Keyscape Authorization (Mac)

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Roadhog117, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. Roadhog117

    Roadhog117 Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    MacOS: 10.13.6
    Daw: Logic Pro X

    I got Keyscape from vstcrack and in the instructions it says nothing about patching, but I’ve seen that the .component and .vst file need to be patched first so the authorization screen stops coming back up after putting in the response code.

    I’m using Spectrasonics_Keygen_OSX (R2R 2048 keygen) running it with wine. I dragged both the Keyscape.component, and Keyscape.vst to my desktop. I open the keygen, hit “Patch”, select either of the .component or .vst files and it says failed patching. I checked permissions for both files and they are set to read and write.

    Pretty stumped at this point, but don’t want to give up because I waited 5 days for it to download and have been trying for a week to get it running. I feel like I’m just missing something really small to get it to work. Any help is much appreciated as the only other forum post I found for this didn’t say anything about what to do if you can’t get the file to patch.

    I also took a trip over to AudioZ as per instructions I saw posted by @thepirate. For Mac there is only an unpatched update for 1.1.2c which is the version I already have. I have the full Keyscape library downloaded as well as the Keyscape plugin and standalone version.

    I tried using BATchmod for Mac to overwrite permissions before trying to patch the files and that was unsuccessful as well.

    In the root MACHD/Library/ApplicationSupport/Spectrasonics folder I did the following:
    - Deleted x86 files
    - patched x64 Omnisphere.dll successfuly
    - extracted/unzipped settings.iso and user.iso files

    Type in the response code, go to close keyscape, and it starts loading endlessly until I force quit the application. I did this in th plugin version and when it boots back up it’s in demo mode. I’m getting closer but something is still not right..
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2020
  3. Roadhog117

    Roadhog117 Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    >>Not solved just yet... please refer to my second comment.<<

    First off, I don’t think the .dll needed to be patched in the first place as this is a windows only file. I’m also not sure that I needed to delete the x86 files (32bit) because they were also windows only files but I did anyways. HOWEVER, there are 2 files that must be patched. These are the Mac equivalent of the .dll files for Windows. The .component and .vst files must be patched to authorize Keyscape on Mac. What I found out though is that in the newest version of Keyscape (1.1.2c), the .component and .vst files are unpatchable with any keygen.

    So how did I get around that and how can you as well?

    1. Go to the sister site and download an old 1.1.1d update with patch. It is there because I downloaded it.

    2. open the 1.1.1d update package click on patch and “right click” the .component and.vst files, click show Mac contents, click “Mac OS”, click “contents”, and when you click on contents you get to the binary files.

    3. Take the binary files (they are named “Keyscape” and are text edit files) from the old update and save them on your computer, you will need them later. Also make sure that the permissions are set to read and write for each of these before moving forward.

    >>Please bear in mind this is not the .component and .vst files, the binary files are located within the .component and .vst files and you have to click Show Mac Contents and dig down through them to get to the binary. Replacing the whole .component and.vst files will not work, I made that mistake so save yourself some time and don’t do that.<<

    4. Repudate to the newest version of Keyscape and go to Users/yourusername/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/components, and take the binary file from the old update you saved earlier and drag it into the ones that are installed on your computer currently. Be sure to choose the “Replace” option, do not keep both.

    Keyscape will now authorize on Mac, and I didn’t need to use the Keygen after that and I guess that’s because I had already usd the response code in there before that.

    Hope this helps guys, there’s not a whole lot of support for how to do this on Mac as there is on Windows, but it’s possible to do with some trial and error, lots of researching and putting together bits and pieces of info to make it work and figure it out. Big thank you to @The Pirate as well for helping me figure this out.

    I may try to put together a fully loaded guide on how to install Keyscape on Mac in the future so that all the info is in one place for others to find. If you’re interested in that let me know and I’ll see what I can cook up.

    Thanks guys!
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
  4. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Glad to know that you are willing to help others. I will have any MAC user who contacts me get in touch with you. :like:
  5. Roadhog117

    Roadhog117 Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    Sounds good, thank you @The Pirate. Unfortunately it seems there’s been a mistake somewhere though. Using the .component and .vst binaries from the old version causes Keyscape to stay in that old version. Also having an issue where it says something along the lines of “this file is not a sample” when I click on any preset.

