Kontakt 6 problem in DAW - Tiny Window with just 'Close Button' - [SOLVED]

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Kusa, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Sooo, I installed the r4e version of Kontakt 6.1.1, the exe is a treat to play around and pulls in loads of libraries I've yet to work with that I obviously couldn't use in K5 - however when calling up the Kontakt 6 plugin in my DAW, I get this little devil of a window with only a close button instead of the Kontakt gui. I wonder if this is something obvious I dont know about, but it really doesn't seem matter what version of Kontakt 6.x I install/try I always get this issue.
    Any help or advice on what this problem could be would be greatly appreciated. I can tell by the community posts this r4e version is a godsend and a fantastic offering so itching to try get it working.

    Thanks alot


  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Greetings! And welcome to AudioSex.
    How very strange.
    Did you get it from the sister site?
    And is Kontakt running as 32 or 64bit version?
  4. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    thanks, appreciate the welx.
    Yeah from sister for sure, 64bit

    Seem to get this on with any version of Kontakt 6.x
    I tried in Reaper but all works, so it must be something to do with Ableton... any ideas? thanks in adv
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
  5. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Its like the Kontakt 6 plugin loads (its take 40ish seconds) then this little window pops in. Its draggable, but not resizable - its almost like it loads and is running but has no GUI at all
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
  6. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Which version of Ableton 10?
    Have you tried turn off this:

    And what are you're scaling settings for Windows, are you running i 4k?
  7. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Thanks for that, it was a great suggestion - but alas no joy.
    So when I click on the 'spanner icon' to display Kontakt, the DAW the kinda hangs for exactly 45 seconds (every time) before popping this tiny little window up - its like the dll is looking for some codebase it cannot find and eventually timeout and gives but still loads ands shows the tiny window... the Kontakt dll/plugin its running Im sure.

    Im running Ableton 10.0.2 (ive also ran it with 10.0.1 with same outcome so dont think its Ableton)
    Earlier tonight I copied over the same software and Kontakt 6.21 Portable over to a very similar PC (Alienware R4 Aurora 64) ... and Kontakt all work fine over on that machine using the exact same software!!
    I use 3 monitors but very simple screens with a GeForce 770, none higher than 1968x992, but I have tried it in all the monitors and its just the same.

    Im wondering if its the C++ Redistributables versions were somehow amiss as it smells a bit like it could this sort of thing... so I wrote down all the C++ Redistributables versions installed on the other working PC, and only one was different - and apparently the latest version of this (14.13.26020.0) is taken care of in the 2019 version (12.24.somthing)... as I also have Visual Studio installed - so I uninstalled it to pull out a few of those latest packs... but still no joy.

    Between work Ive been trying to fix for couple of weeks, must 30+ hours trying !! Any other ideas Im all ears thanks.
  8. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Also btw, the exe works fine, but I get this issue when trying to run Kontakt in the DAW
  9. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Go to your plugin folder, and right click on your plugin and make sure it is the 64 bit version:

    If it's the 64 bit version try go to:
    C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live 10 your version\Preferences

    Delete: Preferences.cfg, Undo folder, Template.als

    This will reset your Ableton so it will rescann all plugins and you must change all settings in preferences again. Remember to turn off updates
  10. ClownBoat

    ClownBoat Noisemaker

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Best Answer
    I had this exact problem updating from Kontakt 5.3? to anything higher.

    Some version of Kontakt 5.3? maybe worked great but I had issues with newer instruments requiring a higher Kontakt version and ran into your problem when trying to use newer versions of Kontakt.

    I would install a newer version of Kontakt and get this tiny tiny window with no resize controls.
    Any projects I had previously would still work with this tiny window but creating new tracks or editing previous was going to be an issue obviously.

    I searched for ages and only found others with a similar problem but no solution.

    I tried installing FL Studio just as some other type of DAW and that solved my problem. The Kontakt window was normal size in FL Studio so it appeared to be an Ableton problem.

    I uninstalled Ableton 9.5 64bit and Installed Ableton 10 64bit. Same problem. Plus my modest CPU choked on Ableton 10.

    I did notice in the FL Studio trial that it's plugins launched in what I learned was a "wrapper" an FL type window that contained the version of Kontakt that wouldn't launch correctly in Ableton.

    I remember trying Ableton 9.5 with a 3rd party "wrapper" type program "Jsomething" that could help launch 32bit programs inside Ableton 64bit. Which is usually not possible. I don't remember the outcome there but even if it did work other people had Ableton 64bit and Kontakt 5.8+ working just fine and I was determined to figure this out.

    I like and prefer working with Ableton and wasn't ready to just jump ship to another DAW or run Kontakt in this 3rd party "plugin wrapper" thingy.

    The solution for me was this:

    I was using a version of ZoneAlarm Firewall from AGES ago, like from the Windows XP or 98 days. It was the legal trial version and it still worked great with a simple interface I got used to decades ago even the "nag screens to purchase" gave up after a while and never reappeared. Never had any problem with it conflicting with any other programs.

    I don't remember what made me think it was ZoneAlarm from the 90s but upgrading that worked.

    I still run the trial version of ZoneAlarm just a more current version.

    I don't believe it's a network firewall issue. I don't believe it's a "oh this program looks dangerous and we're going to protect you from it" type issue from ZoneAlarm. I believe it's a graphical window management/creation issue. Something in ZoneAlarm changed the way windows appear or are created on my Windows 7 machine. Whatever it changed Ableton didn't like it at all.

    Once I uninstalled ZoneAlarm completely my/your problem was fixed.

