Stop cracking small developers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by iamslim11, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. iamslim11

    iamslim11 Noisemaker

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Why do these groups like r2r aren't cracking the big companies software, are they afraid or are they paid not to touch them? because i believe going for these small companies is not good at all, they start a software company and r2r, v.r, cracks it, business fails. some are closing because of piracy, Go for the big cats and leave small developers alone or go for jerks like avid, refx etc, and others but please let's purchase these cheap plugins, don't crack them, serum and slate paid you to stop cracking them but small companies cant afford that
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  3. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    If you look at some of the releases on the other site that have comments by the creators of the pirated posts, you can notice how a favorable approach leads to other people deciding to support the dev. There are devs who basically cry over there because they are so distressed about seeing their work pirated, and I feel sorry for them. Then there's the people who don't mind and who openly communicate with the pirates and sometimes that converts a pirate to a customer.
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  4. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Ouch.. touchy subject. I guess I agree, till some degree. But where to cut the line, should they ask for a financial statement & staff record first? I think cracking is (e-)sports, a challenge, whatever you may think of that yourself. In that sense, it doesn't matter how big a software company is.
    But I also think that crackers, after proving they could crack something, should turn their focus on other stuff more often. And not deliver version .1, .2 then .3 - Just give the developer a break.
    Also agree with waverider that a cracked plugin can be great free publicity.
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  5. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Bought many plugins this way.
  6. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    small companies have money for promotion? no... after the first publication of the cracked version on one site, the cracked version begins to spread throughout the world. that’s how people learn about small companies that they would hardly have known about without a cracked version.

    once I posted a cracked version of the plugin a few minutes after the start of sales on the official website (I managed to download the plugin a couple of days before the start of sales and prepare everything for publication). the next day, I received a letter from the plug-in developer, in which he thanked me for selling so many licenses in one day without any advertising that he fully covered all the costs of developing the plug-in.

    and the last thing...
    if the user wants to buy a plugin, he will buy it. even if the pirated version is easy to find and it works without surprises (I often sell my licenses and most of the products on this list are available as pirated versions).
    if the user does NOT want to buy the plugin, he will never buy it. will wait for it to be cracked, very impudent will require that this plugin be cracked. and if the plug-in remains uncracked, it will simply find a replacement for it.
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  7. lowlou

    lowlou Newbie

    Mar 15, 2020
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    I like cracked plugins. But in no way can I justify it, by any argumment. It is just WRONG. E sport ? lol really...
    If at some point I can buy the plugins, I'll buy them. Because ultimately I have respect for the work of these people, they create the weapon we use in the big fight. They are our allies ultimately. This is the only thing I can say. good work deserve money. Simple. I can't buy them right now, and still I need to use them. I'll buy them all at some point. Sorry devs.
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  8. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Big companies work with large volumes and investing in sophisticated anti-piracy systems is part of the budget. Most small developers instead, cannot afford the fee of having elaborate protections, so their anti-piracy measure is based mainly on the serial number method. I think that for a talented hacker it is not so difficult to understand the logic of the serial number and build a keygen.

    No, I don't think there are any secret conspiracy to protect big companies, if you firmly believe that there is a conspiracy you should bring evidence that supports this thesis, otherwise we are just discussing of personal opinions
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2020
  9. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    "It's not piracy. It's an alternate solution."

    I dunno. I don't use drugs. That's my choice. Are drugs bad? Some people choose to get them. Use them. Sell them.

    A lot of famous artists wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the scene. They've *infamously* demo'd their use of *product* even after hitting the big time. Martin Garrix, just to name one... If they didn't get their hands on some toys when they were starting out, with little means, would they have made it to that high level and entertain us today? In every sector there is an underground economy.

    I get your point. I don't like child pornography. And yet its something that persists, people are willing to risk a great deal to deal in it, consume it... risk losing their whole reputation buying it, going to jail...

    the dark web...etc..

    I know people here in my city that use counterfeit bus passes to use public transit. And they don't need to. They pay a fraction and risk getting caught. There's an element of humanity that believes in counterfeit knockoffs, not having to pay full-price. Where does that come from? For some, it's honestly because they have very little means. Think of illegals who work for cash because they cannot get official jobs.

