FL Studio 10 and Audio Question.

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by One Reason, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Ok, so.. In Live 8, you can drag a wav, rex, aif, pretty much any file onto a project and it will be tempo synced..easy as pie.

    I am assuming this is not the case in FL 10?

    I'm trying to get to the bottom of this, as, Some WAV files that I drag from the browser (loop library) into FL 10 seem to be auto tempo synced \ time-stretched... meaning that when i increase the tempo , the WAV clip does not get longer, it stays at say.. 2 bars and asks me if i should re-sample \ stretch all channels.

    Other WAV files, and I think Rex as well, are not auto synced and as I increase the tempo, the audio clips lengthen.

    Now, I know, from investigating a bit.. i think, that FL 10 does NOT offer Auto-drag and drop stretching and syncing as Live 8 does.

    BUT.. why is it.. that some of my loops seem to be exhibiting auto-stretching capabilities and some dont?

    I assume it has something regarding some WAV loops being acidized WAV's and some not.

    Somebody please clue me in about using loops from the browser and time stretching.. or maybe direct me to some relevant explanation online.

    and if.. FL 10 cannot do.. what Live 8 does... why not?

    I want to use FL 10 SO much, but this has really got me on the fence as a LOT of what I, and my Bro-inlaw do.. is Audio loop based.

    Thanks guys! :mates:
  3. mrmuck

    mrmuck Newbie

    Jun 4, 2011
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    i say stick with live 8 if your working with loops flstudio's time stretching sucks anyway
  4. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Not true. And BTW, are you wearing a prison uniform?
    Anyways, I've found the time-stretching in FL better than Live. There are several ways to do this. Here's is the way I usually do it:

    Open up a new Audio Clip or Sampler channel in your step sequencer. It depends on what type of sample you are using and what you want to do with it. Then drag and drop the desired file (wav, rex, aif, etc.) into the new channel. Now click on the channel and the Channel Setting window will pop up. This window should become one of your best friends. Now if you look towards the middle of the window you will see a box called "Time stretching." In the dropdown box you can choose how the sample should be treated, for example: is it tonal, monophonic, speech, etc. To the left of the dropdown box is a knob named "Time." Right-click it and choose autodetect. In the new window you can see if there is BPM information embedded, allow it to autodetect it within a certain range, type in a BPM, or several other options. If you're lucky, the BPM is already embedded, but if not I usually use Mixed In Key to find it and enter it myself. Hope this helps
  5. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Well, not working predominantly with loops.. but.. not having the ability to drag drum and percussion loops right into a project to 'see how they match up'... would be a significant drawback.

    Problem is.. i love almost everything else about FL 10 :(

  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    flyingsleeves... hmm.. while what u say here does work perfectly.. its a FAR.. cry, from being able to drag any file right onto a track... and listen, disregard, another..listen, disregard.. etc...

    Sometimes.. and i have a HUUUGE drum \ perc. library.. I will audition (by drag and drop onto a track) dozens, if not hundreds of audio loops..one after another and another until I find something that matches up well.

    having to repeat the FL process.. every-time, would be hugely counterproductive :sad:

    that's not even taking into consideration bass, guitar, synth etc.. libraries, that need even more precision with mixing and matching.

    So i still have 2 questions, 1. why do some wav files in FL stretch correctly.. and some dont...?

    and 2. WHy the heck does Live, Cubase, Sonar etc have Auto stretching for most common formats... and FL doesnt?

    I have to say im less concerned with how the audio is 'treated', 'warped'.. as far as quality goes.. and more concerned with how seamless the workflow is.

    and 3. can someone answer which type of WAV format is time stretching correctly in FL? I'm assuming... Acidized?

    and 4. :rofl: how does all this apply to previewing loops in the browser? :wow:
  7. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Well it depends on a lot of things. For example, most of the more popular and professionally made sample libraries will already have the BPM noted either in the name of the file, folder, or already embedded in the file. If the BPM is already embedded, then you will not need to take the steps I mentioned. And by the way, remember the steps I mentioned were just the way I do it. There are several other ways that may or may not be easier. You can also just turn the "Time" knob to shrink or stretch the clip to fit in the desired space. Mabye try that way. Keep researching and find out which way is the best for you.

    If the BPM's are not embedded, then let FL Studio autodetect and specify what range the BPM should be in. Just one extra step. Live is not always right the first try as well. Otherwise there would be no need for the Warping function.

    So for your first question: FL studio will automatically detect and stretch a file if the BPM is embedded, which most of the more professionally made sample libraries usually do.

    And for your second question: If the BPM is not embedded, FL studio can still automatically detect BPM, you just have to tell it to do so. Technically, I know that not actually automatic if you have to tell it, but since I don't work for Image-Line I feel no need to defend this. That's just the way it is as I understand it.
  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    lol... ur a good dude flyingsleeves, I like ur.... Timbre? in ur posts... :mates:

    Where's ur music Brother? Have u played any of mine on here?

    What country are u in?

    Thanks to you...I've whittled it down.. Acidized waves and REX files..stretch perfectly.. 'normal' wave files.. do not.

    of course as you say, these have embedded tempo info.. now all I have to do is use these.. exclusively..or..go thru every standard WAV file..one by one in my multi-hundred gig library.. loop by loop, auto-detect, and re-save each and every WAV for future use. :wow:

    Something tells me im gonna be using REX and ACID in FL... ongoing. :wink:

    I BET.. Image-Line expands their warping to include standard WAV... by version 11.
  9. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    I just try to keep my comments on topic and as helpful as possible. Otherwise, I'm just wasting everyone's time, including my own. You asked a specific question, and I just happen to know a couple of ways to answer it. As I mentioned to you before, FL has some very helpful tuts on their homepage. If you are serious about getting intimate with FL, watch as many of them as you can. There should be one for all of the most useful and common situations. I'm stilling learning new things about it. There are usually several differnt ways to do the same thing. Find what works best for you. The things I suggest may not always be the "best" way, they're just the way I do it.

