Earwax - Best tips to solve?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JTSD, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    ATM, I almost can't hear anything from my right ear due to earwax ...:woot:

    Bought and applied "stuff" from the pharmacy, but no relief - rather it got worse, before applying the pharmacy stuff I could hear 60% - now 5% ...

    Had the same condition 10 years ago, then went to a health center and they flushed the ear with a big syringe with luke warm water. That did'nt help either, until I went home and used a large soft plastic water bottle with a thin opening and used that to flush the ear myself. What a miracle relief when, after a couple of tries, I could hear 100% again! One of the best moments of my life, to hear everything chrystal clear again!

    Tried this again but it did'nt help this time, will try again, but must rest for the next try not to overstrain the ear.

    Until then - Anyone have another miracle cure :winker: ??
  3. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    i think doctors will get in there with tweezers and pull the chunks out. im sure i saw something about that once.
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    A tiny drop of peroxide (the light one of course). let it work for 5 mn then turn your head so this ear is face down to drag all out.
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  5. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    My friend who is also an audio engineer, Went to an ear specialist. They physically removed the wax then prescribed a liquid solvent to remove all the rest of it. He said he couldn't believe how much stuff came out of his ear and has never heard better in his life. I hope this helps, good luck.
  6. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    So funny to stumble upon a thread like this. I have suffered so much from fucking earwax. When in my teens, I got literally deaf every 3-5 months. Usually just one ear. But completely deaf. I then had to go see my doctor, and he had some instrument that looked like a fucking harpoon that shot warm saltwater into my ear. Out came huge chunks of earwax. Was crazy. It's gotten better with the years though. It's been well over a 2 years since they clogged.
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  7. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Professional (endoscopic microsuction) ear cleansing.
    Regular use of peroxide as mentioned, can prevent sebum accumulation.
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  8. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Ear candeling looks like a unobtrusive method.

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  9. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I have ear wax build up as well. Doctor says not to use cotton buds to get the wax out because wax could most likely be pushed further in and damage the ear drum, so no matter if your girlfriend or wife wants to do that, absolutely refuse! An ear specialist recently told me that ear wax is supposed to fall out naturally. A few drops of olive oil in the ear is another way to break down the wax (no need to heat up the oil first :no:).
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  10. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    I see the dr every 2 years to have it removed from my left ear. They flush it out, I don't do it myself, oils never worked for me personally.

    I'm Canadian though, no charge.
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  11. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    That thumbnail looks like a really nice picture to have in front of you when you have breakfast or dinner. Absolutely nasty haha. I had once a dead fly in my ear. You don't really want that either haha.

    I also got times that my ear was clogged. It was also removed with a syringe with just water. The thing I had to do first was putting oil in my ear.
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  12. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I find these the best.
    You need warm water (ideally body temperature) and some patience.
    I'll pour warm, clean water into the (closed) washing bowl, start pumping and stick the tip into the ear (no deeper than 10mm), moving it around a little bit while continuously pumping.
    It can take 3-5 mins if the chunks are big and hard but they WILL come out, no extreme pressure or chemicals needed, and don't apply more pressure than you feel comfortable with.

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  13. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    A couple of notes: In my experience, your nutrition has an influence of how much ear wax there is, and what kind of consistency it has. Weird, but that's how it is for me. So if your nutrition is not on point, then that might be a good step to do in the long term.
    In the short term though, a doctor can physically remove it and then discuss strategies with you what you can do to remove it yourself on a regular basis, so that there doesn't occur a huge buildup over time. Because it's easier to remove a little bit and do it frequently, than a lot and do it occasionally. If there's a lot and you try to remove it yourself, you might end up pushing it too far in, and then you definitely have to go see a doctor so that he can remove it.
    Oh and do not use Q Tips! So many people do it, most of the time it goes well for them and they don't think much about it, but it's really not good to stick that thing inside your ear if there's a lot of wax in it. Good luck!
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Uh, and also because the most common thing to come out with earwax is the fibres of the cotton bud!
    I'm friends with an ear doctor, and he says when they used to syringe wax out, people would have a huge build up of fibres. Like, a carpet load.

    Easiest thing to help scoop out wax without necessarily pushing it deeper (if you have good technique!) is a hair pin/hair grip thing! Those metal things, usually with a coating, that are 'u' shaped (hair pin bend!) one end, with a zigzag bit on the other end on one side. I think I've described it well enough!? Of course, not actually supposed to stick anything in our ears, so be careful.
    You're welcome!
  15. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Yikes, I just took a peek back into the Middle Ages.
  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The only problem with syringing, or indeed any regular cleansing, is that the ear will react by making more wax, quicker.
    A bit like if you overwash your hair, your body will retaliate by making more oils and make your hair greasier.
  17. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Clean your ears! Religiously!
    Now Im not saying this cause I think your dumb, im saying it cause a teacher of mine had no idea some 15 years ago but.
    Using Q-Tips in and around the ear is magical!!!
    I have a obsession with cleaning my ears every time I step in a bathroom...(what can I say I love the feeling)
    But get in that habbit of cleaning them at least twice a day. Especially if you ware headphones for extended periods.

    If your wax build up is so bad you cant hear things as well, You need to goto the doctor so they can put tubes in your ears.
    Very common problem mostly in young kids though.

    There are some backwoods remedies... Having someone blow menthol smoke in your ear, Burning a candle on your ear.
    Me personally, I'd start with a super steamy shower and break out a box of Q-Tips.

    clean dem ears boy best of luck.
  18. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    What about dunking your head in a tub of Hydrofluoric Acid?

    Note: DON'T DO THAT :hillbilly:
  19. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    You mean "Bobby Pin" - and I'm probably showing my age here, we used to make nasty bobby pin stingers back in high school. Some of you might remember them. They looked like this and would leave a huge welt on your skin. lol

  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well I've never driven around a Bobby Pin bend, but yeah! That's the implement I meant. We call them hair pins where I'm from.
  21. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    did you try removing the earwax before you fucked it?
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