    It's an interesting debate. It's certainly true that if it wasn't for the availability of "try before you buy" there's a lot out there I never would have discovered - and look here - it even unites people, creates a sense of community...

    The only reason Gaming has become more immune to piracy is because the online community aspect of playing live across the world has made it easy to invoke a way to defeat piracy as a necessary means - you have to log in, be verified to play.

    If everyone just gamed single-player at home, games would be ripped like they were in the old days of consoles before "online"

    I don't see how music creation can ever evolve (devolve? - I'd rather play single player campaigns myself, tbh) to the same level

    It's competitive out there. If you're a developer, make sure you deliver and make a great product - and then make sure the big studios, the pros, the Drakes of the world who are using your stuff pay for the privilege. That should take care of things. How much do you expect to make? I think developers who think interms of 0's and 1's run a simple calculation in their head that each user, should pay the same. Thankfully most developers are realizing models that are more workable - educational discounts and subscriptions.

    Is that simplistic, too idealistic, naive? maybe. But long live the scene. I'm more afraid of a world that *doesn't even allow the possibility* if you know what I mean

    Everyone cheats. Even the pros. Isn't that in a way reassuring? It's human nature to shave some points somehow, try to get the upperhand, get away with something for nothing... is that *right?*

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2020
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  10. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hooman are just hard to undertand ..
    when you try without a GOAL that means you are supporting this kind of act, to me is just simple option .. TRY to BUY or TRY and DELETE ..
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  11. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    If your copy protection is intrusive, it deserves to be cracked.
    If it has barely copy protection and the price is really fair, it doesn't.
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  12. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    it's like when music became 99cents a song, napster and pirated music was reduced tremendously. There's a big case to be made for *appropriate pricing*
  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Oh nooo! Again? :suicide:
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  14. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Threads like this have never happened before. End of times are neigh. This is what we've become.
  15. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Fortunately no one in the scene gives a damn what you think, moralfag. It isn't a democracy and your opinion isn't necessary.

    This post and its harsh anti-millenial language is meant for soothing @The Pirate and his troubled, yet beautifully sensistive old soul.
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  16. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    :goodpost::bow: @Olymoon should either delete all these threads or move them to the Humor section of the forum. This shit every other day, whining, and demanding is fucking ridiculous. The teams don't owe anyone here anything. There is a saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" Some of these members need to start doing that. Moreover, all these conspiracy theories about r2r accepting $$ from developers should be posted on Facebook or Tweeter, they love that type of fake news shit there.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2020
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  17. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I think this is 1 of the philosophies R2R goes by. Also, if you read their u-he uhbik derp, (there was a time when) they carefully chose what to release. You don't need another compressor when there are hundreds out there, but genuinely unique tools are interesting.
  18. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    @The Pirate, we know Oly needs sleep so deleting as they happen is impossible. I'm thinking this needs a new "flame away" category for beggars, maybe a spit roast. That or make a couple of extra mods to shut crap down in other time zones. Enough of us really care about this community, I think a probationary mod would work out well here. I feel bad for Oly, so much BS to keep on top of.
  19. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Making it a rule, will alleviate it. As it is right now, there is no valid basis to delete threads like this unless the Mod decides to apply the rule's prohibition of offensive speech against the SCENE or Release Teams. Whenever I say that @Olymoon should delete threads like this, it simply is wishful thinking.
  20. DJ_Em_Be

    DJ_Em_Be Newbie

    Mar 18, 2020
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    If piracy was really that serious, they should just fivvr some nerds to dmca all the sites.

    I'm curious if anyone can name a specific company that went out of business due to piracy?
  21. kitvonk

    kitvonk Guest

    I think back in the day when there were more teams like Hydrogen, Arctic, AiR, etc it seemed like it was more open. Good teams have come and gone. Once in awhile, there's a glimmer of hope. How does a team like R2R endure? They seem untouchable. I miss AudioTOPiA. on the mac side (mac please lol) there was HexWARS - but they never seem to last. so i think there's some speculation as a result that R2R is *connected* or somehow treated with a special status. God bless Team CE-V.R and I'm hoping RET continues their nice run. All students at campuses borrowing the supercomputer to brute force keys...? hence with current shutdown, no action. Also note that there's not much around exam time but then it booms during holidays - students need to "let go"
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