Need help with FL20 - can't resize pattern in channel rack.

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Hypnophobic Joe, Feb 4, 2020.


What to do?

  1. Through to hell this mac and go get heaven's pleasure using FL-12 on Windows

  2. Go using crossover and FL-12, you peace of pervertion!

    0 vote(s)
  3. Go Ask Elon Musk!

    0 vote(s)
  4. I'm some kind of Elon Musk and already answer you in this thread.

    0 vote(s)
  5. I don't know. Maybe ImageLine just lost it or something..

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Hypnophobic Joe

    Hypnophobic Joe Newbie

    Feb 4, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hello, Friends!

    Please, if someone only know - help me!!!

    I've got Fruity Loops Studio 20th version on mac and evrything is working right, but... step sequencer (now it's called channel rack) I just can't find resizing window, that in previous versions was situated on upper left corner of step sequencer.

    So, if I go in project general setting - it also can't help me, because I need different size of patterns in same song. If I only try to "stretch" it - sequencer is making twice bigger, not only just I need it.

    I hope you understand my problem and maybe someone have a decision.
    My apologize, English is not my first language. 8)

    Also i upload a pic of oldschool sequencer with notes...

    Attached Files:

  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    you actually can slide it wider on the side of the channel rack, like a regular window
  4. Hypnophobic Joe

    Hypnophobic Joe Newbie

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Yes, thanks for answer, but I mean it in first post - it makes twice bigger, so it makes a problem to connect it in the playlist (tails with silence)..

    For example: I need pattern#1 set 8 to 4, next I need 7 to 4, next 11 to 4 and same like this...
  5. ProdbyGoose

    ProdbyGoose Newbie

    Jun 13, 2019
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    Alright I understand your problem. What you want to do is open the piano roll for that plugin or instrument. HOLD CTRL+A and an arrow should appear on the end of the sequence, just drag that arrow out or in depending on what you want to do.

    In FL20 they've put a number box on the corner of the channel rack so you can enter how many bars you need, type in 64 to see how you like it.
  6. Hypnophobic Joe

    Hypnophobic Joe Newbie

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Thanks for feedback!
    ..but cmd+A or ctrl+A doesn't work anyway. You just say "in 20th version they've put it..." WHERE, man, please? Maybe it's my bad english, maybe I just look in wrong point, but in 20th version it looks like this:


    So, if I only need to change pattern from 8|4 to 9|4 - it becomes 16|4, not 9|4, so in playlist I've got a tail of this pattern and next pattern can't standing after it like line-to-line..

    Unfortunately, I have not a windows machine now to make screenshots in 12th version of what I need in 20th version..

    Thank you anyway)
  7. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I'm not sure to understand everything, but maybe try to right clic on the second arrow in the right corner of the channel rack (not the one clicked on the previous post picture, but the one next to it, it look like a u-turn). Right clic to see the menu and choose "advanced looping" and right clic on it to activate (should be green now). You'll see some box at the end of each patern where you can choose the lenght of each bar for every sound.

    Don't know if it's clear, FL is on my other computer, so I can't take a screen cap quickly :/
  8. Hypnophobic Joe

    Hypnophobic Joe Newbie

    Feb 4, 2020
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    11Fletcher, Thank you for advice, but I'm not sure I understand where situated this "u-turn button/menu" Didn't find "advanced looping menu"... Here is the screen, only menu in the corner, no u-turn: [​IMG]

    But now I place here some screens, that I've made on FL 8 running with crossover. (But it's only FL8 demo, because of crossover is doesn't support new reg file for complete registration, no matter anyway..)

    So, I opened one of old projects and made screenshots just to show and explain what is the problem I have. Let's try... 8)

    For example - part of song, pattern 41, it is 10|4: [​IMG]

    Next after it - pattern 42, it's 7|4 and looks this: [​IMG]

    Then we got a pattern 43, it's 9|4, here it is: [​IMG]

    And actually nothing newer - pattern 44, it's 11|4, you see it: [​IMG]

    ...and whole song in playlist looks like this: [​IMG]

    Is it looks understandable now? That is just what I need. 8)

    Also, few comments about this problem in version 20 on mac.. About twice-doubling patterns and it's tails in playlist..
    For example - I need first pattern 6|4, ok - I made it on project general settings and set here 6|4. Pattern 1 looks good, as I need. Lovely: [​IMG]

    But next pattern I need (for example) 7|4, so, just look at this thrash and sodomia: [​IMG]

    Ok, maybe I'm made of wood, but I don't believe that Image-Line cut this function off from latest version. I'm sure, they hide it somewhere! )
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
  9. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
    Likes Received:
    That's weird, I don't know if it's like that on every mac version but it look like something is missing on your version. Here is what it look like on mine. And as you can see on the 2nd screen cap, you can choose the pattern lengh, and it can play all the different time signature on the same pattern, which is great, cause you don't have to use the sequencer for that anymore.

    FL Loop.jpg
  10. Hypnophobic Joe

    Hypnophobic Joe Newbie

    Feb 4, 2020
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    11Fletcher, Aha, looks much like thing I was looking for!!! I know - it was something - really, as you say - weird. Thank you!!!
    Just one question to you personally - What is the version of FL and mac OS you using and is it licensed?
    (Yes, I know, but 899$ for license is much expensive for me in this life's period)))

    I've got FL v20.0.5 Producer edition build 91 64 Bit, installed it on Mojave os.
    I've download another version of FL-20, newer (20.0.6), from official image-line site.
    Nothig/the same/still have the problem.


    Maybe this u-turn-menu can be turned-off somewhere in settings, but I haven't find even anything similar.. Or maybe you have some extended version of FL? (?is it really possible???? - it's not goddamnedcubase)

    Is version you have called a "signature bundle"?
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
  11. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    I have the producer edition (with the Signature Bundle, which is the same FL with more plugin), curently on 20.6.2 version (from official site). But it's the windows version. I don't think they do a different version for OSX, so maybe this function show up in a previous version. I remember seeing it in a "what's new" video but not sure if it was a for 20.something update or for the big update from 12 to 20. But seeing from your version, it's probably with a 20.1 or 2 update

    You can find the full FL for 199$ (the producer edition), so it's not that expensive (specially with lifetime free update). I paid mine in 2009 (after using a cracked version for almost 10 years), never paid anything since then, except some plugin I wanted (that's why I'm on Signature Bundle now, but I bought an equivalent of the producer edition box edition back then). The only big difference in all edition is the cheapest one (the Fruity edition) which as limited function on the program itself, maybe that's the one you have - or the function appear in a newer update - all other version are the full FL with more or less plugin
  12. Hypnophobic Joe

    Hypnophobic Joe Newbie

    Feb 4, 2020
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    So, 199$ is normal for me, but I'm not sure I really need it because I using FL only such as a piano roll for ezDrummer.

    So, I already get Laptop on Windows and download FL-20 on it..
    Different distributives, from official site too... What I've got? Same shit..
    God damned, what the wrong thing I did?

    What I have on windows:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
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