studio monitors - KRK Rokit 5

Discussion in 'Studio' started by davpat, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. davpat

    davpat Newbie

    May 8, 2013
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    i want to get some descent studio monitors and spend about 200 euros second hand has anyone heard the krk 5
    which ones are better krk 5 krk 6 krk 8 krk 10?'''

    another thing is active monitors the ones to get? are theese the ones with built in amplifier??
  3. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Do you have eBay or something like craigslist for your country? where are you from?

    There are usually services where you can buy used stuff only, I guess you already know that. Try to get an overall view of which monitors are there in the moment.

    EVERYONE who search for studio monitors has heard of them... doesnt mean these are the best quality monitors out there!

    Before you buy monitors, you should do some researches. Believe me, you can do better than the KRK Rokit!

    I dont understand really that sentence :dunno:
    I think you ment if its the best to go with active monitors. Since the most studio monitors are active, and its more complicated to find good monitors with a good amp, it makes more sense.

    Yes, thats why you call them ACTIVE monitors. PASSIVE monitors need an external amplifier...
  4. davpat

    davpat Newbie

    May 8, 2013
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    okk great thanx for the help about active and passive. but for the price of my budget is there any better ones out there.??
    yes ive looked on ebay. ive olso seen this video australian guy talkin abot studio eqipiment on one he talks about the difrent daws and it seems to make scence and knows what hes talkin about. and then hes got one about monitors. ill look for it to night and upload it
  5. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i like my KRK 8'' RoKit's they work good for me just like any Monitors you have to get to know there strengths and weaknesses and your Sweet Spot in your Room :wink: :grooves:
  6. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Of course there are better in your budget. Since you want to go with used ones, much is possible. Try to find all studio monitors for your local area (best is to go to the seller and take a detailed look at the monitors, listen to them... instead of sending them and realising that the seller has lied). make a list of the models, and then make researches. try to find articels by magazins or blogs, aswell as user critics (for example on Thomann, or search on online forums such as gearslutz or kvr).

    Dude, honestly... Im no native english speaker and im anything else than a genius in that language, but your grammer and spelling... Ah, dont mind *no*
    But anyways, thinking that hes knowing what hes talking about is never a good sign :rofl: maybe you will find out some months later that hes talking total bullshit.

    As I said before, try to find your options, make researches, take your time and try to take the best one *yes* You by second hand, usualy you dont have the option to just send it back, so be carefuly
  7. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    If I was you I would wait a little longer and aim for the VXT series or any monitors in that range. Only because when it comes to monitors you really DO get what you pay for. Happy hunting , mate. :mates:
  8. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    i have rokit6 and im very happy with

    AMERICUH Kapellmeister

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Check out these

    From the construction they are similar to the KRK's but they are MUCH MUCH BETTER!

    Here in Germany they won several tests in magazines, and I got the 8" ones on my own.

    The prices are similar to the KRK's 5/6/7/8's & Sub.

    These things are soooo underrated.

    But in the end it's all a matter of taste ;)
  10. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The Behringer - Truth B1030a have had good reviews... low price, good value etc.
  11. parsec

    parsec Newbie

    Jun 22, 2013
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    here's my two cents..

    having owned krk rockit's 5's through 8's and a few other brands ( roland, mackie & event )
    my suggestion is get some music you either produced or know how it sounds dynamically very well and
    go to closest if available store with a speaker showroom and see what you like best.
    i love my krk 6's and got a sub with them if you do 8's you wouldn't need a sub really.

    however after years of using krks i listened to a pair of adams while accompanying a friend to the store to upgrade his current speakers and hade access to showroom with all kind of speakers.
    the adam's did bump the price up a little
    but i did find the sound reproduction to be very flat and the krk's where always very bright in comparison( which lead to me always under compensating my high's )
    so with all that being said it's really up to your ears and knowing the material your listening to..

    and if it down to saying up more for speakers that you think sound better you should always go that route.
  12. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    aww thats a hard decision! I have Yamaha HS 80 and they are hard to use for me. a sub would be probably a good idea (but i don´t want to freak out neighbors even more)

    even if you test something in a test/listening room and you have untrained ears, you might not be able to make the right decision.