    More to follow folks...
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  6. uno1of1

    uno1of1 Noisemaker

    Jan 26, 2020
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    United States
    Will try this tonight! Wish me luck ,thanks a lot for this man!
  7. Roadhog117

    Roadhog117 Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    Please read my second comment @uno1of1; it’s not a complete fix yet.
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  8. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    You have to use an USB stick to patch the components/VST with the keygen because it doesnt work if you run it on the MAC file system :wink:
  9. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I don't get your point, Keyscape is running perfectly in omnisphere, why bother ?
  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    With Spectrasonics you do NOT need the old version.You can go straight to the latest one. Luckily for us, Windows users, we don't have the problem you seem to be describing. However, since you seem the only one with such problem it could be user error. In other words, you are doing something incorrectly.
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  11. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    LOL !!!

    It is a complete non sense copy an outdated exe into a new version !
    What you will get is version 1.1.1d into a new shell not the real 1.1.2...
    Understand that the exucutable is the CORE of the plugin.

    Why you havent patched directly the 1.1.2 exe located in the plugin's Content folder ?
    Your mistake has been try to patch the whole au and vst. The KG Patch function want to see the executable.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
  12. Roadhog117

    Roadhog117 Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately when I put in the executable file in the kg it says failed patching. That’s pretty much been the issue since I posted on day one. I’m going to try what @Valnar said and use a usb to run the keygen from.
  13. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    tell us if you succeed
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
  14. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Drag the executable on Desktop and patch it. Then move it back.

    To patch it, you must click on KG's Patch button and navigate, on the poped up window, to the Mac Desktop and click on the executable.
  15. Roadhog117

    Roadhog117 Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    I don’t have the ability to screenshot atm but that’s literally exactly to the T what I did.

    Went to the .component and .vst files
    Show Contents
    .component and .vst file executables found
    Drag both to desktop
    Open the executable files on desktop in kg
    Failed patching

    There’s not one forum online that I’ve found where someone has had my particular problem and I know for a fact I’m doing it properly because I’ve typed out exactly what I’m doing multiple times throughout this thread.

    The last resort I have is to buy a usb drive and put the two executables and kg on it, Plugin to a windows computer and try to patch through an actual windows os, and then bring the files back to the Mac and put them in the proper folders. Idk why tf that would matter though because the kg is running perfectly fine through Wine on Mac and had no problems when I went to patch the Omnisphere.dll file successfully.

    At this point I’m not sure it’s even worth messing with anymore. My best guess is that the crack I got from vstcrack has issues in which case I would have to download it from somewhere else, wait another 5 days for it to download while slowing my already terrible internet down to do it, and at this point I’m just about fed up with it. This has by far been the most difficult and ridiculous install I’ve come across in my life.

    Tax season is coming and i’ll probably just buy it. I got a brief chance to go through some of the sounds in demo mode and it sounds great so yea, welcome to my brain.
  16. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    WTF you ding getting crack from elsewhere when the best crack and drug dealers on the planet can be found next door. Just for your info and everyone else's. The Key Generator CAN'T patch the Keyscape .dlls. You must have the already patched ones.
  17. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    You don't need a windows PC, an USB drive will do the job just fine (at least worked out for me), it has nothing to do with the fact that wine can launch the keygen just fine but is more about the keygen isn't unable to patch certain files on the mac file system
  18. michtbk

    michtbk Newbie

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hi, I suppose I've not found one problem on mac (Catalina). May I expose it (or did I miss a thread ?)

    Omnisphere and Keyscape work perfect inside my Studio One but Standalone apps doesn't launch : Here is the message I get for both of these apps (Keyscape 1.01c and Omnisphere 1.01c) even trying to update them :
    Capture d’écran 2020-02-28 à 23.30.48.png

    Did I miss something? Is there an update available or is it permission problem (every component has both read/write)?
    Thanks by advance.

    edit : Have successfully patched the dll file in omnisphere component and now Omnisphere standalone is working ! but no more success with Keyscape component, even placing the patched one for Standalone. I did also disk repair permissions with Disk Utility...
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2020
  19. Zuni96^

    Zuni96^ Newbie

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Help. How am I going to work it with Logic pro x? I didn't install the Keyscape before so there is no app to update? How I am going to install it? I have the 1.1.1d update with patch and 1.1.3 by pirate files downloaded from sister site. thank you!
  20. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Both of you need to go to the Omnisphere section of this forum AND READ the threads. It does not make any sense to be repeating what has been written nor for me to be linking to those answers because I will have to do the same as you! You need to comb through the threads unless someone here wants to do that for you.
  21. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @Olymoon Please, transfer this thread to the Omnisphere section. Thank you! :bow:
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