this instrument belongs to a library that is not installed

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by bdawg13, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. bdawg13

    bdawg13 Newbie

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Hey all! I know this has been mentioned a lot, but I can't seem to find a solution in any thread. I want to know if there is fix that applies to this problem with any kontakt instrument. I'm having a problem with a few kontakt instruments. Some have the NICNT file in the folder containing the Instruments folder, some don't. I'm just wondering if there is one way to fix this issue that will work for most Kontakt instruments that keep giving the pop-up "this instrument belongs to a library that is not installed".

    I love when you can just drop them in to Kontakt and they load up, I wish I knew had to fix this problem of when they don't load right up and give that error. Do I just move the NICNT file somewhere? Delete reg files? I hope this post can be an end all to this issue, thanks so much!

  3. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    The fix is: you must read the threads that discuss this issue.
    If you have read just a few of those threads, you would know that the answers depend on the system you use (mac or windows), the version you have, the Kontakt instrument you try to load etc.
    Once again, you must read the suggestions instead of improvising other things like "just drop them into Kontakt and load up". Nobody has ever suggested that!
    From those threads you would also understand the difference between libraries (that you must add in Kontakt to be able to load) and individual instrument patches that you can just load from the Files tab (or from Quick-load panel).
    Also, the environment where you try to add libraries in Kontakt, have you messed it up before with other attempts (using the same SNPID numbers)?
    All of these have already been broadly discussed here.
    And you didn't even say what you did before getting this alert message. So, how could anyone help you?
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  4. Charly R

    Charly R Noisemaker

    Jun 28, 2019
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    Best Answer
    I had the same problem saying the same error than yours (“this instrument belongs”...).The problem was because my library was using the same SPNID from another library. You can edit it opening the NICNT file.

    Actually I have registry of all the SPNIDS that I used “manually” because the library doesn’t came with the NICNT file and then I created a new one.

    After all I ended deleted a lot of libraries that I was not using to have a better control.

    I’m on mac but if you are on Win as I know there are some tools for creating the NICNT files.

    Just remember to use the remove library button from kontakt (not your hard disk) and then add it again. Also delete the xml file created.

    Sometimes you will need to relocate the samples of the library that used first that SPNID number before the new library.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
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  5. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Newbie

    Sep 19, 2019
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    Hey Jazzzz I have tried this backwards and forwards as well before resulting to posting here, as I can tell you are confident the answers have all already been addressed, but for the life of me I cannot get this library to properly remove so that I may add it and not get that damn "this instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed" error message. I'm on a Mac. It was a library that came with a nicnt file. I tried creating my own nicnt file for it in hopes of getting rid of the activation window and demo option (is that where the instructions lie telling kontakt to keep a library in demo mode or not?) and I am CERTAIN that the SNPID number did not match any other libraries. I also deleted the xml and both plist files after doing so. No matter what though I still get that error message when trying to load the library. Also worth noting that I get a different error message in Kontakt 5 after reloading the library once I clean out all those files and it's: "Your new Library needs to be added before this Instrument can be used. Please go to Kontakt's Libraries tab and press the Add Library button." Ironically it says this when trying to load any preset from the library once it's been added to the Library tab. Kontakt 6 stays with the other error message though.
    Any help would be very much appreciated. The library worked the first time, then I tried making a new nicnt file and wallpaper with the hopes of getting rid of the activation window/demo mode when using the library, and it has never worked since, even when dragging back the original nicnt file that it initially worked with.
    Also, I was planning on adding quite a few libraries and am curious before I do so if Kontakt will get bogged down from me doing this after a certain number of libraries or if the amount of libraries in the libraries tab has not effect on the actual performance of Kontakt?
    Greatly appreciate your sage advice my friend.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
  6. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Wait a minute, you are speaking about activation window and demo mode. Your primary problem is that your Kontakt is not k'ed or not properly. You need to solve it first, then you can try the libraries.
    And if you have a library with its official .nicnt, it's better not to change it. There are libraries that don't work with custom .nicnt
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  7. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    i had a sticky one eDNA that gave this error - changed id but didn't work - however I did then notice the <AuthSystem>RAS2</AuthSystem> was something other than RAS2 so I changed to be so and it worked. I have no idea if this was in between other fiddling around, but I got the library working... just in case anyone else needs a last resort try.
    Someone much smarter than me her could shed light on when <AuthSystem> makes a difference, and I could be wrong, just wanted to share what seemed to work.
  8. SerendiPetey

