What edm plugins and fx's?

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by peshti, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. peshti

    peshti Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Hey so I have never tried my hands on edm, I know some other genres quite well.

    So what vsts do people use?

    All I sort of know is nexus 2 and now there's nexus 3 but there seems to be some kind of problem or something to use expansion you have bought in the past, also you have to use a dongle for it and I hate that stuff.

    So yeah tell me :).

    Also what about fx plugins?

    I guess people use dblue glitch 2?


  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Synths mostly, drum machines, samplers, drum synths, romplers... Spire, serum, massive, sylenth1, fm8, dune2/3, u-he synths, z3ta+2, the legend, arturia v collection, xils-lab, avenger, rob papen stuff, korg synths, rapid, viper, roland synths, vanguard, tone2 stuff, ..maaany others
    You decide, analog emulations, virtual analog or digital, or combo of these... Analog emus and analog style synths are good for electro basses, vintage and modern leads, pads, digital/wavetable mostly for dubstep, harsh sound and not only etc... Use combo of these

    Fx.... Be creative... Most of all fx... Reverbs, sidechain compressor, usual compressors, delays, saturators.... Dmgaudio, fabfilter, arturia, voxengo, native instruments, softube, slate etc etc etc etc etc
  4. Tomassio

    Tomassio Newbie

    Sep 24, 2016
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    check out julien earle on youtube. he's an amazing underrated techno producer. learn the techniques with stock plugins, then substitute with other plugins to add your own flavor

    having every single plugin is not going to help you make anything good in it of itself
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  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    But vsti with many soundbanks and presets included is starting point, than spending hours on adjustments from saw init preset. What if you spent hours and next day you delete the project because youit is no good? Presets are faster and better for synths, and rarely for creative-fx processing (chorus, reverbs, delays..), and never for technical processing (because it is always program dependent).
  6. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Not much to add! :wink:
  7. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    What is an edm plugin ?
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  8. Tomassio

    Tomassio Newbie

    Sep 24, 2016
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    Granted, you can flip through a bunch of 3rd party banks and play around with cool pre made sounds without having to master sound design before hand.

    But even with a cool synth sound you won't be able to make a coherent track. not even close.

    By all means get everything, but you'll find after you do, that you won't go much further forward.

    You need techniques, samples, and then vsts in that order i would say.

    For techniques, the bread and butter is the techno rumble kick. next most important i'd say is the correct use of ableton's "drum bus" plugin to blend the bass and kick together so it sounds HARD.

    For samples get vengeance, wave alchemy, samples from mars, goldbaby.

    for vsts i guess alchemy would be the closest thing to nexus in regards to having ready to go patches. in general you want to turn the fx from synth off, and recreate them yourself with 3rd party inserts. But ultimately you want to learn sound design, and figure out ways to automate the different knobs to create a new vibe
  9. peshti

    peshti Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Literally every good edm tutorial i have found is on ableton and I use fl studio signature bundle. Idk how to do the stuff they do in fl studio, I come from another genre that I do pretty well where I dont need sidechain, tape stops etc.
  10. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    No synth is specific for EDM,hiphop or synthwave,to name a few.

    If you're a novice,try Lennar Digital Sylenth1,it sounds very good,it's very easy to understand and you'll find thousands of presets on internet.It's old but it's still massively used in EDM because it's good.

    Same kind of synth,have a look at U-He Hive.It's the Sylenth1 contender.
  11. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Who uses plugin when you can just use samples :mad:
  12. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Now run different channels through your ingeniously abstractive FX chains.
  13. peshti

    peshti Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Just to clarify, I realize that I can make good edm in fl studio but so far the only fl studio tutorials I have seen are more like playthroughs and breakdowns.

    Learning workflows for me is quite important, and so far I have seen more workflow related edm videos that are done in ableton.

    I don't want to switch to ableton for this reason, like I love fl studio but I have not found a good tutorial for EDM and I'm like why?
  14. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    100% Agree!

    @Baxter once pointed out to me when I first started getting involved in synths going from one to another as soon as it became available that I should pick one and learn it thoroughly. Once you can master a synth to bend to your will, you can make ALMOST any sound you want from it.

