Hi everyone, I want to know how to do this synth, vst with what can be done? And on what basis certain settings. http://soundcloud.com/kruegerbass/kastle-i-know-krueger-remix The synth at 1min10
try using Massive..or any synth.. then use a bassy patch or whichever you like..or design your own apply a low pass filter then crank up the knob up and down..for that evolving sound =) its just one of the many ways on how you can do it..this is just mine opinion.. there are no right or wrong in doing a thing *yes*
OK are you talking about the dub step bass line or the synth fx or the pitched vocals i just read that you rote (( the synth and 1min 10 that is a PAD synth and pitch bend with the mod wheel hope it helps