Where is the money? (bedroom producer)

Discussion in 'Genre Specific Production' started by McRoi, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. DSP4LiFE

    DSP4LiFE Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2019
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    Did you consider what the demographic is like for these stats?

    Like that the Hiphop/Pop genres are mostly 15 year old girls wasting their parents money getting wet to popstars whos balls haven't droppped yet

    or retards listening to hiphop cos they think it makes them cool, or its friendly to radio stations where people just want something generic and fake to have in the background?

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  2. DSP4LiFE

    DSP4LiFE Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2019
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    You have to be able to cater to the most popular demographic if you want that fake, vapid "successful" life

    You say you produce synthwave, well im sorry and no offence but that is one of the easiest genre i have tried myself, it just fits together like beginner lego blocks

    how the hell are you going to produce to a stellar bleeding edge EDM like current psytrance/techno/house?... your music is based on lofi minimalism!

    thats like a 55-sided rubiks cube compared to synthwave beginner lego blocks
  3. DSP4LiFE

    DSP4LiFE Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2019
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    You have to be an artist in the end, not an employee

    If you are such an amazing producer & musician and entertainer: sure go and smash some genre and make lotsa cash, i cant wait to hear how some popular genre is bent in a new direction!

    But if its just another human body taking up space doing something mediocre, please dont spam humanity with it
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
  4. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    What an unusual thing to want, are you sure? Wouldn't you rather a boring low-wage-dead-end job?


    If your song is one in a million, there are already 125 songs exactly like it on soundcloud alone :)
  5. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Dude last Pic
    Yes, Titel
    U.S Music Consumer Favorite Genres :winker:
  6. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Use your skills outside the box.

    Create tutorials, targeted content and start a niche membership site. The keyword there is "membership."

    Why are there so many tutorials online?
    Because there's an endless evergreen market for them.

    If you can create content, you can create stable streams of revenue. It's all about how it's presented and marketed.

    This is a million dollar comment if you focus.
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  7. DSP4LiFE

    DSP4LiFE Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2019
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    Create tutorials for what, what is the special knowledge to be shared? what is the niche?

    Nothing worse than a spam video or tutorial getting in the way of finding the good one, just because someone wants to output something whether for attention or financial gain
  8. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    But that's not it... If you're creating spam than I always hope that person fails, but real useful information? Yeah, there's always a need for it.

    Niche just means something specific. Target an audience, something that's been neglected but in demand is obviously the needle in the haystack.

    Innocent before being proven guilty, so don't burn the viewers, get a subscription/membership base, and always offer quality over quantity.
  9. DSP4LiFE

    DSP4LiFE Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2019
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    I believe in the freedom aspect of what you mentioned, but just setting out to make tutorials about something seems like the recipe for more shitty youtube videos.
    Having a certain wisdom to share would be a good starting place, and as you said the needle in the haystack is hard to find and getting harder. its a goldrush
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  10. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    i am assuming by the fact that there are 3 pages of replies already that you have already received the bad news.

    next step is to try to make some money from your audio work.
    stock music is a good earner, but will take a while to get the ball rolling.
    i have had luck in the past creating presets and samples that i sold exclusive rights to big sample companies. i made a small amount of money, enough to give back to some of the companies that helped me get where i was (despite them not liking he way i did it).
    i think i could have just about made a living doing that, but not $3k/month. i stopped because i went into other areas of audio that were less risky but also far less fun.
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  11. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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  12. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Make money? Put on a dress and go hang out out by the docks
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  13. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Who said anything about spam?

    Research your market and find out the type of content they are looking for. Build your business around what your market wants and needs.

    An example niche "membership" business model around music is activemelody.com
    One of many.
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  14. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Because of advice like "you can make money with online tutorials, because there are shitloads of online tutorials" ?
    You can make a good living by streaming music on Soundcloud! Why do you think there's more than 5 million songs on Soundcloud, hmm?

    Because with 300 HOURS of video uploaded to YT every MINUTE around the clock, year after year after year, there's a shitload of tutorials on just about everything

    And when it's something fun that nearly anyone can do with 0 time/money invested...[​IMG]
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  15. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    So you want to start from scratch and make 3k a month with streaming and bandcamp, well its possible but oh boy, let me tell you this... or you are a little genius or you have a long way to go my friend, music is art and one should treat it as such, if you really want to make money from music you have to be really great, meet the right people, lets say its a combination of several ingredients that will take you somewhere. I live exclusively from music since my teens, had good times had bad times, can make 3k one month then nothing next month but not from music sales i wish! only from live performances, the production serves as a card nothing more. My suggestion to make money atm is producing beats for rappers, they're everywhere these days. Good luck on your voyage
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  16. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Instructions not clear. Privates stuck in ceiling fan.

    Wife not helping, kids are horrified.

    10/10 would buy again.
  17. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Lock it down, you missed the entire point of my posts. The tutorials you posted are a complete joke and have nothing to do with what I was talking about.

    What was my post about? Creating value for a market under a membership platform.

    Why a membership/subscription? Because it's recurring, stable, progressively growing income that YOU control.

    In terms of business - Youtube isn't a business model, it's simply a marketing channel. If you solely rely on youtube or any streaming platform or any THIRD party platform for income, you're being foolish and you're just being their low paid employee. Worse, you also give them control of your entire business. How many chans have been deleted or demonitized? How many businesses and revenue streams shut down in a click? Enough said on that.

    I'm amazed at how many people go "into business" and fail because they don't take the time to learn marketing. They run with ideas that aren't tested or proven, they try to guess what their market wants. Writing songs and posting them on youtube and spotify ins't a business, it's a side gig. Millions of accounts and useless content are testament to that.

    Making money is SIMPLE.
    You find a market and you give the market exactly what it wants. People fail when they make this harder than it needs to be. They over-complicate everything. They try coming up with business models and products first before even knowing what the hell their targeted market even wants. Business failure 101.

    Build your own products, your own brand, your own "thing" around what people want or go work for a 3rd party platform collecting pennies for your views/streams. Build your tribe and learn what their desires and needs are. You do that and you can write your own check.
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  18. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Nah, you missed the entire point of my post: don't give out ridiculous advice. Dollars to doughnuts OP won't make a living with a PREMIUM ~~Let's Play chan~~ music tutorial website. The music "tutorial" market's more saturated than the music market as a whole, so you might as well tell him to start his own PREMIUM MUSIC STREAMING site & make mad monyz streaming his own musiks, so he won't have to, how'd you put it? oh,
    Yeah, all it takes is a bit of research, because
    People won't flock to his new website just because he charges for shit others *give away for free.*
  19. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    I didn't say a thing about "free" - You clearly have zero understanding of marketing or business for that matter.

    I find it amusing when inexperience touts out bullshit like market "saturation" lol - How many successful shoe brands and companies are there? How many independent labels are there? :D That one dinky little site I posted makes "10's" of thousands of dollars per month because they understand exactly what I've said.

    Here's a free tip, bud. Saturation shows you there's money flowing in the market. Learn how capitalism works.
    You think like an employee. Maybe if you thought like an entrepreneur, you'd understand the posts and you'd actually make bank.

    Go get a marketing/business education before wasting my time with your nonsense.
  20. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

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