Sampling Rate Converters between DAW's

Discussion in 'DAW' started by The-RoBoT, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    This is for the people who like to debate there is no difference in DAW based Conversions ........ anybody who has worked on the pro side of the industry would already know his or hers answer or at least a partial answer. *yes*

    Let the argument begin :wink:

    Enjoy guys and remember don't go to savage on the comments to each other ... Cheers :hug:
  3. DJSabreblade

    DJSabreblade Ultrasonic

    Aug 17, 2012
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    Cubase SX3 (and higher) versions convert great..but! be carefull with FL Studio (if you even use it) because it will upsample (very poorly i might say it actually changes dramaticly the waveform) even thing that isnt your default project khz (44/48/96). t just my experience. sequoia can be great to..
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Just use Voxengo r8brain freeware SRC utility or Open Source SoX if you want a command line utility [you probably don't :)] and you won't have to ever think about the quality of SRC of any program or sampler again. Really, it's that simple. Both programs have SRC far superior to any DAW. I use Reaper, and it's got good conversion, but not even close to these. Steinberg was always known for very bad SRC [Cubase+Wavelab+Nuendo], and ProTools, and the likes, too. I even convert samples that I use to a frequency/bitdepth that I use because Kontakt and all other samplers have bad SRC. r8brain is quick and the best. Use it for everythign and don't look back. It's also so easy to use. :)

    If you want to use SoX, which is in theory a little better quality SRC than r8brain, in a simpler way, and you use Foobar2000 audio player, there is a SoX plugin for it, so you can drag and drop your samples into Foobar2k and convert them with SoX. That's how I do it sometimes, but I find r8brain more convenient somehow.

    I say "in theory" because I tested a lot of SRCs, and I found both of these brilliant and the differences negligible. However, the difference between them and Reaper/Cubase/ProTools/Kontakt is quite big. Kontakt on highest quality SRC sounds like Reaper at "better SRC", which is a kind of a mid quality setting, but Reaper's "Best quality" isn't so much better than "better quality" SRC. Cubase and Wavelab SRC is total crap. I wouldn't know about Cubase and Wavelab 6, though, as I didn't test them. Just Cubendo 2/3/4, and Wavelab 4/5, but I doubt it that Steinberg made it much better since they have always been known for bad SRC.

    iZotope RX SRC is great, too, btw. However, I found it a bit worse than r8brain's no matter the results on this website.

  5. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    @ SineWave

    Greets, you might like to try Weiss Saracon I've personally had some great results with their product it's an oldie but still great.

  6. Blister

    Blister Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Wow...............i did not know that.
    Do you know if this is also the case when converting from a lower sample rate?
    I make music in 48Khz. After Mastering i convert it to 44.1Khz.
    Should i be worried?

    Already downloaded R8Brain Free.
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Nobody who does the SRC outside the DAW with R8Brain or SoX Foobar2000 plugin should be worried. I always just convert the WAVs with either R8Brain or SoX before or sometimes after using them in the project.

    Yes, converting with R8Brain or SoX from 44.1 to 96kHz sounds a little cleaner, too. Use Voxengo SPAN and spot the difference in the upper region. Lower quality SRC generates some kind of high frequency, and good SRC generates less high frequencies. However, the difference in sound between converting from higher frequency to lower is bigger and more important to do with a proper SRC.

    As a sidenote, hardware SRC converters also suck in comparison to R8Brain and SoX conversion. [e.g. Weiss, TC or RME SRC] I find that really interesting since they cost thousands of $s. ;)
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