FL Studio.. finally sold on it.

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by One Reason, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    So what do you think of the skins? So far my favorites are Extasy and TechLogic. I'm sure there's some other skins floating around, but I haven't looked recently. It seems that pretty much every element is skinnable. The only limits are your imagination and skill.

    I checked out your site. Some really nice stuff. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to skins. I would change my own skin if I could only figure out how to take it off without killing myself :rofl: Please let me know when you have some something available for FL.

    If you want to use FL effectively, I highly recommend learning some of the keyboard shortcuts. I watched a lot of youtube videos as well because I learn better when I can see what's going on. I think I've watched almost all of the videos on warbeats.com. The site focuses on hip hop, but the lessons can be used for other genres as well. The guy can lag a bit when explaining things. He tends to repeat himself and he can get boring to listen to. Most of the tuts are explained on older versions of FL, but they still apply to 10.0.8. The FL Studio homepage also has some really good tuts.

    It seems that most people who dislike FL are those that didn't bother taking the time to actually learn how to use it. It's not fair to judge something unless you understand how it works. And that takes many many months of practice, at least. I'm not going to say anything negative about any other DAWs because I have little to no experience with them. I like FL, so I've never felt the need to learn any others. I only started using Ableton out of curiousity to see what else is out there. I really like the workflow, but it seems better suited for live performance a la Deadmau5.
  2. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Honestly? I have gone back to the default, only because I am fanatical about graphics and If i were to make a skin, or even use a skin, it will have to match, somewhat the parts of FL that cant be skinned, like the browser, and piano roll etc. I do plan to make my own, but after I am sufficiently comfortable with the program itself, my time, like most folks, is pretty special to me, once I feel comfortable, I will start on one, and hopefully it will turn out well.

    Thanks for the suggestion of tuts. on the FL site, I had overlooked those, and they look like some of the newest, so very helpful.

    Keyboard shortcuts... ehh.. well.. hilariously, due to my desk setup.. PC keyboard under a glass desk, and me and my elbow lurched on the glass top itself, 80% of the time.. its always been very difficult for me to get used to using them efficiently. It basically means anytime I need to do something on the keyboard I need to ..get up and pull the keyboard out... that is of course unless I am typing, then I sit up, and actually use it. I am however going to start trying to use them for this, Live and Photoshop...........................................maybe :rofl:

    Thanks for your input on all this.. look forward to many more discussions. :mates: :grooves:
  3. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    "not in the same league as some of the bigger contenders" - Why is that and what exactly is it that FL-Studio can't do but the "bigger" can?
    -Somehow this argument feels a bit vague, when no concrete examples are in context.
  4. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Kind of interesting that whenever someone makes a comment like this about FL being under powered or lightweight, they never give specific examples. I think it's unfair to make comments like those without having as much experience with FL as they do with their favorite DAW.

    Discussions about DAWs are similar to those about Religion or politics. Everyone has their own opinion and experiences, but one side will never prove that the other is wrong.
  5. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Most of the crashes caused by too many plug-ins installed is actually how well written they are and what GUI-Standard they use. FL can be picky about the GUI, due it uses quite some nonstandard windowscomponents, however it has never issued any session for me. Heh, somehow to have 800+ plug-ins seems a bit overkill and I doubt you would have that many plug-ins in your primary host, right? ;)

    What exactly is a big project for you? - please give us an example.
    Greetz :thumbsup:
  6. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Yes, that is why I wanted an opinion.
    I mean sometimes I have no option than to work in another sequencer like Cubase or Live, because my clients sent me a project. So that way I have to learn the hard way how things do work.

    There has and always will be those never ending discussions about what sequencer is the best and that is really uninterestingly to struggle through (been doing that so many times in the past). It's better to be comparative and point how things can be achieved with:
    -background explaining the topic
    -purpose what/how something can be achieved
    -methods that explains the workflow
    -reflection/evaluation that tells if it was possible or if someone else would know another conclusion.

    Walk in peace :wink:
  7. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I am glad I could help :)
  8. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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  9. saucetar

    saucetar Newbie

    Sep 13, 2011
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    FL studio has been the best daw, and is improving with every update. After they added x64 plugin compatibility and the bridge feature (allowing more memory for a much more smooth mixing process) I seriously don't see how anyone could discredit it for not being in the same league to the other said "professional" daws. Crazy it took this long for people to realize this. I've been using it every since I've started producing music and never plan on changing.
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Good to know after all the DAWS I have investigated, all the time.. spent...that I was.. according to nearly 20,000 voters.. exactly right. :dancing:

  11. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Xiny.. what country are you in?
  12. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Actually, out of nearly 20,000 votes, FL Studio got the most. And only 17 more than Ableton. Sorry to burst your bubble :(

    And it says that Xiny is from Sweden.
  13. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Well, I meant.. after 20K were surveyed.. the results rendered, concur.. with my own feelings. FL 1st, Live 2nd. :dancing:

    Ahh.. A Swedenite ! :rofl:
  14. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    delude? How can you even assume somebody is deluding themselves when you admittedly just said you had a "quick look" at it?

    Heavyweight for what exactly?