    I still use and trust ZoneAlarm firewall and still use the basic free trial version but the newer version fixed this problem.

    My ancient ZoneAlarm issue has a slim chance or being your exact problem also but think about programs you have installed on your machine that might be similar to mine. Any somewhat heavy duty program that might modify how new windows are displayed and or created on your system. This modification is probably what Ableton is having a problem with.

    Fancy window managers?
    Something that makes Windows 10 look or feel different graphically?

    There's a decent amount of people out there have this problem and I never read a working solution in 6 to 10 months of searching.

    Best of luck, if you figure it out let us know back here.

  11. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    You know what? I've had more success with Kontakt Portables in my DAW. Kontakt Portable 6.2 (from the sister site) is running perfectly in my FL Studio, which I just use to record my VST bits and pieces, mixing done in Audition. Kontakt Portable works exactly the same way in the DAW, you just have to put Presets and Snapshots in different places. This is my advice.
  12. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Thanks guys, all great feedback.:wink:
    thanks for that fella, heres the dll properties feedback - Im fairly sure is x64 as the plugin and Daw seem to be running, as mentioned takes 45 seconds to launch the tiny window but DAW still fully alive after that - not sure if that qualifies it IS x64 but does say so on the tin (Kontak Portable x64.dll). I totally agree with you though if this was an x84 file it could have this issue. Thing is I get this on a number of different variations of v6 Kontakt (tried around 8 different versions of them, as far as I know, they were all correctly x64 )

    @Daskeladden: actually I did do exactly as you suggested last night in that I deleted all Albeton stuff, folders, appData> roaming, local, etc - I even notched up to version 10.0.2 just to make sure I was running a different version but sadly the same result.

    This version is the 'russian guys' version which the exe and really cool library loader system work fantastic as an exe,.. pulls in almost every library and removes any demo/locked stuff ... if only the dll/DAW side of things worked like the exe I would be over the moon:rofl:. As @Thankful says the portable versions do seem to have a good edge and feel pretty solid when they do work right.

    FYI: I have my VSTx64 in the root of C:/ just to centralise and keep any portable stuff easily combined with system plugins.

    Originally I was chopping around with good working versions (from Sister site :mates:) of Kontakt 5.66 but couldn't get beyond that version, but library loading was sparse. The loading libraries with 5.1 approach and switching between them was ok but did throw problems and seemed messy - the portable 6.21 (russsian) approach with the swanky library loader would I think be a one-stop solution for my needs as it seems to do such a good a job of pulling in those libraries (as it's portable, no install and no calling out for validation etc)... it feels like I'm one flick away from having the result Im after :disco:!

    ZoneAlarm, ah yes I used to love that soft, I have AVG today but will take a gander at seeing if it's interfering but my gut telling me probably not that,... but that's excellent feedback thanks @ClownBoat, I hope that nugget of wisdom will help someone who is suffering this issue from a ZoneAlarm direction.

    At this point, I'm guessing/fishing but I'm leaning toward trying to figure out of there is a C++ Redistributables issue (a conflict or misaligned update for win-update perhaps. Because I have the exact same Ableton/Kontakt.6.21 software running on my other machine that is a year or two older Alienware Aroura R4 and it runs just fine - but that's my family PC and can't really use it :snuffy:

    If anyone has any suggestions on what I can compare between these two machines (my R4's, one that rund Kontakt 6.21 and one that doesn't) please let me know. They both run the same Antivirus, the other one does have an step older GeForce graphics card ... but absolutely no waiting or hanging, you click the 'Ableton spanner' and Kontakt 6.21 just pops right up grinning at me :bow:.

    Thanks a bundle gang... much appreciated, I don't feel alone!
  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    is there a 32bit version of Kontakt 6? And since Ableton 10 is 64 bit only, without a wrapper (like on OSX using 32lives or whatever) it wouldn't even see it...
  14. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Well, @ClownBoat you were right - spot on ! it was the antiVirus which would have been a long way down my list of pointing the finger at...

    I flicked off the file shields and viola! up pops Kontakt6.21 brushing the dust off its shoulder.

    Can't thank you enough @ClownBoat, and the rest of you guys for being so very helpful.


    :wink:So the solution as @ClownBoat discovered is to create an exception in your AntiVirus or 'defending' software so that it no longer looks at the Kontakt 6.21 dll when it launches. Probably wise to do a quick AntiVirus scan of the file first to be safe. This community is mustard, thank you guys and Im very sure this will help out a number of people in the future. :rofl:
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  15. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Nice one ClownBoat. I recommend Windows Defender instead of some third party anti-virus
  16. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    ...and thanks to you also Daskeladden, your suggestions will certainly get others out of a pickle too. Thanks guys.
  17. Kusa

    Kusa Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2020
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    A bit more feedback to add... so after adding an 'exception' to not look at Kontakt dll, the antivirus does still seem to give the same problem - however, I just have to turn my antivirus off, then on again and the Kontakt plugin pops up. Not ideal or perfect, but at least it's working. I would imagine if I rip out AVG and stay with a standard 'ms defender' it might remove this need but for now, I will continue as is. Will report back if any new light.
    Cheers guys
  18. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    i had same issue. Solved by turning off Zone Alarm.
    (Installing latest version of ZA - no luck, still have to turn it off)

    Also, when i first launched Kontakt as standalone, i had to "Run it as Admin"
    because i was not able to select any audiocard setting,
  19. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Must be related to network features only bypassed instead of cracked
    in Options: "Usage Data" tab
    Reads : Send Anonymous Usage Data
    Data tracking is no longer available in portable version"
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