    Note that the performance of the speakers has also a lot to do with your room.
  13. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    yes no..don't spend 200 Euros..thats too much..spend half on something else and spend about 90 on the monitors - spend 10 on some drapes to put over the speaker cones to dampen them and obscure some of the direct sound. ...also go for smaller diameter probably need 2" also depends on your age as to what size cones..and to a certain extent your sexuality.
  14. davpat

    davpat Newbie

    May 8, 2013
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    hi thanx for for the feedback. and sorry for my english im half spanish my parents are english lol . VERY IMPORTATNT i read in a book that the best studio monitors are the ones that colour the sound less. normal pa systems and hifi speakers tend to make things sound good and studio monitors are more dry.
    so with my low budget in about 250 euros say wich ones of theese would u advise me on

    and this is the video that i was takin about the seems to make scence
  15. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    So you decided to go with new ones?

    Do you have Thomann where you live? I saw that the M-Audio BX8 D2 cost 337€ on the link you added, I bought them for only 300€ at Thomann.

    Anyway, I dont know how much bass you need. If 5 inch monitors are enough for you, I would recomend the M-Audio BX5 D2. As I said, I have the BX8, and in the price range 300-400€ these were the best I could find (I compared a lot monitors, not only via reviews, also had the chance to listen to some of them at a store).

    Also you need to know that the Rokits cost 150€ for one monitor, a pair would cost 300€... And if I got it right you have a 250€ maximum.
  16. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Just wanna drop this video, not suggesting anything, train your ears to spot the difference :wink:
  17. davpat

    davpat Newbie

    May 8, 2013
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    right thanx and what manufacturer are m audio?? yes but some things in the thomann page are more expensive like the yamaha hm80. for thekno music i want to hear the sub base superb. so 8 inch porbably??? how about beringer are they any good??
  18. AGR

    AGR Noisemaker

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Valencia, Spain
    Hola, yo también soy español. Te contesto a estas últimas preguntas:

    - M-Audio es una marca de productos de audio reconocida en todo el mundo.

    - Para los subgraves necesitarás un monitor aparte, las pulgadas es relativo al tamaño de tu estudio.

    - Behringer: suelen decir que es una marca floja... mejor eso que los altavoces del ordenador.


    Hi, I'm Spanish too. I'll answer to you these last questions:

    - M-Audio is a brand of audio products recognized worldwide.

    - For the subwoofer need a separate monitor, inches are relative to the size of your studio.

    - Behringer: It is said to be a weak brand ... Better that than computer speakers. (Google translator)
  19. davpat

    davpat Newbie

    May 8, 2013
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    entonce que altavoces me compro con tan poco presupuesto. soo what monitors should i get with so little budget
    my studio is realy small 3 metres by 3 metres. so i think any 5 inch are going to be better then the pioneer hifi ones i hace right??
    so its m audio vs krk vs fostex??
  20. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    As said before M-Audio is a company producing several audio products.

    If you need a precise bass I would recommend a 8inch monitor. Before you choose to work with a subwoofer, really take a good thought into this! Sub can help, but if you dont know how to place it, it can turn out worse...

    As far as I know there are not many good 8inch monitors in your price range... But I remeber Esi Near08's are quiet popular. These are in your price range. (I listened to them, and in my opinion they have very incisive highs and a powerless low end. but thats just my impression)

    This cyberstore you linked seems to have different prices in both directens. If you can order from Thomann, still compare the prices for every monitor, so that you can make the best deal.
  21. davpat

    davpat Newbie

    May 8, 2013
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    well thanx a lott someone agr ganjara and averyone thats give me some advice.
    im hopping to get some money with in the next two weeks and do my buy.

    right now im producing with my radiosystems speakers there pioneer about 10 years old. so no matter witch studio monitors ill get will i hear the difrence??
    im going to spend with in the 250 euro region. will i hear the difrence?? i dont have that much money right now if i could i maybe spend 300 on the yamaha hs80
    second hand

    is my 3.5 m x 3.5 m beadroom not to small for 8 inch ones ?? i dont turn them up loud at all only want them strictly for for producing

    im looking at that make u said before easi near thanx