modulations:

    Follow the bass, it's a C minor because it's very clear: C, D, Eb (but try to play G (V), C (I), it fits).
    Melody is a perfect descending C min.
    Then at 0:34, the pattern is the same, but it changes root key: G min (play D, G, it fits).
    Then same at 0:38, this time D min (play A, D, it fits).
    Then same at 0:42, F min (play C, F, it fits).
    then back again to C min at 0:51. Finish.


    Now a note for the following example: it makes heavy use of different scale modes other than major and minor.
    How do I recognize them? I simply don't, I just find the notes played and see a lookup table of the scale.
    A (more) complex track:

    Play always the V and the lower I to test the found scale.

    Here we start with C maj (play G, C, it fits).
    0:40, it changes to E maj (play B, E, it fits).
    0:49, G lydian.
    0:57, C and (then C lydian).
    1:03, F or F lydian.
    1:10, A min (Roy Batty dies)

    Tired of taking note of the clip time, here the remaining (more ore less) scales:
    C maj
    F lydian
    E phrygian
    D dorian
    G myxolidian
    A maj
    G myxolidian
    C maj
    C min
    C maj

    Have a look yourself.

    I found another interesting example, but next time, I got a pizza waiting for me.
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  8. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Not a huge feedback but I'm sure someone will find useful these hints, so...

    Here a CLEAR example of multiple modulations:

    Always play along the V and then the lower I of the scale, see how they clearly fit.
    To get a even clearer idea of how it fits the root key, try to play the whole scale.

    And BTW, if you're not very expert of all scales / modes, I suggest to use reverse chord and scales app, I use Piano Companion (I need it for scales different from maj, min harmonic and melodic).

    It starts in G min (V=D), then:

    Bb min (V=F)

    G min (V=D)

    D min (V=A)

    F min (V=C)

    C min (V=G)

    G min (V=D)

    Bb min (V=F)

    This is interesting: the bass plays Gb, it still belongs to Bb min scale, but it could be a F# lydian (or Gb lydian), with F# as I and C# as V, instead of VI of Bb min. As long as I can transcribe, I don't care.

    Bb min (V=F)

    D min (V=A)

    F min (V=C)

    C min (V=G)

    G min (V=D)

    F# lydian (V=C#)

    BTW: you can replace F# lydian with Gb lydian, it's the same.

    But it was not when I didn't know all scales and a little of harmony theory.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  9. Sillytune

    Sillytune Ultrasonic

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Oh sorry for not replying, i'm sort of busy with learning python, need it for a QA testing job
    So kinda downplaying on music as well, i really do appreciate the time you've spent analyzing and putting this information in a valid post
    I'll go back to lurking a bit, wont be active for couple of weeks

    I think maybe it'd be great idea - IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT - to make a post of your own where you analyse certain tracks and just explain transitions like you did now
    Could be educational for everyone, but tbh that's an ass of a time to spend hahaha
    See ya around the forum buddy
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