    SerendiPetey Newbie

    May 16, 2012
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    If you're getting this message because you updated the library and it has a new .nicnt file, then - after quitting all running instances of Kontakt - you have to manually delete the old .nicnt file from the library folder, the .xml file (HD/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center) and both it's preference files.

    Then open Kontakt 5.6, and add the library back in. This should solve it.

    The problem is the old .nicnt file probably doesn't have all the new information that the newer version requires to associate itself with it properly, as well as a potentially incorrect SPNID number.

    Confirmed working on Mac only.
  9. Clochette

    Clochette Newbie

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Hello, thank you very much for this, I deleted .xml and .nicnt from the older version but don't know how to delete the both preference files and where they are on the computer, I only found and deleted the .plist in library/ preference and the name of the library, but it does not work. Thank you very much for your help.(also verified if have 2 same SPNID number or if there is 000 instead of the real number)
  10. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    In Finder click on the menu Go and press the Alt button on the keyboard, then there will appear Library under that menu. You click on it and it will take you to the user-specific Library folder that is otherwise hidden on default.
  11. wakeup

    wakeup Newbie

    Sep 18, 2020
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    Know also for a library like cineperc, I changed the SPNID number of Cineperc but nothing happened.
    I restarted several time, deleted xml files. But same issue. The library was not installed in kontakt.

    What I've done (in case if it is usefull for someone here) is to search manually the library xml files which has the same SPNID number in common. And instead of changing the xml file of cineperc, I changed the library that has the same SPNID number.

    For mac user GO to your disk name > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center > library xml files you want to change.
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    People, please know that this doesn't mean that a library officially had a .nicnt file to begin with!
    There in lies the root of some of these problems, usually because the SNPID # was already being used.

    Is it possible that some newbs don't realise that a library does not have to show in the Library Tab to be playable?
  13. jiemayn

    jiemayn Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Confirmed XML files have different SNPID from each other and original, not able to get rid of the library belonging to something that was not installed but it was added and shows up from Kontakt 5 and shows up in Kontakt 6, not sure if deleting the .nicnt file will magically appear, because removing it says no library found, and no adding the files will give me same message, Im trying to open Horns of Hell
  14. jiemayn

    jiemayn Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2013
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    can you be more clear? I didn't update any library, also .nicnt file is the only one I have and so I think your saying this to UPDATE ONLY issues correct? Not new issues like mine

    *** EDIT
    Seems to work now I have just made sure the nicnt and SNPID in xml was the same and was adding it with demo 5.6.6 Kontakt instead of the 5.6.0
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2020
  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You're welcome!
  16. ghostwriter

    ghostwriter Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    You mentioned there are tools for creating NICNT files. What tool is this? I'm having the same issue as OP with various libraries (says it's not installed).

    EDIT: I tried running a library enabler (search "library enabler" in ru) and that seems to have fixed it!
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The person you were quoting was talking to another person, back in July.
    There are no "new issues", only new-bies.
    I helped you here and in your other post in someone else's thread.
    As I said, you're welcome.
  18. Iwan Setianjaya

    Iwan Setianjaya Newbie

    May 28, 2019
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    @Smoove Grooves

    hello sir can you help me to fix this?

    i used
    1. Studio One 5
    2. Kontakt 6.7.0
    3. Windows 10

    but on my Kontakt, my VST SSE Ensambel Strings don't visible, i have finished change the SNPID and delete the XML. but thats file is always not visible.
    please help me sir