    I honestly don't have anything I feel confident in sharing with anybody as of yet. I'm still just a hobbyist. I DJ more than Produce, but hopefully in the near future that will change. Where can I find some of your work?

    I've been trying to simplify my life. I feel that less is more. Too many loops and too many plugins seem counterproductive to me. I've wasted countless hours searching for the right drum loop or sound. Now I'm trying to instead shape them myself. Having too many VST's and loops has only slowed down my productivity. In the end, my ultimate goal would be for me to able to create what I need from scratch.

    FL is constantly adding improvements. You may only have to wait until FL 10.0.9 for a true autodetect. I honestly don't see it happening though. I think the current process is fine for what I need to do. I haven't noticed a new and improved method at the top of too many users wish lists.

    Man, I'm starting to get chatty. I'm gonna shut up now. :bow:
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Heh...chatty... it's ok.. I guess it's alright once in a while *yes* ...

    I too.. feel the same way.. less is more... its true in design and music... U sound a lot like me in my recent reincanations of myself... still we evolve.. dont we.. so it's ok.

    Ive posted a couple of things here... heres the links..Im far less of a DJ and far more ..someone who just has a passion for getting what is in me.. out.. in the most intelligent way I can muster.

    I also realized a looong time ago, that chicks dig.. singers \ musicians.. :rofl: ( extra motivation )




  11. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Ok buddy, I will check these out in a few. I have a few things I need to do first.

    Everybody changes. There is an old saying "The saddest thing in the world is a man who never changes." Something like that.

    When I was younger I was a bartender. Bartending and DJ'ing are an easy way to meet chicks. But now I realize I want a woman who likes me for who I am. Not because I'm behind the bar or on a stage. I want a woman who likes me for who I am as a person after I am stripped of these things and all of my possessions.

    I'll be back in a few.
  12. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Damnit... I hate being so shallow :rofl:

    Im off to bed, thanks for your help, I hope this thread will generate a little interest and understanding.

    Night all. :bow:
  13. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    I hope you don't feel like I made those comments to make anyone feel shallow. I must admit that I still am a very shallow person. But I'm trying to change that whenever I can. It seems to me like you are a person who can take criticisms with a grain of salt.

    I will definitely listen to some of your work and give you some honest and hopefully useful criticisms tomorrow. I'm done for the night too. Have a good one :thumbsup:
  14. gowers

    gowers Newbie

    Jul 16, 2011
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    FL is a strange beast, i actually switched from fl to ableton and would not go back and that is after 10 years of FL!

    The time stretching in FL is due to embedded tempos. Open any file in edison then click on the properties and manually put in the tempo or beat length, some already have this so will autostretch. Save the wave file and now it will fit,

    My prefered methos was to always set the sample to resample first, then stretch it to fit the beat, them clicking on time strecth to preserve the pitch et al.

    FL is kinda getting bloated with extras now, when the basics are kinda clunky, ableton is from the ground up built for modern music production, simplified work flows and routing.
  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    No no.. :rofl: not at all, just my cynical sense of humor kicking in, and a few rum and cokes :mates:
  16. logger

    logger Newbie

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Cubalibre forza....May i ask you the rum's brand you use....?

    I'm a rum addict.... :wow:
  17. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    yo, try extracting the groove from the audio you want to match, and then drag and drop the groove onto the samples/tracks to use that groove as a quantize map in ABLETON :wink: you can get almost anything to match that way. well rhythmically that is.

    Unsure if Fruity Loops does groove mapping/warping, or just bpm mapping?
    Womp womp is the new oonts oonts,
  18. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Great, here comes all of the off topic comments. Well it was fun while it lasted...I'll be looking forward to your next topic Mr. Reason, if that is your real name. I probably won't be participating in this one anymore. I'm still gonna listen to your works though. Peace :bow:
  19. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    :wow: sry? :dunno:
    I just remember that MrReason was an Ableton user as well......
  20. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    logger - Cheapass ABC 6.99$ spiced rum. :rofl:

    subGENRE - Yep, used tha Live Groove Quantize before.. not as useful as the Spectrasonics Groove lock tho, for me.

    flyingsleeves - My name is John mate, One Reason is our band name, myself and Bro-inlaw.

    I think its ok for folks to get off topic sometimes, it happens, not worth losing any sleep over. :mates:
  21. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Yeah, I kinda woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. And my laptop has decided not cooperate with me. I just think it's nice that when someone asks a question, people will try to answer it. You seem like an intelligent and mature person who is capable of making your own decisions. I don't understand why every topic of this kind people either try to persuade you to switch DAWs, or start about how their DAW is better than everyone else's. Some people seem to not even read the original question and just make a random comment that has nothing to do with anything. :dunno:

    BTW, I was trying to be funny with the Mr. Reason comment. I guess I failed. Don't worry, it wont' happen again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    I also forgot to mention that you can audition loops in the Browser while playing your project in the Playlist. Much faster than dragging and dropping them into the project. Just click on them one at a time to see how they sound together.