cheap studio monitors

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Floyd, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. Floyd

    Floyd Member

    Apr 5, 2018
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    hey guys, I am just starting out and looking into some studio monitors since i just got a AT 2035 however my budget isnt the best so I am looking for something that can get me by for now while I save up.

    my budget is 150, I know I wont get anything good in this price range but as I said I just need to get by for now so as long as its better than headphones all is well.

    thanks in advance
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
  3. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Dude, you won't find any reliable ( imo, of course)reference studio monitor speakers below, let's say - 3500 euro for a pair (that's how much Thomann lists Neumann KH 310, which are the cheapest good monitors on the market).
    Within your budget - with the same success you can mix on consumer grade gear...
    Anyway, if you intend to do trap or hip-hop, only KRK go that low in this price range, I think.
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  4. shon3i

    shon3i Noisemaker

    Apr 27, 2017
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    I just bought Presonus Iris 3.5 Active studio monitors. I am very satisfied with them. Good quality speakers. They cost about 100 euros
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  5. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    exactly, me too .. small but they're beast ...
  6. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Monitors are a very personal thing.
    What works for you might not work for others. Different ears, different rooms, different flavor of what makes a monitor sound good.
    Some prefer flat others very midrange speakers, others very bassy speakers others need a microscope on the high end.
    Some can work on cheaper monitors with great results, others can only work with very good monitors to get a consistent translation.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
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  7. syntesys

    syntesys Guest

    I just bought Presonus Iris 3.5 Active studio monitors with bluetooth and they are very good for the price. I use it at home for producing, listening music, listening backing tracks and other. The pack includes also little pads to put under the monitors, for vibrations.
  8. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    I'd save up to at least the $400 point, you'll be buying twice if you don't. Please skip the 3.5" garbage and get something that's more futureproof with 5" woofers and proper connectivity. If you're doing anything more critical than watching youtube videos, Bluetooth doesn't count as connectivity, you want good ol' wires here.
  9. Floyd

    Floyd Member

    Apr 5, 2018
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    I know will have to buy twice but I need something to use right now, I don't mind buying twice since that was my plan from the get go.

    Thanks for all the input though I know I will have to spend some more cash to get proper monitors in the future but I am currently using headsets and my computer speakers are crap so.

    I will have a look at the Presonus Iris 3.5 Active studio monitors though I am not digging the whole Bluetooth thing.

    Edit:I see there is a regular version that uses wires

    This seems like it will do for now
  10. charlie6495

    charlie6495 Member

    Jan 10, 2020
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    BX New York
    hey man I have the sterling mx3 and I think they're great ive heard good things about the presonus but not gonna lie I get pretty good mixes with my mx3 ever since I got an arrow interface think the ad/da conversion matters a lot too especially with mics but with speakers as well I have at2020 the amount its improved bc of my arrow interface compared to my Scarlett solo lets me put off buying a more expensive mic and monitors for now just because sound has improved soo much through conversion
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'm a bit old school... if I was in your situation I would try to save some money at least for something like Yamaha HS5 or better 7 or 8, JBL LSR305, KRK VXT6 or 8, or Tannoy Reveal 502/802. I like the sound of Tannoys - they're enjoyable to listen to and incredible value for the money, esp. 802. Not the most accurate, but you can "learn them", just like you have to "learn" all the monitor speakers. Tannoys are front ported so they are well suited for smaller spaces.

    Nice review of Tannoys:
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
  12. MichaelPatterson

    MichaelPatterson Kapellmeister

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Mackie CR4s aren't bad.
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  13. Creme

    Creme Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Somewhere on the table
    i wouldn't call that a proper pair of monitor for a recording or mixing studio but in that price range i would get presonus eris 3.5 . that's the one i'm using when traveling. it's decent enough to sketch ideas and really good considering the price.
  14. Floyd

    Floyd Member

    Apr 5, 2018
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    I will take a look at the arrow interface and the Sterling MX3 aswell as the presonus thanks for all the input bros, I have a behringer xenyx q502 interface and its garbage I tell you, I cant get the buffer below 256 in protools even though it shows 64 as the lowest in the list which is strange and I cant record with effects like reverb due to the massive latency so I have to record in low latency mode to get good cuts.

    sometimes the audio even randomly drops out, I have searched high and low for a solution as to why it shows the lowest it can go is 64 and yet when I put it on that there is no audio from the speakers so I realized I need a better interface and studio monitors ASAP, infact that is the reason I cant spend much on speakers at the moment since I need a new interface aswell and I am putting most of my money into that

    Edit: audio equipment is expensive lol however I still have to get work done so I use what I have until I can get better stuff

    also can someone PM me the link to the sister site, thanks in advance
  15. recycle

    recycle Guest

    A studio monitor is defined as a loudspeaker that has a perfectly flat frequency response, uncolored: it has to spit out what you throw at it. It is a fundamental tool used in professional work environments. To have this performance, the studio monitor needs a good engineering project and high-level components. Now, hoping to find a pair of studio monitors for $ 150 is unrealistic: at this price you will only find ordinary hi-fi speakers, or a soundbar for TV.
    To drastically improve the performance of your monitors you will also need to soundproof your homestudio therefore, also put that in the budget.
    I have no advice on which studio monitor you can buy: everyone has their own way of perceiving sound: this is too personal a matter. what you can do is compare speakers in professional audio stores to understand what sounds best to you. I assure you that the difference between a $300 and $3000 monitor actually exists and marketing has little to do with it
  16. Floyd

    Floyd Member

    Apr 5, 2018
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    I understand but as I mentioned before, I am just looking to get by for now and i am already soundproofing so that is in the budget
    also could someone pm me the sister site link thanks.
  17. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    no doubt that is true. also no doubt that we can't all afford $3000 speakers. and it is not realistic to tell someone who has a $100 budget that they have to wait until they can afford $3000.
  18. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Look up Alesis M1 or some of their other lower priced range. They are decent for starting out and fit your budget. You can find them used on ebay, reverb etc.
  19. Floyd

    Floyd Member

    Apr 5, 2018
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    Will do
  20. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Speaking of recording studio: costs have drastically lowered compared to recent past. We live in an era where technology now allows us to emulate virtually any equipment needed: channel strip, distortion, chorus, echo, multiband compressor etc .. If we imagine having all the plugins of our DAW in their hardware version we would have a multi-million dollar recording studio at home, considering that our plugins can also be freeware or cracked.
    According to that, it is easy to understand what a huge saving it is to have a recording studio now compared to 30 years ago

    Investing in hardware instead, continues to be crucial when we talk about audio interfaces and monitors: in order to maximize the value to our work we must spend as much as possible on those.

    as much as possible ...
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  21. Floyd

    Floyd Member

    Apr 5, 2018
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    Facts brother! Been getting by so far with a crappy interface and no monitors at all since I was focused more on becoming a semi decent engineer before I spend thousands of dollars on equipment so I buy as it becomes necessary and as it is I have outgrown my headsets and old interface by miles so.
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