    So I will give you the same advice. Pick a synth and learn it until you can master it. Make tons of presets for future use and you'll never need to ask a question like "what synth do I need for a certain genre?" ever again!
  15. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    :)) May as well just play the CD

    Me personally, I spent 8 hours on Fruity Loops as it was called then and it left me wanting to pick up my computer and launch it through the bedroom window. That was when i tried Ableton (back when version 4 had just come out) I never looked back and never looked at FL again either. That would be MY reason why!
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  16. peshti

    peshti Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Well I'm not that experienced with synths at all :). All I have used are mostly orchestral kontakt instruments, I actually have native instrument komplete 11 ultimate. So I guess I have massive and absynt too but I have never used them.
  17. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    Why would you need it for EDM? And techniques, I don't know... Sure you need it sooner or later. But I think the most important thing for beginning edm producers are lots and lots of accessible sounds, and the first technique you need to know is how to layer sounds properly.

    A synth with lots of patches helps a lot if you just want to make some songs as a starting point. Learning deeper sound design and synthesis is not really composing and kinda distracting, the same with learning good mixing. It takes a lot of time, and I think in the beginning it's more important to write tunes without much worrying about deeper stuff. If you know how to write some songs, you can "re-mix" the good ones allways later, when you got better.

    Sylenth1 is the best choice if you are a edm beginner, and Serum or Massive, and you're good to go. They're all easy to use and have lots of patches. Nexus is fine, too, but the "free" version is a little dated lol

    Don't know that much about FX... All of Fabfilter is good, or Soundtoys. Valhalla Room or Vintage Verb are the most popular edm reverbs. And get Camel Crusher or Sausage Fattener xD

    And samples... Vengeance might not be the most quality stuff anymore, but it's still very good and a lot better than most of the packs that got shared on sister site lately... And they have almost everything you need. Clubsounds 1-5 is still kinda standard for most edm genres (only for trap and future bass you might need something different).
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2020
  18. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    serum, massive, sausage fattener (lul), OTT
  19. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Best Answer
    An alternative to learning an electronic genre that is foreign to you in terms of production is to get templates for that genre, open them and study how they were put together from the layout of the track to MIDI/Sends routings to its mixing foundation. None of the templates will ever be "perfect". However, they speed up your understanding of how the production of the music is put together for that specific genre quite faster than accumulating a massive amount to plugins to learn from scratch without any visual guidance.

    Also, when one asks: "What EDM plugins and fx's?" I must then ask for what genre or sub-genre?
    EDM is an umbrella of genres and sub-genres. So, you may want to start listening to each genre more often and start trying to make a difference between them. From there, you can be surer on knowing which genre you'll want to try to produce more than others. Trust me, without picking one, you'll be bouncing left and right and waste time trying to produce them all.
    Big Room, Progressive House, Future House, Electro, Deep House, Bass House, Dubstep, Festival Trap and so on, each has its subtle differences in how to produce them. They each have key pattern signature, breakdowns and construction style that separate one from another. A good example is that Progressive House is drenched in synth sounds (Sometimes with full vocals and sometimes not), whereas Bass House barely has any synth and/or full vocal and it is driven by... Well, of course, bass and sub-bass with 90's style samples all over it.

    Anyway, my advice on templates is based on experience and it opened my way of understanding faster how to both make original tracks and remix any other format into Dance tracks for my DJ sets.
    On sister's site, there are quite a few Electronic Music templates for FL Studio available though. You may want to actually check them out.

    As far as the plugins go, try some of those:

    Good luck!!!
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  20. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    You ask the wrong questions. The point is not "which plugins are used by edm-producers?" because you can use ANY plugin you like. The point is: "how do you get the sound you hear in your head?!". And let's face it, edm (in general) is the absolute royalty when it comes to sound design. This genre is made up of highly skilled people who know exactly what they are doing.
    If you try to hold your own in dubstep or hybrid with productions from presetsounds, you are usually laughed at rather than taken seriously.
    My only tip: choose ONE versatile synthesizer and learn it by heart. Reconstruct the existing presets to understand how these sounds are created and delve deeply into synthesis! Have fun!

    If you don't know how to implement the techniques in FL that you have seen in a video (e.g. side chainig), ask google or youtube for "side chain fl studio". What is the problem?
  21. peshti

    peshti Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    There is no problem, I'm just asking for a starting point basically. I already have a lot of creative ideas in my brain that includes recording etc.

    But those creative ideas will not get supplemented by synths if I'm shit at synths.

    And if I'm shit at creative fx stuff and common fx like sidechain (I don't think sidechain is hard to learn, I just have never had to use it and it's just an example).
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