    And to the poster above who said Reaper is better with plugin selection? lol, maybe... how bout plugin handling? that's a better question. Ever try to swap out a plugin during playback while mixing in Reaper? YIKES!!

    Bottom line, the true advantage of Reaper USED to be mixing down. Reaper will handle audio and recording better . People who are more familiar with the analog/hardware domain will appreciate it's track based feel as opposed to working with clips/patterns in FL Studio. To many people, this hardly matters and FL studio, obviously, has track based functionality now.

    The way FL Studio handles MIDI is superior to Reaper and the opposite holds true for audio.

    Reaper is obviously better fit for a 64-bit platform as it has a 64-bit version. That doesn't matter for the host itself, only the plugins... Fl Studio allows plugins to run "bridged" so it can access the system RAM outside of the hosts limitations if you are in a 64 bit environment.

    Reaper handles multithreading better.

    It comes down to preference..
  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Reaper just seems so... cheap to me...Didnt care for its environment at all.

    FL 'feels' and looks awfully professional.

    Diggin' it.
  16. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I am in Sweden :)
  17. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    To be quite honest 32-bit, is all you need for a VST/i, really.
    I mean you can't hear any difference whether a virtual instrument is 32 or 64 -bit.

    The only time you really need 64-bit is likely in Kontak, when you working with huge samples, that are over 4gb.
    Else soundwise there is no difference.

    It's like when the "new soundcard" came out and said they were able to give 196khz 32bit. Give me a break, that is just ridiculous and silly :)
    Internally that will be VERY difficult for the CPU to calculate sample and bitrates, due it's not meant to integer such a wide range.
    The best in my opinion is to work 48khz 16bit. THEN in the mixerpart you can crank up the bitrates to avoid saturation and alias effects, while mixing many channels :)

    Hey, anyone remember when there were only 4bits samples? I do :) That was pretty cool when they made 8bit and the breakthrough to 16bit ;-)
    Okay I shall not go back in time too much heh.
    Greetings. :mates: :hug:
  18. TkiD

    TkiD Noisemaker

    Jul 24, 2011
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    I agree, and thats the reason i stick with Live, ease of use, although i must say, FL studio looks the part, might be willing to try it out at some point, but along side live i think, i like Live too much :excl:
  19. obscure

    obscure Newbie

    Jul 12, 2011
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    I use Cubase, but I have gone through the others. I mainly ditched the cheaper ones because they lacked some kind of functionality or other, just do a google search of 'this daw vs that daw'.
    I've mained Cubase because their MIDI is the best.

    Another reason I chose it is because of the large amounts of pirated learning material on cubase 5 :rofl:

    The best way I know to use this monster of a DAW is to ignore the bs parts like mediabay etc., and use it straightup and all of a sudden it becomes this crazily intuitive thing. I'm going to buy Cubase 6 because it looks sexy (youtube it).

    I think if it weren't for the fact that I had already learnt Cubase, and if I wasn't on PC, I would use Logic.

    Reaper is always getting better as well, and I think that one day it'll surpass Cubase (if it hasn't already). Cubase has many shortcuts too btw, and you can set up your own/change them. Cubase feels more expensive too, and that's important if you're the kind of person who is affected by that (I am a little, so I'm buying Cubase 6).

    For that reason I don't use Fruity Loops, it feels, looks and is even named like a squeaky toy that came along with my cereal box. However the music you can make out of it isn't, and that's whats important. I'm not a strong enough person to handle that though, and I always get this strange beat-making feeling whenever I think about FL (because every mid-level hiphop beatmaker talks about it).

    And about that survey thing, well I feel good that Cubase ain't at the top *yes* . 20k people voted FL? Well a lot of those people who think FL is the best, also suck at making music - hard truth but the majority of almost anything is always the worst. When we're talking about humans, of course, because only a few percent are actually good / making a decent living.

    The crowd stinks.
  20. bigberg3k

    bigberg3k Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I use Cubase 5.1.1 as my master DAW with Maschine 1.7 as VSTi, No crashes at all great workflow. I trigger all of my midi per midi channel from Cubase since I have External Keyboards i.e. Korg M3/ AKAI MPC5000. This is the best setup for me so everything is in perfect sync through the Cubase sequencer, the Beauty to me is the STEM EXPORT where you can activate the VST outputs, channel each sound to desired output, and it mixes down each sound (with VST on inserts) into separate AUDIO FILE... done...this way you can put Plug ins in and out with jeopordizing CPU power.(Don't know what other DAWS do this like CUBASE 5)

    I will now add fruity Loops 10 as a VSTi if needed, I too am recently sold on it, haven't used it since early 2000's, But if you listen to Lex Luger or Johnny Juliano's beats you should also be sold on FL10 as well. Is it just me or does Propellerhead Reason5 sound funny, Maschine and FL10 sounds better to me....Do people still heavily use reason and for what, I can usually tell if someone did use it cause of this resonance filter sound it makes..

    On another note, LOL.... Does everyone switch sample rates like I do? Like for recording in MIDI vs. play back I usually go 128 on recording in and like 512 to 1024 for playback :dancing:
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